Bore peri haganja: Shabbos candle lighting ceremony for team Green

Shabbos is for everyone. Shabbos is not working on Saturdays. Shabbos is saying a prayers of thanks to God on Friday. It’s not only for Jewish people. Everyone needs a day off. Life without a day off is slavery and slavery is hell.

Friday night candle lighting ceremony

It’s also non-alcoholic. Yes, I am a strong advocate for marijuana use. I believe in marijuana more than I believe in alcohol. Global warming is real and it is caused by human insanity. In a world where we need to slow down, this is a good place to start. And of course, if you ever wanted to experience a truly sacred and intimate ceremony, try this one exactly as written.

It is a generally accurate reading of traditional shabbos prayers with a few small twists. The Hebrew prayers are transliterated if you wish to say them and it is also translated into English. It is possible to look at Friday night candle lighting as a series of toasts with wine or grape juice. This is with cannabis instead. I think it works better and I think one gets a closer relationship with nature which is exactly a closer relationship with God.

The following article talks about the problem of how to smoke on shabbos without actually lighting fires. In this case they use a vape bag to hold the cannabis smoke. I suggest we start at the beginning of Golden hour so at least during the ceremony, there is no particular problem with a few rips in praise of God.

There is also some popular music that is included and it’s advised to sing along. Again, it is a traditionally Jewish thing and a particularly Jewish ceremony but I want to make it available universally because I think the whole world needs a religious day off more than anything. We all need to walk with a much lighter carbon footprint. We all need to go green and we all need to be aware of what we’re doing. Nobody’s going to do this for us and there are no heroes to make global warming go away. This is something everybody needs to be responsible for. 

If God is nature and nature is God, and I believe in all my heart that this is true, let us say thanks and let’s take a break. At the very least, it’s 1/7th less garbage we put up in the air and one decent step towards rebuilding personal agency and reestablishing ourselves as free individuals. Hopefully this means making more responsible individuals ecologically.

Enjoy and if you try it, let me know what your experience was like. Let’s give thanks for the flowers of life. L’chaim!