Can we truly free ourselves or must we be freed?

I think this is a question that we have to ask ourselves first. Okay, I understand that there is outrage to strike outwardly. We have to do harm to the people who have harmed us! But that’s a false path. And truly, do you really want to premeditatively stalk someone? Do you want to retain that level of evil in your life? If you hold these carnivore instincts to be dear, how about just keeping generally honed in case of a serendipitous meeting. Just casual understanding of the wearabouts might even be enough. Take your time.

But what if the key was to get away from the aggravation? This is a good question for those of us looking for if not an easier route, at least a less taxing and abusive route than the one recommended to us. This is alternative thought after all which means we allow good solid opposition. None of us like to be nagged or to nag if truth be told. We just want everything to come out fair in the end.

Are we free if we agree to be friends with each other? Some people will never be free. Some people will fight you to their last breath just because they are that stupid. And don’t blame them. They were converted to Christianity by the sword. Think about that truly and deeply. Give me all the nostalgia you want about Christianity, the deal was you do what they say or they murder you. If there was such a guy as Christ, it was because he had freed himself of his anger. Well, all the Romans needed to do was get him angry again and they had everything they needed. It’s not the Christians, it was how the Romans did business that created the Christians.

How did they make it into power? They were better killers. Isn’t that wonderful? Doesn’t that make you feel love for the land you live on? How much blood has been shed in the name of some assholes ability to raise an army? Or to have the leverage of law at their disposal? Or to be able to leverage religion itself back to the throne. How do you like that as far as imminent domain is concerned?

Perhaps what I am saying and potentially I am not the only voice saying this, what we are saying is that we want no more war. We don’t want to solve international problems with bloodshed. We do not want to solve social problems with bloodshed. Or a rest or incarceration or other forms of abuse or deprivation. We don’t want to be punished for our actions and we wish to have the availability of freedom of movement. Our deal is that we follow a few rules as if they were given by God. One of them is don’t kill. We prefer not to kill. Hence the veganism, get it? I mean, vegan works for foodies easy peasy. You can be a vegan and a foodie. I am a vegan and I am a foodie. But we don’t kill. There’s no death or suffering in our food. We haven’t ground up our fellow Earthlings to feed our addiction to death.

Is it possible to create a local network? Well, we have chains and we have politics and believe it or not, when you live in a totalitarian state, no, you don’t have public access. You can try but if they’ve got people thinking about you, you’re going to have a hard time finding help.

Well, what about now? I think it’s easy if you’re blacklisted. The trick is to get out of the city. You’re not getting in the game anymore. Everything you do will be to a negative audience even if you were not particularly planning on dancing. Get out of the city and get out into the country and find yourself away to get started in a garden. That’s easy. I say that freedom except when they follow you. So keep your paperwork clean because they will follow you sometimes just because that’s all they do.

There is always the more moderate people who can think through problems. That usually starts with a piece of paper and a pencil. Sure, do it on the computer. Just don’t get fixated on the artwork just yet. Just give yourself a nice ledger sheet and start writing some things down. The question at hand is what happens to the money. Where does it go, why does it go there and truly, is there a better way than sending money in that direction? Economize. You don’t have a budget to watch how badly you destroy it. You have a budget so that you can make that thing sing. And if people want to yell at you that you’re cheap. I guess that must mean that you’re winning. They only boo the players that make it to the field and they think you got it, well, you’re a player, player.

What about poor people? Damn, find some space and get some dirt in there. Think about the dirt. Pick up some garbage containers and fill them with dirt and think about what you can grow inside those containers. Build stuff out of junk. Or just be serious that you want to have a garden and talk to your neighbors and maybe you can do it as a group. I don’t know how much space you can find for yourselves. That’s always a problem. But if you are willing to fight for the things you want, you might have quite a few things to eat at the end of the year and you could have a party with your friends. You could also use these associations wisely and perhaps the background for your garden might grow because of how many people get involved in it. Something to think about.

What I’m basically saying is to begin dropping out of the loop we are in requires a certain change of perspective. If you ask most people if they are aware of this thing called global warming, they will say yes. The concept is out in the world. But, if you start asking all of the people everywhere in the world if they would give you even $1 because of the concept of global warming, they would think you were crazy. I mean, you could go out there with a can with a hole cut in the top and collect your coins and your bills. But what percentage of the people you meet will actually give you something?

It means it’s going to be a hard road. But maybe that’s a good thing if all we have is a hard road and we don’t have to die in exactly the same numbers from really nefarious things that we poison ourselves with. Cancer is a terrible way to go. The big diseases that will affect over half of us in our future, well over half of us, are man-made. Technically, man might say that we live longer with all of this modernity and this might be true. But how long would we live with an extremely modest amount of modernity allowing for maximum normality with the environment? Exactly how long would we live with our current bodies and knowledge of nutrition plus clean air?

So in the end, it becomes the political decision for the leadership. But if we go in that direction, we must understand that we have no voice. And if we wish to have a voice, we have to pull down our pants and climb up a pyramid of people. If this is how you wish to spend your time on the planet Earth, if you truly believe that this is human excitement, there’s not much we can talk about anymore because we never going to have anything in common. Maybe you come back a storyteller but I genuinely doubt I will ever hear anything new except in the style points of the thefts themselves. All of that cleverness gone today etc etc thanks to the voice. Thank you. I prefer to go the other way myself.

But if a large enough amount of people agreed to at least publicly vote on a movement towards basic agriculture as a way of fighting climate change at a community level universally, I think funding might be made available pretty quickly. Of course they will dance and they will sing and they will turn the cameras on and the press will clamor to hear their words. And they will celebrate themselves as being good people in a year or two or three. But I think the more people that write the document that says they wish to grow their own food and remove themselves from modernity, the easier it will be to get our money back that we paid in taxes while we were with the pyramid builders and living our civilized lives.

Or to say this another way. There is an element of style that cannot be denied in the modern world. Fashion. It is a remarkable industry that drives so much money and drives so many people crazy with the artwork of clothing that it boggles the imagination. Fashion week. It is where those of us who are style-minded stand back and observe the flaws and spectacular pluses in others. It is where we observe with ridiculous opinion and we believe deeply in the power that comes with money. It is an industry ladies. It is very much an industry.

As an aside, I always found it ironic that they called the place the triangle factory. That was the place that burned down and killed all of those women who had no way to escape the fire inside the substandard conditions offered them by management. I’ve always wondered if they specifically did it knowing they were enslaving women for life. They specifically knew it was a vaginal title. Sickening.

Can we put our acute and necessary attentions on planning ahead for yearly growth? I am a lowly male but I have had females say that there is something quite nice about the way I lay out my garden. Certainly I could do better and I try but it is a thing to see because of the intricate beauties. It is only beautiful. That’s all plants do. They are sexual creatures and all they can do is live in the world and allow the world to be. Could you perhaps find us truly harmonious combinations of plants that both feed and nourish us? Could you think ahead of fantastic meals created exclusively from the things you took the trouble to put in the ground?

As a vegan, perhaps it is the number one point I wish to make. If we do not adopt the carnivore ways, we give up spastic judgments. Once we give up spastic judgments, we can take our time and try to do things correctly. Clarity of mind means we can try even harder to make things come out perfectly. Combine this with a financial ledger sheet to make sure you’re not playing without understanding the infrastructure of the game and you are gold. You have your freedom. And if you involve yourself well with good people in your community, you have everything you will ever need for the rest of your days. If it’s possible to build such a thing, there is your model.

Ending war. Allowing for peace between the races. The elimination of the economic class. The elimination of the power class. The elimination of career politicians. The elimination of all of this unnecessary shit that has nothing to do with growing food. People sitting around and thinking up stuff to say instead of taking care of their own lives and people directly. Though there are very good people, allowing peace in the world through tranquil interaction and good gardening techniques is probably all we need going forward. And yes, most obviously, we put an end to our participation in global warming and allow God to do the cleanup as they can.

Thank you for listening to me. This has been Yelena Hotscotchbonnetaleva with an opinion for the Utopian!

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