Weed is legal in Germany

Well here is the thing, they decided to make marijuana legal in Germany. Here is what Google will get you if you can’t figure out how to do it yourself.

What does this mean? It means that the children of the original Nazis have decided to decriminalize something that is a very pleasant thing to have around. I don’t really understand Germany and I’ve never really been able to get along with even German women for very long. I don’t mean to be on kosher but the way we used to figure it is that you can sleep with them, you’re just not really going to have anything to talk about the next day because they will have to be alone. You never get to forget that. The women must be alone. Maybe purposeful. But you have to get used to it. No codependency is going to work and that’s why I never married any of them. Good looking too.

It genuinely means something for the Germans to make this decision. I have watched a few very purposeful German builder videos and they seem to be a stoic lot. They like being busy. This has always been true. Bach was a German. That’s why he’s always using so many notes. They are beautiful notes and they go well together. The essence of Christianity would be if we just listened to Bach and turned off all the rhetoric. Now you’d be going a long way. Time to go to church, let’s listen to the cello solos.

It’s just a matter of understanding what marijuana is and what it is not. It’s not a narcotic. Agreed, you can get a little dizzy but mostly that has to do with you being dizzy and just noticing it. It’s an element that you can ingest that gives you some sensitivity on clarity. Very difficult in situations like I live in but still, there is great positiveness that comes along with living a good life. This is an unbelievable combination. Perfect clarity and even a little more energy than you had yesterday. I can’t blame them. I can’t blame them at all.

One thought from one of those builder videos. There are laws as to when and when you may not use motorized killing devices. Of course when a builder needs space the first thing he would do is whack down all of the bushes that he didn’t like. I don’t know why people buy places like this and what they plan to do with them other than making videos about them. I don’t actually remember ever seeing a building video where the guy said that this was going to be the place he lived and he just wanted to make it beautiful. I’ve seen people who kind of do that but then there are always all of the other buildings. Everybody always expects guests. Everybody is building hotels I guess. I don’t want to have a hotel. I’ve been in the hotel business. That’s where I met the Germans. No thanks.

But now there is a possibility that people might do something to make their own homes a little more tolerable. There’s nothing like a little feng shui. There’s nothing like a little aesthetic. There’s nothing like trying to get the smell right. There’s nothing like really trying to get that food exactly as you like it. Or in my case, get the watering done and feed the plants. Work out all the problems and then get a pair of legs to play with to execute the plan. So good. Dancing to Stevie Wonder even. What a day, what a day, what a day.

So if we are talking about expanding consciousness mildly for the people who created two World Wars because of their need to get out of their own space because of how miserable it was living together, maybe they’ve taken a step in the right direction. Maybe they’ve turned down the torture device a notch. Maybe they are preparing for a good bout of socialism. I tell you, there’s nothing like a bunch of aesthetic people listening to cozy music at home who would love to get a check every week. If that’s the grand plan of the enlightened Uber plotsen, or whatever German word would make sense there, good. Very good. I think it’s a good plan. I think it will work. Good for you.

As for the rest of us who still live in this amazing police state that refuses to let the ghettos end, all we can say is maybe somebody’s doing something right except for Russia. I’m not really looking at Russia as being in the playoffs for anybody’s dollar. I mean in the future, if people are getting high in Germany, they are probably going to stay on their bicycles and start to deal seriously with their environmental issues. There’s really not going to be a lot of money going to Russia when they close the tap. My guess is they’re not going to want to go to visit you and they are not going to want you to visit them. I guess Russia might finally be required to eat itself. Well, if they can actually hold on to eight time zones in a world without gasoline being of any importance. I guess for the people way way way way way way to the east, they might just say fuck you already. I would. I already do.

Here is a photo of the currently civilized countries in the world. If you’re not good at geography, please notice Poland, Ukraine, all of the non-confused Scandinavian countries and Georgia locally in the civilized group. Norway noticeably but ironically wears its confusion on its sleeve these days. Also, though it’s so small you can’t really see it, they do smoke a lot of weed in Israel. Weed used to be pretty available in Belarus as kind of an under the table thing until the Russian war started and then people were appropriately frightened. Please have a good solid look at the Bible belt in the United States. We could call all the gray areas the map of well practiced human misery. Those are the guys who make sure that Joe Biden and Donald Trump continue, Vlad Putin never stops getting paid and the oil business, environmental damage and war everywhere have no chance of stopping.

So that’s the story. Weed is legal in Germany. I’m not going to Germany but weed is legal in Germany. So there you go. Good Shabbos.

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