They practice sadism

sadism /ˈseɪdɪz(ə)m/
the tendency to derive pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others.
“beneath the apparent loving concern she had glimpsed spite and sadism”

From wiki: Sadist refers to:

A person with sadistic personality disorder, an obsolete term for individuals who derive pleasure from the suffering of others

Sadistic personality disorder was a proposed personality disorder defined by a pervasive pattern of sadistic and cruel behavior. People with this disorder were thought to have desired to control others. It was believed they accomplish this through the use of physical or emotional violence. This diagnosis appeared in an appendix of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III-R).[1] The later versions of the DSM (DSM-IV, DSM-IV-TR, and DSM-5) do not include it. It was removed as psychiatrists believed it would be used to legally excuse sadistic behavior.


I get lost sometimes in the details. You find yourself in the middle of yet another piece of cruelty and you wonder exactly how this has come to be. Some of the most beautiful people I know in the world our beautiful because they are a thoughtful. This means that at some point in their life, they did not feel that they were the highest of the high and unassailable by law. Untouchable they were so beautiful. Less than that. Not necessarily only physical beauty but that is definitely a part of this. Not wealthy, beautiful and privileged.

If you want to talk about religion, I’m Jewish. One could argue that the entire core of being Jewish is reading this book of ridiculous domination but of course it’s going to curse us for all eternity. But, it is this feminization process. It is that at some point we are completely defeated. Everything that we have is taken away from us and we are left part of a meat organization. We murder and steal. It’s awful. The duality of being asked to be grateful and moral people while we practice sadistic and brutal things is ridiculous. It also means that violence is a part of us.

Does that mean that violence does not attach itself to Christians? How far do we have to look to understand the connection between Christianity and money? Very idea of popularity or having a popular religion is interesting. When you count numbers of people who agree with you rather than some individual spiritual feeling, how obvious is it that the message is corrupted so that it is available to some happy medium of people. We are not talking about feminization to create a more thoughtful and helpful person. We are talking about the destruction of any individuality and replace it with this public punishment practice called the Christian arts. It’s about sin and repentance and forgiveness while people are staring at you with these malicious hard eyes telling you you suck forever and ever until you die and then you get Jesus to stare at you for a while. Good luck with this one.

I’m not going to get into Buddhism and I’m not going to bother with Islam. I’m not going to walk around all the religions in the world and say how ridiculous it is to have popular thinking override individual spirituality. It’s the flaw. It’s the mistake.

I’ve noticed that there is a difference between when a dog is on a leash and when a dog is untethered. A dog on a leash will bark savagely and pull against its masters arm. Protectionism. Absolute savager. But dogs without that physical connection will run. Even a seriously big dog who can probably take a human down, will not do so simply because they are a subservient group beast. Dogs truly are pack animals. They do not have individual thinking. They don’t actually have any thinking beyond absolute reality and their physical memory of pain or pleasure from whatever sensations they experience. Just like all animals. Well, not quite all animals.

Animals do not practice sadism. They practice acts of hysteria working as a group sometimes. But they do not practice torture. They do not enjoy the pain or the hunt. They won’t go out of their way to give pain to anyone or anything. They respond to love just like all creatures do. Plants as well. They want maximum pleasure and minimum pain.

And then we have humans. We have humans who have time on their hands to think of ways to get food without working. We have humans that create positions for themselves of power. That’s the entire job. They create for themselves places where the world passes through them and their signature or agreement means something will happen. This is their only job is allowing or disallowing the flow of work of commerce or whatever it is that this group is doing. And you should be afraid of this person. They could upset your life and take your job away.

Yes, there are those who do the work and those who sit around looking at clipboards and deciding whether or not those people have been productive or not. And then we have people who organize these pyramids and don’t even really do anything except organized pyramids. And oddly enough, if you stare at a pyramid and think of everything you know about gravity and balance, you can kind of see that nothing really wants to go up and everything wants to come down. But yet, the massive physical profits from all that teamwork inevitably end up in a pyramid probably equal to the first pyramid except upside down. Even though it shouldn’t be there, all the wealth goes to that tiny top and all of the gristle and garbage goes down to the bottom for all the people who do all the work of making things run.

I say this is the essence of it. Listen, You work for me. I don’t work for you, you work for me. You will do what I say or I will make your life miserable. This is the essence of it. I have power and you do not. Do as you are told or experienced pain. And by the way, we enjoy inflicting pain. Please, give us a reason to inflict pain. We are never really happy unless there’s plenty of blood in it so don’t forget it.

I personally am not fond of living in such a manner. I think if we had such a thing as universal voting and we asked people whether we actually liked sadomasochism or not, my guess is people would not want it. I am thinking that if the purposeful infliction of pain was not part of our lives openly and publicly or a part of public service, I don’t really think it would end up to be such a big deal in our perversions. Not even perversions but whatever you do for yourself in the evenings. I’m thinking if we didn’t live in a sadomasochistic world or specifically in one of the more sadomasochistic countries like Russia or the United States or China, there would be no market for pain endurance or the cultivation of sexual pleasure through pain.

I don’t know. I’m not a sadist but I get involved with them all the time. I’m more interested in parity and finding some common ground of understanding. I like solving problems and making plans that allow problems to get solved. I don’t believe in setting up factories unnecessarily and you know what I believe is the proper way to live one’s life on the planet Earth. I don’t like conflict and I don’t like establishing levels. I like conversations between people. I prefer conversations with people I trust to be telling me the truth. And honestly, I find it difficult doing business with people who need to be above you or below you in order to feel comfortable. Neither of which seems to mean that we are all going to be on the same page and doing the same thing. Just that difference right from the start pretty much means we are more interested in drama than real results. And if that is not the essence of sadism, I don’t know what else is.


But let’s be a little bit infrastructure minded for a moment. What do you do when your entire population or at least vast portions of your population suffer from a disorder that comes from perpetual torture? Stress is torture. Pressure is torture. When people are under stress and pressure, this is literally torture. It’s perpetual pain. Pain without ending. Does anyone really believe that an entity could be created on the planet Earth that only wishes to feel pain?

I would think it would be a bit of a natural to step away from such things.

How many times have you eaten something or done something or gone somewhere just because you need to relax? How many times have you planned something or spent ridiculous amounts of money just for the release of letting go for a minute? Just to create the illusion of no pressure for just a brief moment in time. Have you tried to do this? You can’t, can you? The clock is always ticking, isn’t it? You can’t just keep going, can you? Well, not if you are not rich as the caliphate. Not unless you have the wealth of Nations available to you to play with. Perhaps massive corporations have such power at the top to play relentlessly. But governments, that is where the true corruption lies. That’s where the money for nothing really comes in. When you start talking about the pleasures of power money, now you’re talking deep sadism. Now you’re talking adding sexual pleasure to your normal daily requirement of keeping pressure on everyone below you or around you.

What can you do for the people who live under such rulership? What can you do for entire populations of countries trapped in sadomasochistic relationships with their governments? Not that this is not normal for humankind. It occurs to me that the history of civilization at least as far back as the Old testament as it were tells us. It seems we’ve been living under sadism since we invented centers of commerce. It seems sadism is directly connected to money. Money, wealth, power and the sadism that comes along with it. Welcome to the show.

I’m not telling you what to do. I’m not telling you what you need to do to get by. I’m not giving you any advice how to be successful. I’m only giving you advice on being responsible ecologically for your own existence. I’m only talking about having genuine worth as a human being by basing your thoughts of good character on being a good citizen to the world you live in and a good friend to your peers. Be respectful to everybody and put in a good day’s work that does not require brutality. It may require strength and stamina. It may require discipline and your ability to work in a command. It may require a little sweat or a little more heart than you feel like giving. Or it might be way too boring for you and you need to go for a run to stay fit. I believe I have a better world for us if we just care to step back from what we’re doing for just a minute.

Just one more word. I had this girlfriend. I really liked her because it seemed that we understood each other mutually really easily and that it made us both happy to be together. This was an interesting thing to be a part of and it gives a fellow a lot of hope to be in such a place. Unfortunately, it was just her way of being good to someone. She also knew how to be bad to someone. There was the kind side and then there was the brutal side. It took me a while to get away from this relationship because it took me a long time to understand that it was the sadistic things that were truly who she was. To her maybe it was a bargain but to me, it was just another letdown. Of course it was just another power person not to trust.

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