What are permacuture swale trenches?

March 16, 2021 If one of the real problems in the world is the erosion of topsoil due to excessive mechanical tilling, monocrop industrial farming, overgrazing and an overabundance of chemical fertilizers, some people think that simply allowing nature to do what it wants to do is the answer to soil fertility. And of course…

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What is desertification?

Essay For people unfamiliar with the term, desertification is what happens when poor Land Management continues to such an extent that the land can no longer provide sustenance for people to live. This would also be true if we consider all living things in the area. If the land degrades to the point that it…

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12 May, 2022 News and commentary from the front I am certainly not the only person who thinks that our environment and habitat is the most important thing. The quality of our land, air and water directly correlate to the possibility of Life continuing on the planet. And I am sure I am one of…

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