Living the life

Theo du Plessis is a minimalist. We are surrounded by the stuff that we think is so valuable and important, but take it all away and what is left? The real you is left. Or at least the journey to the real you without all the stuff that you think defines you. In this video,…

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They have shot Trump! A bloody ear and a feisty fist raised. Fuck yous apparently upon his lips. We are fighting for something in America.

It’s a hell of a show. I really have to admit that in the world of show business, Donald Trump is a really unique brand of performer. And I mean, it is unquestionably a show and he is unquestionably show business. I understand it sort of makes use of the presidency of the United States…

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What is a green lifestyle?

  March 2, 2021   To me, the answer is simply to be aware of one’s environmental impact and to be respectful of that situation. We live in a consumer society. and what that means is that the vast majority of us do not directly contribute to their own food security except via money. This…

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A message from G

My fellow human beings it gives me unbelievable pleasure to even have a single person in this world believe that they would give up their rights for unlimited freedom so that I should be some kind of leader. Or even the leader. Precedence has been set. Menachem Began. Golda Maier. Colonel Gaddafi. Which future kingdom…

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Breaking winds: fear, panic, kind of slow burning frustration and then that nagging miserable negative reality – how do you play the Super Bowl during a war?

Editor’s note: We should make a reference to a film and a book from the 1970s. Being from the 1970s, I have read this book and it was pretty sinister and descriptive about bomb making and terrorist attack planning. It’s actually worth the read actually if you think getting into the details of such ideas…

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The Atomic Cafe

The Atomic Cafe is a 1982 American documentary film directed by Kevin Rafferty, Jayne Loader and Pierce Rafferty. It is a compilation of clips from newsreels, military training films, and other footage produced in the United States early in the Cold War on the subject of nuclear warfare. Without any narration, the footage is edited and presented in a manner to demonstrate how misinformation and propaganda…

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Breaking winds: nuclear winter has arrived – thousands will die unless intervention from public services does its job

Transportation stops: Disease control: Maximum lockdown on movement: Marijuana wins in the election: The president of course is all in because being outside in the fresh air is all we ever need. Putin is advised globally: The truth of the psychosis is made clear: It was getting even for being raped so many times that…

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From the Bazaar under Sinai – Nitzavim-Vayelech means the end of the old and the beginning of the new

From Nitzavim-Vayelech in a Nutshell Deut. 29:9–31:30The name of the Parshah, “Nitzavim,” means “Standing,” and it is found in Deuteronomy 29:9. The name of the Parshah, “Vayelech,” means “And [Moses] went,” and it is found in Deuteronomy 31:1. The Parshah of Nitzavim includes some of the most fundamental principles of the Jewish faith: The…

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Getting Kouky in Yokohama

Just a moment from today’s baseball game. The Bay Stars are playing the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters, one of the more difficult baseball names or ownerships for me to handle. I have a hard enough time following the pollution laden wealth that runs Japan and baseball. It is a relationship that could become so sour in…

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