High Society talk revisited: Taking Woody Allen back to 1925 Paris to have one more conversation with Ernest Hemingway.
The following short story was originally written in the summer of 2024. I’ve always liked…
The following short story was originally written in the summer of 2024. I’ve always liked this story but felt that it had some elements that were unnecessary and perhaps even confusing. I decided to do a bit of a rewrite and I am presenting it anew as something I consider to be at least a…
Just a few random thoughts that all bring about in me the same two word response. And you know the two words. It has a hand gesture that only uses one finger. $15 to $30 sandwiches. $5,000 a month rent and you’re happy about it. And the cost of that house is what? And you…
I have a friend who has immigrated from Russia to Norway. I am told she loves how modern it is despite how cold and long the winters are. But my thoughts are always how they should communicate with their neighbors, the filth. You don’t have to name them the filth but it’s a good name…
In the Torah, if you read some of the dialogues between Moses and Pharaoh as Moses is trying to let his people go, if you read it as a pragmatic gift of 600,000 people so that little Jewish brother can start his own state, you can see that Pharaoh is making sure that Moses knows…
From chabad.org: Bo in a NutshellExodus 10:1–13:16The name of the Parshah, “Bo,” means “Come [to Pharaoh]” and it is found in Exodus 10:1. The last three of the Ten Plagues are visited on Egypt: a swarm of locusts devours all the crops and greenery; a thick, palpable darkness envelops the land; and all the firstborn…
Shabbos is for everyone. Shabbos is not working on Saturdays. Shabbos is saying a prayers of thanks to God on Friday. It’s not only for Jewish people. Everyone needs a day off. Life without a day off is slavery and slavery is hell. Friday night candle lighting ceremony And for words and music that actually…
My mom was a vicious psychotic. Did I say that nice enough? Are we close enough to mother’s day? You know, women can be criminals too. And often women can be criminals in very feminine ways. Manipulating other people to death. Smothering people to death. Controlling people to death. Women are great for working other…
There was some baseball literature one time called A False Spring. This was written by Pat Jordan who for a moment, considered that he might actually be of Major League quality as a pitcher. The book was about his downward spiral as the weight of competition and his own feelings of inadequacy made him realize…
Phaedrus simply isn’t having it this evening. Hillel feels the need to explain himself again as is usually the case. Thus, the apothecary shop is either drawing or chasing away customers as the argument goes. There is a small silence and then phaedress makes his opening jab. So these are the words that come into…
I think in literature they call these Easter eggs. I don’t know why they call them that. They are supposed to be serendipitous finds that touch you in a way and that come back to haunt you later on. Yeah, it’s a literary device and that’s why I’m talking about it. But I’m just saying…
Yeah, this was a long time in coming. I don’t even want to think about what took me so long. This is not the most beautiful version we can possibly have but it’s a good version and it works. It’s all of it. It’s all of it and I hope it’s meaningful. Follow this link…
If we are considering my side of the argument that the world is screwed deeply to the bone because we cannot stop making hysterical decisions that waste our resources and ruin our habitat. But if you are considering the alternative, there is the ridiculous amount of time spent thinking about a project before actually starting…
To your security team at discover card I am requesting that you immediately unlock my account and allow me full access to my funds. You have walked me through a labyrinth of unnecessary attention questioning my identity. Along the way, I have passed your electronic test six times, four of which in your presence. I…
From chabad.org: Vayechi in a NutshellGenesis 47:28–50:26The name of the Parshah, “Vayechi,” means “And he lived” and it is found in Genesis 47:28. Jacob lives the final 17 years of his life in Egypt. Before his passing, he asks Joseph to take an oath that he will bury him in the Holy Land. He blesses…
I was just counting blessings. I I remember in my working life that there were these lovely finds to be had in the morning as a reason to get out of bed. I suppose that changed depending on where my working world was. In New York it was probably an early morning diner and a…
I am visiting with my ex-girlfriend. I have my doubts that this will work out the way I think it should. Why do you doubt it? Is it me? No, it’s just that I have an idea and I want to talk it out. Just a second. Let’s say I give you everything you want….
From chabad.org: Vayigash in a NutshellGenesis 44:18–47:27The name of the Parshah, “Vayigash,” means “And he approached” and it is found in Genesis 44:18. Judah approaches Joseph to plead for the release of Benjamin, offering himself as a slave to the Egyptian ruler in Benjamin’s stead. Upon witnessing his brothers’ loyalty to one another, Joseph reveals…
Perhaps itself annihilation. But why would this be? Why would saying what you think or what you feel have anything to do with destruction? Well, there are politics of course. And we don’t live in a fair world. We have lots and lots of mafia to deal with all the time and their number just…
It’s a funny thing how people judge each other. It’s very very complicated. It’s so complicated that no one really knows how to do it except those who seem to try really hard and really succeed or just succeed because they’re young and beautiful and they can make absolutely nothing look good. But that is…
From Chabad.org Miketz in a NutshellGenesis 41:1–44:17The name of the Parshah, “Miketz,” means “At the end” and it is found in Genesis 41:1. Joseph’s imprisonment finally ends when Pharaoh dreams of seven fat cows that are swallowed up by seven lean cows, and of seven fat ears of grain swallowed by seven lean ears. Joseph…
I don’t do selfies. Why? Why should I? I quit Instagram because I felt it was very bad for me. It was natural objectification. It was false images from false people and most of it just for money. All of it, the whole of the commercial internet just got too much for me. I wasn’t…