From the Bazaar under Sinai – Vegan Torah commentary for parshah Va’etchanan

From Va’etchanan in a Nutshell
Deuteronomy 3:23–7:11. The name of the Parshah, “Va’etchanan,” means “I entreated”.

Moses tells the people of Israel how he implored G‑d to allow him to enter the Land of Israel, but G‑d refused, instructing him instead to ascend a mountain and see the Promised Land. Continuing his “review of the Torah,” Moses describes Exodus from Egypt and the Giving of the Torah, declaring them unprecedented events in human history. “Has there ever occurred this great thing, or has the likes of it ever been heard? Did ever a people hear the voice of G‑d speaking out of the midst of the fire . . . and live? . . . You were shown, to know, that the L‑rd is G‑d . . . there is none else beside Him.”

Moses predicts that in future generations the people will turn away from G‑d, worship idols, and be exiled from their land and scattered amongst the nations; but from there they will seek G‑d, and return to obey His commandments.

Our Parshah also includes a repetition of the Ten Commandments, and the verses of the Shema, which declare the fundamentals of the Jewish faith: the unity of G‑d (“Hear O Israel: the L‑rd our G‑d, the L‑rd is one”); the mitzvot to love G‑d, to study His Torah, and to bind “these words” as tefillin on our arms and heads, and inscribe them in the mezuzot affixed on the doorposts of our homes.



Times have gotten hard for Hillel the scribe. With the now official Torah being read as the law of the land, all his work and everything that had been to him the most wonderful times of his life were gone. The new government had done this even though the children of Israel had sincerely prospered in the desert. They had not only prospered, they had become a great people. They were great because they had learned the value of working together for a common goal. They simply wanted to live under the code of the ten commandments. To eat. To be with nature. To worship God. And to do so without killing. For 40 years without any war, the men were free to work the land and they had done wonders. The desert bloomed under the hand of the Israelites. But now the special interest groups had usurped the power that Moses had once wielded and we’re using the Torah to establish their power. Currently, they were rewriting history to suit their current purposes and doing so meant completely ignoring the 40 years of success in the desert. Literally, they had been annihilated and no trace was left of them even though they had sincerely tried to follow God’s law for 40 years.

Today we find Hillel the scribe and the publisher of the community newspaper in his office at the Daily Papiras. No one else is in the office. The government has told people that failure to follow commands meant death and that God had said this. The newspaper has become criminal overnight and now there is no one working and nothing to do. Phaedrus The apothecary is there with him and they are generally sampling some different cures. Unfortunately, it’s never enough.

There is no action in the office because my ability to publish has been taken away. The only words of Hillel the scribe were in his duties writing the Torah. Current leadership decided not to divide people’s attention or add any meaning or subtract any meaning from what they wanted in the document.

Tough break, Hi. What are you going to do about it?

I don’t know. I really don’t know. If I look around and count the wealth that is still in my possession, I’m comfortable till the end of my days. If it’s only money, I got this.

But you’re still unsatisfied. This is so like you.

Well, I kept thinking that they would give peace a chance. I don’t know why I was so stupid. Maybe 40 years of uninterrupted peace should have meant something. Maybe we should have continued building on that instead of marching down the road changing people’s minds to being afraid of our God.

Yeah. I got that too.

You went to the mountain?

Yeah. I know someone on the inside so it’s a point of interest. Plus the more they went on with the guest speakers, the more cure I could sell. Even if you’re going broke, I got this thing licked. I can’t stop the money from coming to me.

They respect you. You are a kindred spirit.

They are into isolationism. They believe that we should think of ourselves as special. We should believe in ourselves as a nation because God is on our side. And we have seen this and heard this and been a part of this. Therefore, we should trust them that God is completely in the bag and only working for us.

You’re right. The one who put the stars in the sky and the grasses in the field only listens to us

It seems far-fetched but it’s a very stable narcotic if people believe it.

Well said. We are a drug dealer nation. We deal in souls. We take souls. My God, what have I done? What have I done?

It’s okay. Everyone who knows you knows you did your best the whole time.

Why did I contribute to this? Why didn’t I tell them I couldn’t do it?

Because they would have killed you?

You’re probably right. Well what should we do about the newspaper? We are now banned. We’re not allowed to print newspapers anymore. No more telling people how to be better and solving problems publicly by making sure we were checking our facts and being a part of the public discourse.

I tell you, I don’t know sometimes. My business is always good and truly, I could say that I made a good living during that time when we were free. But you have no idea how much money and power I’m getting now. It’s really something. I’m a very powerful man. I control a lot of people and I can make things happen if I want them to.

You’ve hired soldiers?

Well, I’m a wealthy and powerful man and these are dangerous times. It’s not like the old days. There are plenty of people that would love to stick a knife in me.

Do you really think that’s true?

Of course. You know how our people are. They start getting into the meat and the alcohol and then I give them something that frees them of their pain for a moment. What the hell do you think is going to happen?

I thought we were doing pretty well.

Sure. Statistically speaking. If you are looking at a big mass of numbers but you’re not actually going client by client, there is enough of a negative market to keep things moving. Nobody said we were perfect. We just had a very high percentage of good people and we didn’t have too many trying to keep them down.

That’s funny. It seems like you’re telling me I should take this mildly but I’m not quite so sure that’s what you’re doing.

What I’m saying is that what is done is done. Be thankful you still have your pension.

Yeah, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that.


20But the Lord took you and brought you out of the iron crucible, out of Egypt, to be a people of His possession, as of this day.

My God, Hillel, I can’t believe what they’ve done to your work.

Yeah. They call this the power of editing. They have edited everything to see him as if we knew what we were doing when we were doing it.

But the logic doesn’t even make sense. I don’t remember that we were leaving servitude in one place to join servitude in another. That wasn’t the deal. The deal was that we were just going to get a day off to go hang out in the desert and contemplate nature for a while without the noise and pollution and paramilitary police screwing up every moment of your life. 

Well there you go. This is what happens when you rewrite history. Now the deal was this. They control the book. They are telling us right now what they told us earlier and are not only taking away our ability to interpret it but setting us forward in exactly the wrong direction. There is no happiness down this road for anyone. 

And we can’t tell people about this because we are not allowed to make this newspaper anymore. At exactly the time the people need to think for themselves, they are not allowed to breathe even for a moment. The hypocrisy is mind-numbing. 

It’s not so difficult. It’s just about being a good contractor. If you don’t believe them,  you end up out of the nation. You’re not in the group, you are an independent. Most probably you will be swinging a hammer and doing labor. But then, when you’re working as a carpenter because that’s what you do when you are an individual entrepreneur, you can still ask to be with God and it’ll be okay. You see? Maybe we don’t get to build our own gardens anymore but we can help others build theirs.

I love how you think. With a pen in your hand, you are an artist and yet you dream that the pen was a hammer and instead of beauty, you desecrate wood for shelters.

We were slaves in Egypt and we don’t even get our names registered. We have no idea where we come from. Only royalty has lineage. If we were all free, truly free, we could build our own lineage. Each man in succession could make for himself something in the world and it could be something to hand on to his children and his children’s children. If we never leave nature and not allow ourselves to become pigs, we can have immortality. We will live forever.

Well, there’s a lot of truth to that. But maybe we don’t need it. Maybe we are really like the Egyptians. Maybe every person needs to figure out their own problems and how to be helpful to the community but at the end of the day everybody just wants to get wrecked. Because they are who they are, I end up getting more money. The choice is never to work harder, the choice is to push the pleasure button. There’s nothing you can do about us my friend. That’s what got us by.

These new government people are not interested in alternative forms of political associations. I don’t think they are interested in listening to anyone’s voice ever. I think they want complete submission and won’t take anything less from anybody or anything.

Pretty well said. We are now officially in the death business.

31For the Lord your God is a merciful God; He will not let you loose or destroy you; neither will He forget the covenant of your fathers, which He swore to them.

Yeah, they never let you go. They do but they don’t. You can be an individual but you can’t have any help. But if you believe in God, their idea of a masculine God, because God is with us, you are now automatically a better person.

We are higher.

We are so very high, Hi.

How long have we been talking?

A long time, my friend.

Have we ever actually achieved any profundity from any of these conversations?

Sure. We’ve made a lot of things happen. We definitely had people into independence and staying busy and avoiding getting wrecked. We did a lot of good convincing people that just showing up for work and doing the necessary agriculture meant that everybody eats and therefore everybody is happy. It worked for a while.

Sure. When there was no government, it was incredibly easy to be a reasonable voice for the people. And we had advertising. But when you actually have a regime, they are not interested in a lot of people talking. They just want meat.

It is kind of shame that intelligence is just wrong for dictators.

Sure. Dictators like those spectacular reactions where there is so much energy unleashed because they said a word they are free to swim in ecstasy from the sheer joy of being alive.

They have the legal right to rape us.

There is now a legal obligation to accept rape.

Quite a thing that if you think about it.

Yeah, we have this new dictator.

Yeah. The new dictator really likes barbecue.

Every meal. Like religion. Something dies for him every day so he can eat meat at every meal.

Let us stop this foolish by play. I propose a toast. Of all the ordinances that we will be taught, lest us forget completely thou shalt not kill.

We’re not supposed to mess with our neighbors.

We’re not supposed to tell lies or steal from others.

And we’re only supposed to worship God.

And God is everywhere that the war machine is not. Anytime the warriors want their space, no one else in the world is allowed any happiness. Just so a few drunken psychopaths can tell other drunken psychopaths to go and murder each other and they do it. They are playing poker with our lives and they don’t even give us a vote.

I’d like to say something funny and glib here but I don’t think I can do it.

No. I don’t think there’s anything funny here at all. Lachaim.


Why don’t you come hang out with me in the sanctuary city. Maybe it’s good for your soul.

You think?

Sure. There’s lots of compensations. You get to do all of that nefarious stuff because we forgive ourselves. And besides, if you’re single like you, you can have anything you want. If you have a little money, how many girls do you need? Or boys? Or the greatest philosophers money can buy. Perhaps you would like to meet some people who like the language as much as you.

No thank you. I have a hard enough time handling you.

I’m serious. You can’t just do nothing. You’re not an icon. People are not fighting to get you away from the tyranny. Everyone pretty much accepted that we were being pushed around by new leadership and we were going mobile again. They just figure it’s fate or maybe they earned it by being shitty.

That’s what they tell people. Every time you disappoint them, you get punished. They get to punish you and you get to be punished. What a great idea. Keep people too nervous to think for themselves and steal everything they have while they are standing there waiting.

Sure. They are now lawmakers. They can make any law they want. They can even make laws that say you can’t be. What a great job. I want to be a lawmaker.

Not just a lawmaker. A lawmaker who actually talks to God. That’s what I want. I want the lawmaker who is on top of all the other lawmakers. That’s where the real money is.

The boys spend the next few minutes reading aloud the new history of receiving the ten commandments. Needless to say, it’s an eye rubber for the both of them. Just one more perversity in an endless line of perversities.

We saw it. We heard it. That’s what it says.

Yes. It says that we bear witness to what they are saying.

But this isn’t what happened and we are not giving our words about this. Only you have any relevance to this because you agreed to write the words. This is not what happened.

I have been told by a very clever person that it is simply a matter of writing. All writing is rewriting and we are simply editing things to make them more understandable. Obsequestly noted, of course

I don’t really think anyone believes this. It was so long ago and they are just declaring it as fact. How much of that was actually metaphorical?

We were there. We were there and we were with the man himself kind of sort of kind of.

Yeah. That’s exactly the truth. The word was not automatically heard. He was a guy. He had his group of friends and he made us carry a tent for him. And then his wife got sick and he decided to go and be with her instead of running the country and we took care of ourselves. He wrote this book and we read the book and we understand that the meaning of it is that power means corruption, and the truth is staying away from meat goes a long way to keep corruption at bay.

That was well said. But now the book doesn’t say that anymore because now they’re telling us what the book says. The book ended indecisively which everyone believed meant it was our choice to make. Now we have no choice anymore.

And now look at you. You’ve agreed to write military histories. What a great use of your pen. Not to inspire people to become better and smarter. Just to tally up how wonderful our army is and how many new things they are bringing for us.

Work for yourself. Be an entrepreneur. Be a good citizen.

You know, I am kind of confused.

Why is that?

I have my opinion of what God is. It’s the same as yours. We believe God is nature and that nature is good to us if we are good to nature. But This new government has created some new thing. This conceptual entity of theirs is like a giant bully. Like that business of the size of the people in the holy Land. That’s the only claim we make is that our God is bigger.

Our God is bigger. You know it’s incorrect logic. You can’t have an omnipotent God saying not to worship other gods. If this God was supposedly the only God, there wouldn’t be any other gods to talk to.

I’m also having a hard time believing that we are so lucky. There are many other people’s in the world is really big. Do they all have their own God who says only me? Does our God lie to us that we are special because this God actually has other families to play with in other places? And it really doesn’t make sense that if this is the God of the world in the universe and everything that he should be hanging around worrying about our stupid problems. I mean, you could get away with it in terms of literature for the book but now they are not even allowing the book to be a point of art. Now they are telling us that this is fact. I’m flomaxed.

This thing, this fantasy, it’s nothing compared to God. If God is nature, God is everywhere and in everything.

I agree. My god never asked me to kill anybody.

Just to live and to try and live fairly.

10 rules.

10 rules.

Let us toast then to the one true God.

Agreed. Thank you for my life and this moment.



17You shall not murder. And you shall not commit adultery. And you shall not steal. And you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
18And you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor shall you desire your neighbor’s house, his field, his manservant, his maidservant, his ox, his donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.

It worked for us.

It did work for us. It worked really well for us. We got along great.

So what are we supposed to do? How do you justify the vast difference between the laws for people and the laws for governments? How do you rectify this?

I don’t. I can’t. This is just something I did for money because if I didn’t do it, someone else would and it wouldn’t matter anyway. They are writing the book now. They are telling everybody how leadership is going to be. They have the right punish and kill you but you must be a good obedient person.

I thought we were doing fine as men.

I felt like a man. Didn’t you feel like a man?

Occasionally. Although I can understand how people might wonder about me.


Please don’t say her name. It doesn’t help.

What do you do with someone who only covets, does not care about anyone or anything and is willing to kill to get what she wants?

In my case, the ex-wife from hell. But, considering my profession, I might as well have an archetype. And give credit where credit is due. She is zealous in her own way.

Unbelievable. A prostitute running a country.

Yeah, a prostitute and a stonemason and apparently God is with them and the men get to go off and do whatever they do and the women get to stay home and wait to get fed.

Do you want to know the real reason why Joshua is now running things? His hands. He used to give Moses really nice massages when he would go and visit him.


We were better with agriculture.

We were a lot better off with agriculture without animals.

I agree, my friend. We were much better off without this.


Return to your tents.

Yeah. That’s what he said.

That’s what she said.

That’s not even funny as a political joke.

You wrote this. They made you write this and you wrote it.


Hillel, these were our words though. The 10 rules. These were the guidelines we came up with ourselves for what to do if we were truly free men. Moses did not have a single idea what to carve into that stone. You told him about the 10 rules. They were your suggestion to him.

Yes but no. God wrote it.

We were there. We saw the mess he was making. That’s why we went to hang out with him. He was going out of his mind and he had it in his head to go carve stone.


Yeah, whatever. We were there.

Sure but that’s not how they figure it out. They have figured out that God commanded me to answer the question when I was asked and therefore the truth is that God wrote the tablets. And in the official deal that I have been so graciously given, even though they don’t say this and only say that God wrote the words, I personally can understand the implication as can anyone who was alive at the time and who might know or believe the truth to be otherwise.

That’s pretty slick. I think it was more like when he let you speak to him and you told him how we believe that these 10 rules are the best. He didn’t know anything about this stuff.

I know it but that’s just the pragmatic straight way of doing things. This is religion. This is a kind of double think. Because God directed me to say these things to him, I was a prophet and a messenger of God in that moment.

So they are deifying him or you?

Yeah. Technically he just said y’all stay here and I’m going up on the hill and y’all are going to leave me alone. And then me and you and Eva went up there and we got high with the old man and we hung out while he was trying to chip out his best stone work.

Joshua really did a number on him.

Don’t talk about. Venereal disease drives people crazy.

But I mean, latent homosexuality from a masculine leadership? I don’t think the people are ready for this.

Don’t talk about any of this. Moses was Moses because Moses had a penis and that’s all there is to it.

Yeah. That gets us all in the end.

You’re just full of jokes today, aren’t you?

So now he is this rock star. 40 years ago everybody saw this and we were there for it.

Except for all of us who died along the way. We actually have kind of washed the population. We were at zero growth as a wise decision to make considering we were fighting against a desert to get enough calories. But I think all of those restrictions genuinely helped us understand what a budget was and what it meant to go out of line. Everybody needs some pleasure just don’t do it at anybody else’s expense.

Yeah. My life as a non carnivore was not bad at all.

Did you notice there was no mention of dropping the tablets?

Oh, you mean where he lost his temper and decided to throw away the wisdom of the world in a moment of hysteria?

He really did not like being with us again.

Well sure. If you’ve been breathing clean mountain air for 40 days and getting adequate exercise and some attention from Eva and some wisdom from your friends, you are coming down quite a few steps in the staircase of quality to be back with the ghetto crew.

That was a hell of a party though.

A great party. The best party.

I got some.

I got two.

Did you really? You never told me that.

She had a younger sister. I think she was 14 and she was jealous when she saw me with her older sister.

Don’t even talk about such things.

It was a party. Everybody needed a party. Best intentions but frankly, we just really liked dancing.

Yeah. We used to dance more.

Now we kill.

Dancing was better.

Dancing was much better.


5And you shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your means.

Did you see that?

I did. We have to be good little workers so we can show our devotion to God materially. It’s nicer really. I was getting tired of the burden of spirituality. Pure commerce is so much more understandable.

Good soldiers work less than agriculturalists. This is the local propaganda. Why should anyone do agriculture when all you have to do is go to another town and take theirs?

Yeah. Not to do anything ourselves and to only exploit others.

It’s not a good way to make friends.

It is not a good way to make friends.

I’ve been thinking about it. They are putting us into this mold. We are not really ourselves. We are sort of acting roles.

We all have to play our parts.

Maybe but that’s not what they’re asking for. They are asking for us to demonstrate our love for them. We don’t just do the job, we also have to be seen doing the job and we have to act in such a way as if doing the job was for a greatly loved person. They kind of say this person is God but it really means it’s the government. It’s completely artificial. It’s not work. It’s a show.

You mean we’re puppets?


Oh yeah, we know all about that. I’m a puppet. You’re a puppet. They tell us what to do and we dance for them. They say go kill that man and you say okay and you win and you don’t die but he loses and he dies and then you say can I go home now and they say no. We have to do that again and again.

So you understand that they make war into an industry?

When you have an Egyptian thinking of what to do, you get Egyptian thinking.


If there was ever a more Egyptian woman, I would like to meet her out of sheer curiosity.

Son of a bitch.

That is the mark of the true wordsmith.

We have to be women! Let me just stop and think about this for a minute. We all have to be women.

I have to be a woman?

Yes. It’s just antagonism. What is normal and natural should not be done. If you want to do your chores, you can’t because you’re being watched. If you want to make a decision, you can’t because you’re being watched. You can’t speak your mind because they are always watching and they’re always against everything you do. I’m saying that if you’re a man, they want you to be a woman and if you’re a woman, they want you to be a man.

A child is an adult and an adult is only a child. Actually, I’ve been thinking about this too. We, the men, take over the job of the woman to defend the nest and in doing so, we leave our women alone with their proclivities and yet we expect good things.

That’s why we have sanctuary cities.

Officially at least I still recognize myself as a man. I am allowed to be a man because I have enough money and property and power. You my friend might have a hard time making a case for your manhood.

Don’t bring my manhood into this. That’s the last thing I want to think about.

My friend, I don’t mean to be terrible but perhaps we should bring some clear thinking into these sessions of ours. Perhaps I grow tired of listening to the negativity.

What are you saying? Are you saying that I am dependent too much on you?

You do come around here a lot these days.

Oh, I get it. When it was just once a week and casual conversation on my way home, we had no problems. But now when we are actually keeping this conversation going everyday, this is something different.

It is. You are my brother but we are not writing a newspaper anymore. We have been banned. You no longer participate in the writing of the book because the writing is already complete and it is in the possession of the hierarchy and they are reading it right now during the festival. You have no job. You are relying too much on my energy to make up for the emptiness of your own life.

All right. Then I will be at private scholar. We will tell people that they can come to me like they come to you. If you need an apothecary for a cure, they can come to you. But if they need a teacher for their children or for themselves, they can come to me because I am a wise man. And if you are wealthy and powerful, you can come to me and we can talk about language skills.

Now you’re talking. Hillel the scribe is in the house and he’s looking for some money!

Sure. Why not? Hey, let’s think big. How about we start a university.

God’s college of knowledge.

Maybe we can be liberal in our teaching and try to get the students back into the mode of pragmatism.

On their way into the army.

Yeah. On their way into the army.

I liked you better as a private teacher. Seems like you will cause less fuss that way.

Seems like.

And then a little bit later.


Yes, Phaedrus.

Did you notice the implication that God was not the only God according to the government.

How do you mean?

I mean they keep explaining this as logic. They keep saying that we owe them and we must listen to them and there’s these things we can do about it because we owe them. But at the same time, this is a reason why we should listen of our own accord. They are not telling us to do something unilaterally. They are giving us this kind of backwards crazy logic as a reason why we should. They have it set up as a debt, do you see what I mean?

Yeah but If you don’t follow their words to the order, that’s when they punish you. Blah blah blah there is a debt but your debt is to the people that don’t mind killing to get what they want. That’s the real point.

Maybe but that’s not the point. I’m talking about the logic itself. You know that sometimes God speaks first person, right?

Of course I know it. I’m the one who wrote the words. What’s your point?

The point is when he is speaking first person, God says that he is a jealous God. By putting the adjective in there, it makes him a particular thing. But if he can be gone and a particular thing, the implication is that there are other gods.

You’re right. If God as represented in this book was genuinely omnipotent, absolutely none of this would be necessary. Our problems would be absolutely insignificant to them.

Egyptian mentality?

Yeah. The more I think about this, the more  I don’t like Moses’ God. Moses’ God only serves the purposes of the military industrial complex. We are a parasitic nation now. But if the implication is that there are other gods and other choices, I think this means that we should maybe run away from this.

I see what you mean. If there was really only one God, that God would not be so insecure as to say there are no other gods.  If we have the only God there is, there are no other gods to talk about. It does seem strange that our omnipotent God is jealous and problematic and loses his temper.

A lot like Moses.

Yeah, a lot like the guy who is sitting on our pyramid now.

Not even. Just his delusionary words filtered through the next regime. 40 years of peace ruined overnight and we are being run by people to incompetent to edit.

It is kind of demotivating, isn’t it.

These days, I don’t even want to get out of bed in the morning.

Why do you get out of bed?

Because my God is all of nature. The only God we can ever have is nature. And because God is nature, there’s absolutely nothing I can do about it and nobody needs to tell me. But if I don’t go to the bathroom, I’m going to have a mess in my bed and that’s nature and that’s why I get up in the morning.

Good one, Hillel. Good one.


I’m getting a headache.

Here. Try some of this.

They are selling the army to young people by telling them that this is how to get appropriate sex.

Sure. If we go into a community, we are at war with them whether they know it or not. Maybe they put up a fight but we’re a huge army and we’re just kicking ass village by village. So I think the way it goes is we find the pretty girls and we don’t kill them but we kill every protection that they would ever have and then they are ours. And we tell them this. You will be my woman and you will do what I say because I have killed all of your men and women and now you are alone in the world and I am your master and you will obey me. Some women are into this. Most consider it rape but you know, some are into it.

Let me ask you something. Do our people really believe it?

I don’t know what to tell you, Hillel. We don’t have a choice. When they tell us to go, we go. And if they tell the young boys that they get girls if they win the war, it doesn’t matter if this changes the relationship between us forever. They say greed is good and they are the bosses and we have to listen. What can I tell you?

Yeah. I guess you have to be a wealthy Egyptian to know about hunting women.

No, we never hunt women. Come on, scribe. How about when you were young. Didn’t you ever just want to be with a woman? Have you never hunted a woman? You know, any woman. Just find me a woman and I will take her soul. Have you ever done that?

Are we talking about going to prostitutes?

Not specifically. I mean like genuinely your sex organs are completely out of control and this is an event completely divorced from any particular female. Or male, to be fair. Has it ever happened where you need to spread your seed so powerfully that literally the first woman that gets in your path is yours to have?

Me? I am a writer. I don’t know that I’ve ever felt like this. Do I look like a hunter to you?

But I’ve seen you with many women. How do you do it?

When I want it and it’s offered, I say yes.

You’re right. I’m sorry, my friend. I’m losing my mind here. They really do believe we are animals. They understand us to be animals. They understand us to act like animals. They believe they are higher than us. And now everyday we more and more become Savage animals.

That’s exactly the story here. They are higher than us because they can kill us if we don’t agree that they are higher. But in the meantime, we are not allowed to rise as people. Only they have the right to grow.

God is on our side. We have seen it and we have heard it so we know it’s true.

Sure. We are higher because our people have God and other people don’t. But at the same time, we are the worst human beings in the world to everyone else. Having God on our side gives us the right to rape the women in the neighboring villages.

Yes. Spoils of war. Milk and honey. We will survive by pure exploitation and we will not value our own work except as soldiers.

I guess that seems kind of strange to a vegan.

Do you see me as an animal now?

No. I see you as the best friend I ever had in my life.

Except for nature.

Nature is great.

Nature is the best.

We couldn’t lose. We were on a roll for 40 years. They couldn’t touch us. And we made the desert bloom.

God was with us.

God was so with us.

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