Kamala Harris: The new face of the status quo

It’s hard to express disappointment such as I feel. There are plenty of pretty miserable things to complain about over the last few years of my life. Let’s say the entire presidency. And now we are coming up on another group of elections and again we have to sit through these painful demonstrations of exactly how lost the United States is and how hopeless the situation remains.

Before I give you any opinions, here is the whole of the speech. There are other versions that are maybe 10 minutes shorter so maybe it’s at the end but here is the prepared speech of who will most probably be the next president of the United States. There is a possibility that Donald Trump will never physically debate her on stage and this would not be a mistake for him. But really the problem is very deep, much deeper than how deeply ill both mentally and physically Donald Trump is compared to Kamala Harris at least physically. And unfortunately, this seems to be the only thing that people will understand. I wish I didn’t mean that but I do.

But I think would bothers me about listening to a speech like this is that it can’t have any other focus other than to make people go yay.

Now you already have a huge room full of people who have agreed to carry prefabricated signs. Someone needs to explain to me why it must look like this. Sure, a hundred years ago, before electronic communications and before we even begin to be completely indoor people, there was the thought that you could sway someone’s opinion by showing a bigger group or yelling louder. At some point in time, do we absolutely require the expense of the manufacturer of all of these useless pieces of shit that become nothing but garbage to be put away in a landfill or burned to make more pollution? Can you get off the merry-go-round long enough to at least acknowledge that there is a hierarchy to our problems and that the economy of the USA continuing normally should probably not be priority a number one. And especially so if you’re going against Donald Trump.

What I’m saying is that we are working within some brand that might no longer be relevant. If we have learned anything else over this last 20 years of multinational integration for the purposes of selling shit to morons, people will learn your symbol or your colors and they will flock to it. We just elected a complete idiot president because he wore a red hat and called people names. Seriously, are the people of America that stupid or is it this is how they are seen by the political machine of the country?

But let’s be specific. The most important thing is jobs. She believes she can make more jobs. What does this mean? It means we have more opportunities to do exactly the same thing that we’re doing right now. Oh sure, some hot shot will come up with a good idea, have or amazingly come up with the financial backing necessary to get it off the ground, be reasonably cocaine-free enough that the profits from the new endeavor come in, the new endeavor actually has profits that began to come in, and then we come to the conclusion that we need a few idiots to carry pipes around the yard. Fine. But we are not talking about equality of life increase for the working class and we are not talking about global warming as anything but one of a number of issues people should care about according to the party.

So we have a few issues. It seems that the conservative side, where there are no individuals whatsoever and we have nothing but the illusion of a Congress being turned to the will of a great leader. Donald Trump is not the evil genius on that side of the aisle. Donald Trump doesn’t have to clean the shit stains in his underwear everyday because he has people who silently do this and never say a word about it to anyone. Donald Trump is so feeble-minded, he couldn’t put together a crossword puzzle.

There is this image and a brand and they are selling it on their side of the aisle because they understand that people don’t understand one fucking thing about running the government or doing infrastructure. They know nothing of overview. The only thing they know is that life sucks and currently it’s probably at a corruption level of above 50% just to get by. I don’t know this number but I’m saying it because I’m quite sure it exists. Either you’re connected to some criminal bullshit or you don’t really get by. And these are the people who vote for Trump.

Of course they would stand up and debate me. They’d probably bring guns to the debate. They would certainly drive their cars and trucks to the debate. It would be great to put on their colors and come to the debate where they can stand and scream and shout. It’s kind of like watching college football if you actually attend the school. Pretty exciting to be a part of it club and to do well or to suck. It means something.

But this is like big league politics. They have a traveling medicine show. We actually get to see the boss and the boss is actually happy to see us. They yell at the appropriate times, he basks in the attention and he gets to say some weird shit that people really like. It’s quite a gig. He has no team on the Republican side apparently keeping him connected to the hotspots. He has no aim for anything good happening to anyone except that the world keep doing what it’s doing and the Mexicans know that they are not Americans. I can’t think of anything else that he really does.

But in kamala’s speech, he is her point of reference. He is one of her goals. Not getting past him or getting him in jail or doing anything to permanently stop this national embarrassment. She’s actually giving him substance and form. She’s agreeing with the people of America that part of her job is to defeat the icon on the other side. She is agreeing to be an icon. Not a human being. Not even a prosecutor. She is agreeing to be a woman of color who will represent the same exact bloody America as represented by everyone else. And just to remind everybody, America has been screaming for change and relieve from problems forever. Opposition to government generally has existed forever. And what do we have to show for all of those years of protest?

I don’t know what to say about this. I’m an American and I’m at my whim. Oh, there’s a ball game on, click click click give me two pizzas, some garlic knots, ranch dressing. Click click click. What have you got sitting around above 37%? Fine. Hook me up with five grams. You got my number? 20 minutes? Why does it take so long? Done deal. Click click click. Are you watching the game tonight? Chicken nuggets? I got pizza.

Okay. I’ve been there. You have a job and you live in America this is your dream. If you have a job good enough where your income is legitimate enough to pay for enough indulgence for yourself not to hate your life. You have enough money that happiness appears. Financially, it works out if you can just keep things going. I’m sure this is a real and genuine number but I’m not quite so sure studies can truly identify it. The problem is of course that we want more because it is a product based life and despite having enough purchasing power to feel good today, we lose our ability to be fascinated with drugs after a while. Honeymoons always end no matter if we are using our natural instinctive drugs and addictives or man-made production.

What I’m saying is there is nothing else in America to do but deal with the machine. You either go make money or you’re a bum and a bum draws physical and mental abuse not only from official law enforcement but from people who understand that there’s a class difference. You don’t want to sink down to the dumbass class because You get your ass kicked. And this is not only true, just look at the people living on the street in the cities of the USA? Do they look healthy to you? Is it some absolute natural thing that people might want to shower in the course of the day?

I’m not trying to change the way the world is but I realize we have these religious problems with the physical form and sexual urges. But people go to gyms all the time. Don’t we have free gyms? Is there a reason we don’t balance out the commercial market with legitimate free stuff that we build with our money? Isn’t it the way it used to be before we made commodities out of everything? I am only how old I am but we used to have rec centers. Do we have enough recreation centers to provide showers for anyone who needs one? Something to eat for anyone who needs it? A place to go to sleep for anyone who needs it? I understand it breaks the market but doesn’t it solve the problem?

You can scream at me that it’s socialism but if we do not show at least the invitation to a truly open-hearted community that serves the function of raising children, caring for people in need and helping out folks towards the end of their time. And we need to have this b so much of the budget that it makes perfect sense. Because what’s going on in the United States right now is that all the budget goes to killing other people so the United States can keep doing exactly what it’s doing. But what it is doing is contributing to global warming and to global miseries with its weapons and wars and long fingers.

I don’t think anyone in America actually wants the American way of life to continue if they have even a clue about how ill the planet really is. If you allow people or advise people or even demand that people think ecology first, you will start getting good decisions. Saying that keeping the status quo is all that matters sort of negates this as any kind of revolutionary political thing. In fact, it’s yet another in a very long line of disappointing things.

I mean it is about dealing with markets and it is about dealing with special interest groups. And it is about dealing with the concept of jobs. Well here is the problem. You need a big fat safety net that sits exactly on something people call the poverty line. This is the place where you live pretty basically and you don’t get much frills. Probably it means now that you only have cheap drugs available to you. I say we raise that bar just a few ticks and we take all of the problems out of people’s lives. Everyone eats. Everyone has a place to call home. Everybody gets to wear a clean clothes. Everybody has access to medicine and anybody can learn new skills and how to do new things. And I say the only thing we ask is that they assist in the growing of their own food. I would pay for this rather than a military army every day of the week and every week of every year.

And of course what will happen is people will stop climbing the pyramids because there will be an alternative vote. This is that wonderful two-party system where the government tells us we really know what we are doing. If you have a genuine oppositional possibility, perhaps getting another job is not what you want. Maybe public service as it is an absolute right for anyone to participate in might be a better way to spend your time. No, you never get rich. You just get paid the right amount of money for the right amount of help and everybody knows how to do their job. I see communities. I see happy moments more than I see fights. I see wisdom growing. And you take the violence out of these situations and demand that the bottom line is food comes out of the ground in enough abundance that no one has to fight over it, I see the future of humanity on the planet.

So this is of course my point of view. I’ve been talking about this for a long time. It’s a simple vision of life where we don’t use all the drugs that are available and we don’t eat every resource necessary to keep a ridiculously overpriced game going. I mean, I really like baseball but you need to be pretty wealthy to be a baseball player. And this isn’t even the horses in the cows that die for the materials. The uniforms alone. There are other games that are fundamentally as challenging and interesting but require absolutely 1 millionth of the cost necessary to play. I think the United States needs to start thinking much more minimalistically and I think it needs to start thinking in terms of allowing the communities to make their own decisions without the help of the national press. Maybe a celebrity Governor is not what we need. Maybe we need to get over these icons once and for all and get back to some semblance of intelligence. Even if it’s the first time ever, maybe that would be a good place for America to go.

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