Midnight summer solstice

Welcome to our coverage of this year’s longest day celebration. The time according to the internet is 11:50 p.m. just before midnight. It seems a strange time to celebrate the Sun but that’s exactly what we are going to do.

This being said, this is a fertility festival for without the Sun, we do not exist. And we do not eat without acknowledging the seasons. Midsummer celebrations have been a part of humanity since humanity was born. Since people started planting, knowledge of the changing of the seasons allowed for planning. It is the essence of humanity to be aware of the agricultural seasons.

But for those of us who believe that supersizing is the only way to go, one does not need to be overly competitive. You don’t have to play it up or make things bigger or smaller or more colorful than they already are. Nature doesn’t need too many spaces to be flavorful. But should one choose to do so, sexual relief as close to the moment itself is perfectly acceptable. Don’t get too caught up in clock watching but we do have a natural moment we are free to enjoy.

However, let’s also be clear about this particular practice. Sharing intimacy with the hope of an orgasm at the moment the sun reaches its apex is completely acceptable between yourself and anyone who wishes to be a part of the experience with you. Please, if it’s not voluntary, done mutually and completely out of free will for no other reason than to celebrate the season, do not include it here. There is no competition and no obligation. You do not need to prove anything to anyone and you ceratinly do not need to show how powerful anyone is. This is nothing but a moment of personal gratitude and acknowledgment for the circle of life. Please don’t bring hang ups or venereal diseases along if you’re carrying them. But if you feel free enough and clean enough of soul, if the gun is loaded, feel free to share and fire a salute at 11:50 p.m. No guarantees but the rumor is that these sorts of things actually make God smile.

If you’re interested in my personal practices, check out my Only Fans where we are going live for the event.

Editor’s note. The official stat line was that preliminaries started at 11:38 including a prayer for the season. The train left the station with great seriousness at 11:45. There was a pause for some clock checking at 11:50 but the train kept a-rolling until 11:53:32. From that moment until 11:53:47 there was quite a bit of color and emotion. After this. there was the coda, “the little death,” which went on for about four minutes. This was followed by some laughter, a really nice mood and a very comfortable evening.

Josefina Handsfreeovskaya reporting for the Utopian!

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