Post 420 narcotics report

This is kind of a difficult subject to put together in a reasonably short essay so I’m not going to go deeply into the minutia of each individual line of thought but more try and give an overview to a single thought concerning drugs. To even use the word drugs is to influence people. We can use the word narcotics or we can use the words medicine or curatives. The concept I am looking to explain is physical alterations to the human body made specifically by taking in some substance of some kind with the hope of some effect. Like I said, this is a very complicated thought because there is great overlap into absolute physical necessities for life such as food, clothing, shelter, basic medicine and education. But I’m going to try to explain my point and see if I can bring some clarity to the subject here in what is basically recognized as international marijuana day.

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Before we get going, we need to establish some criteria. The first would be a level of strength that whatever it is that we are adding to our personal lives has. We can go on a scale of 1 to 5 where one is an absolute necessity of life, three is the beginning of addiction and 5 is pure recreational drugs. And again, let me make this completely clear that we are talking about any and all additives to life including basic necessities that are required to continue living. As extreme examples, we can use jogging and heroin. You can go running for an hour a few times a week to keep your heart in line but if you can’t stop running, you are psychotically trying to escape a miserable existence. Conversely, you can use an opiate to stop extreme pain. Perhaps a tiny hit of heroin as a field necessity for a war wound is greatly appreciated but at the same time, you take a five dose and you are Jack London heading off to oblivion blissfully.

Basically, I’m going to include everything that you would take into your body either by choice or by insistence of some government. All food, all drink and everything else that can possibly come in through any opening in our body or even any particular physical thing that we do during our day or in our lives can be counted as either a a genuine need or something extra. Everything is either a tool or a crutch and this includes drinking water. Like I said, this is kind of a big subject to wrestle into a manageable bite but I’m going to give it a try.

Another criteria to consider is whether we are focusing on the needs of one single individual or the needs of that individual to serve their community. If we push anything too far towards altruism or selfishness, we create an imbalance. We can say that everything has a healthy sweet spot, a place where neither the individual nor the community is disturbed in a negative way. All other movement away from this sweet center spot has negative possibilities to it. Mother Teresa is probably a saint but if a leper is not really interested in being touched, he might tell her to get the hell away from him.

It’s also important to notice that this is an economic essay as well. If we live in a capitalistic society, the closer we get to 5 in any spectrum of life, the more adversarial we are to each other. The more we fight each other for narcotics of escape and status, the more violent life is. The closer we stay to one, the easier life is for everyone and the less problems we have in trying to get by in life.

With these thoughts in mind, I’m going to give a list of things that have an absolute basic positive sweet spot and negatives to one side of the line or the other and I’m going to be anecdotal about it for the sake of clarity. Let’s look at food, clothing, shelter, basic medicine and education, the five things I consider necessary to sustain life and then take a glance at the concept of drugs. I believe these six realms encompass pretty much everything in the world as far as things we can touch or be a part of so I’m going to let these elements drive the essay.


To understand that food is a drug should be an absolute given. There are foods that we eat specifically for our pleasure and foods that we either do or do not eat that are absolutely for physical health. There are foods that we eat that specifically hinder health for the purposes of creating some kind of biological alteration that is desired either from a personal level or because of influence of society. The basic concept of modern industrial food is no longer something that we take in that will sustain life. We don’t grow our own food as a matter of normal existence. In the modern world, we buy what we want with money and that’s the beginning and end of it.

Is there a basic human diet? I believe there is but I also believe it has a lot to do with evolution based upon regional history. There are those who come from cold weather climates who have certain necessities for life that people from a more southerly location might not have. The inclusion of fruit for example is much more prevalent to the south and much more seasonal to the north. The use of naturally occurring tubers, the use of grains and grasses, the use of animals as food are amongst elements that are used in different levels for different peoples depending on where they are geographically. Eskimos to the north have limited to no access to fresh fruit and greens, people along the equator have unlimited seasons for life with no winter downtime. Food storage is of less importance because acquisition from the natural world allows for life over a longer period of time.

This being said, there is a basic amount of calories that we need to take to maintain our physical systems. There is a level of physicality necessary for life but this is also changeable depending on how physical someone’s life is. If you have a builder, they will require more calories to keep their muscles going than a bureaucrat who sits at a desk. Whether or not the environment can provide enough nutrition has always been a basic Darwinistic part of life. If you need to move more but there is no food source that allows it, your culture will adapt or die. And yes, many, many, many evolutionary aspects of life have simply faded because the food source disappeared. They ate themselves out of house and home or where they lived was simply not conductive to life anymore after this particular group lived there. You can’t live on Everest because there’s no food up there and very little oxygen. You can’t live in the desert because there’s just not enough to eat unless you really, really, really adapt to minimalism. You also can’t live in a garbage dump or a ghetto even if you are the one who created it.

When we bring capitalism into the thought, things tend to change. Recently, I had a discussion in my neighborhood about collectivism and how much the local people can trust that they exist as a group. My point in the discussion was that capitalism disallows the existence of a collective because the nature of capitalism is that each person is fighting for available resources. Eventually, there will be someone who controls the resources and this gives one person power over others. The leader tells everyone what to do and the individual loses agency of decision. In the case of capitalistic food, we have profit-based edibles that may or may not be conductive to health but are conductive to capitalistic gain. The use of such foods should absolutely be considered more of a drug than a necessity. All of the additives, all of the necessities of keeping factory produce edible in terms of shelf life along with all of the ecological damage caused by transportation should definitely relegate these sorts of things to the idea of drugs rather than physical necessities.

Fast food for example should be counted towards the high end of the spectrum. If you were at death’s door and absolutely needed calories to live and there was nothing else available but McDonald’s, can you eat something that they make and live a little longer? I suppose the answer is yes but the negative effect of taking high fat, highly processed, low fiber substances into your body and washing it down with sugar-based drinks is probably cultivating cancer as much as it is feeding a basic necessity. Your system will become gunked up and slow down. Perhaps there is stimulus from the sugar water but what we are talking about is a pure sensation rather than a nutritional addition to the body. This is a narcotic and not a food. Yes, it has calories but where those calories come from and the negative effect on the body make this a non-food. The alternative side of the coin to my understanding is that a handful of nuts and fruit is enough to revive even the most prodigious bonk I have ever done to myself as a diabetic bicyclist. Literally, two handfuls of peanuts and raisins will take you from physical failure to the ability to continue riding. Stop at McDonald’s on your ride, and you are no longer an athlete.

This being said, we live in a society where the money to buy food is a part of life. Because there is a higher profit margin in junk food then there is in natural food, no one advertises apples and everyone advertises McDonald’s or Burger King or any other fast food operation. If it is about making profits, of course you don’t tell someone to grow food in their backyard. And because of this, we are told as a culture through advertising propaganda that non-foods are more desirable and should be considered a part of your diet. They even give lists of calories to prove that what they are selling is food even though these are literally for-profit and highly addictive drugs. I also think we should consider these depressants eventually. People eat fast food usually on a spastic decision. Spastic decision makers tend to eat when they are upset. When they are upset, they want to eat something. They consider themselves  hungry but in fact it’s not really human hunger but rather something to put in their mouth makes them feel calm momentarily.

The irony is that like all addictive drugs, the up and the down that comes along with consuming and then trying to process fast foods puts everyone into a cycle. There is no difference between fast food addiction and what people consider street drug addiction. In this case, it really is a depressant because users get used to the sluggishness and physical inabilities that come along with fast food. They perceived this as calm. But when they run dry, the anxiety that comes from trying to process high fat, low fiber and physically debilitating substances fuel nervousness. And like all addictions, the physical discomfort can only be taken care of by consuming more. Here’s the cycle again and again. And like all narcotics, if in order to sell more drugs, we need people to remain in depression.

Or to state a theme that’s going to recur many times in this essay, anything that comes from a factory should be considered more drug than necessity. Anything that is for profit should be considered more drug than need.

I have made it quite clear that I went vegan 5 or 6 years ago and immediately saw results in my physical and athletic endeavors as well as in my mental acuity. This is everything from extended bicycling to extended abilities to do physical labor on my little property or even to heal from pandemics and injuries. It also allowed me to study and read and write for longer periods and with deeper levels of understanding. Simply eating a whole food, plant-based, local and seasonal diet seems to allow best health for me. And again, I am historically from quite a few places on the planet but I have at least the last two millennia mixing and mingling with Northern Europeans. I eat very well on naturally occurring or well cultivated Northern foods.

We can also factor in fashion and status. If we are talking about being able to go to restaurants to eat different and exciting foods, this is a matter of having enough wealth to participate in it. The obviousness that we are not talking about nutrition at high priced restaurants is obvious. Spend $500 on a meal or $5,000 on a meal is not about sustaining life. It may mean something to the economy, but it does nothing to preserve life or sustain a functional society.

We can judge the sustainability of a culture based upon the amount of personal wealth spent on food. The closer we get to five, the more food is actually drugs rather than physical necessity to sustain the body and the less sustainable the culture is. The greater the division of wealth, the more violent and adversarial life is within the community.


Fortunately or unfortunately, the evolution of man has included the use of fire and covering one’s body for additional warmth. Whether this was skins from animals that were killed or fibers sewn together, if you don’t cover your body, you’re going to die of exposure. Perhaps this is not particularly true for people who live in southern climates without too much winter. Perhaps there is a limited amount of clothing that is needed when it is warm and a maximum amount when it is cold. But there is a basic amount of human coverage necessary to live and we can probably recognize that as basic human fact. A cat or a dog can live outside just fine but a human can’t. For myself, right now in the transitional season, I fluctuate between T-shirts and sweaters and there are moments where I can take off my shirt outside. In the winter, I need layers and that’s all there is to it. At a basic level of one, we need clothing to protect us from the elements because this is what has happened to the human species as we have evolved.

But now we go back to adding capitalism into our basic necessities. In a profit, power, status driven society,  we have to add color, style, length, cut, line and effect to the clothes we cover our bodies with. We can play with human sexuality through clothing. We can hide human defects with clothing. We can show wealth through clothing and we can use clothing as a tool of judging each other. If you do not wear expensive clothes, perhaps you are seen as less and if you wear wonderful clothes, your image now increases. I have seen many videos where some subhuman bum is given a new set of clothes and a haircut and suddenly their image has changed. Their life has not changed. Their lifestyle hasn’t changed. Their day-to-day life has not changed. But for the purposes of the video, gosh, they look good.

If we are talking about clothing and we understand that as we elevate the number we ascribe to the clothing we wear from one as basic necessity to five as unrealistic narcotic seeking behavior, we can see how the requirement of perpetually spending money on unnecessary clothing will become a point of dissent amongst the population. In a capitalistic society, there will be those who can wear nice clothes and those who can’t. And when we say nice clothes, we’re not just talking about texture and durability but perceived value.

We can judge the sustainability of a culture based upon the amount of personal wealth spent on clothing. The closer we get to five, the more the clothes we wear are  actually drugs rather than a physical necessity to sustain the body and the less sustainable the culture is. The greater the division of wealth, the more violent and adversarial life is within the community.


Can you simply live outside? I think the answer is no. I don’t think there are any human beings who can classify themselves as natural animals anymore. I don’t think there is a sweet spot in the world where you just lie down in the grass and wake up in the morning completely naked and be fine. You can do this for short periods of time, but you’re not going to be happy in the rain and you’re not going to be happy on super hot summer days unless you have a roof over your head and I believe this is a general absolute truth about the evolution of the human species. Where we once might have been happy living in the trees or in caves, without fire and a roof over our heads, we weren’t going to last very long. And seeking comfort from the storm is probably how we lost our hair.

How much house do you need is the genuine question. If we look at indigenous peoples living in yurts or in teepees, we can say that a cover and the possibility of retaining heat is all that is necessary. Shade and warmth. The prevention of the elements from touching us to allow us to rest. At level 1, a tent and some blankets and you’re good to go. I went across the United States on a bicycle with a tent and some blankets and didn’t die. I didn’t do it everyday but I could have. If you have enough clothing when it is cold, you’re not going to die and we can call that level one.

Going to the extreme level, we can go to some celebrity home or apartment with magnificent views and million-dollar budgets and the requirement of slave labor to keep it going. You can have status-based housing as much as you want and we can recognize how much capitalism is inherent as far as where human beings live. I currently live in the former Soviet Union and so there is this basic idea of life. They call these simple apartments Khrushchevs because he was running the USSR when these cozy concrete block caves were built. You don’t really have a choice as far as when the heat comes on or turns off. You get a few square meters, electricity, a place to cook, a toilet with a bathtub and you’re good to go. On the other side, I can take any of the houses my parents thought were important and you have these ridiculously huge and impossible to heat barns that drain your resources. What is necessity and what is a drug? How much empty space do we need because we wish to appear to be better and how much do we need to survive?

I thought I was living like a king in my last apartment because I had a balcony that was usable with a little bit of a view and neighbors who never bothered me about anything. Of course they drove me out by poisoning the atmosphere with oil fumes but for a moment there, I was rich because I lived in a place that had the appearance of being slightly nicer than many others. The house I live in now has very few comforts by comparison but exactly enough to make life not so bad for me. It takes more physical effort to live here and I have to do many things by hand that would otherwise be automatic, but, where you are on the housing spectrum is drugs versus necessity.

We also cannot talk about our living situations without considering personal transportation. I’m specifically talking about private automobiles and more specifically, non-electric automobiles. When we include our physical needs to transport our bodies from place to place, the further we have to travel from our homes to our workplaces, the more fuel it takes to get us there. And if we are talking about internal combustion engines, this is also the more pollution we put into the air and the more time we spend isolating ourselves inside our vehicles.

If we say that it is wonderful to have a vehicle that can come when we break a leg to get us to the hospital, we can say that this is a miracle and wonderful because it helps sustain life. If we talk about joyriding from fast food places to drug dealers on Friday nights, we are talking about pure pollution. If we are talking about getting in a vehicle because there is no possible way to tolerate your existence at home, we can’t say this is a necessity. If we talk about jumping in our car because we need to go less than 2 km for cigarettes, we are looking at corruption. And if we are buying automobiles by the millions because they increase our image by giving us the appearance of great wealth and status just to be connected to an internal combustion engine, we are looking at social corruption being a norm. And if we consider the actual damage to the environment caused by the use of personal vehicles for non-essential transport, this is social insanity. It is cultivating cancer rather than curing it.

I’ve said this many times but I threw away my last car more than 30 years ago and have been a dedicated bicyclist ever since. When I lived in town and had the need to get out of the house, I got on my bike. When I needed to go buy some food at the local produce market, I went by bike. If I wanted to visit my friends, I would pedal there. This is the way I have been for more than three decades and I seem to have survived just fine. I am an extreme advocate of bicycling and public transportation and am universally against non-essential use of private transport. Literally, I see my current neighbors as pure evil for using the types of vehicles they do and specifically for weaponizing them in their adversarial relationships towards me. And during the time of the worst pandemic yet, they are literally transporting ghetto diseases to a place that would otherwise exist completely apart from it. And by frivolously using  horrifically maintained vehicles specifically to maintain a cancerous social status, they have single-handedly destroyed a national forest and every single human being who lives near them. If you know you are causing harm by doing what you’re doing, you are a criminal. I really find it hard not to like bicyclists. I don’t get along well very well at all with car people. Bicyclists are friendly and intelligent and sharp. Car people are shit.

We can judge the sustainability of a culture based upon the amount of personal wealth spent on housing and personal transport. The closer we get to five, the more the houses we live in are recreational drugs rather than a physical necessity to sustain the body and the less sustainable the culture is. The greater the division of wealth, the more violent and adversarial life is within the community.

Basic medicine

I am currently a bit more debilitated than I otherwise would be because of an adversarial relationship with the medical community in the country I live in. Why this adversarial relationship started is arguable. Was it from misinformation spread from former partners or was it simply attention from the powers that be who decided that anti-Semitism or anti-Americanism was the way to go. Maybe it was personal jealousy on both fronts. In any case, I was denied the best possible medical care and only allowed the worst possible medical care. The hypocratic oath was broken mercilessly and often and I was told to like it or leave because this was the feeling towards me. Am I the only one to receive such treatment? There’s no possible way this is true. Where corruption exists for one, it exists for all and so this is a bit of a problem.

This being said, there is a level of medication and medical help that is truly necessary to sustain a person’s life. We do have diseases. Some are man-made and some happen simply because they happen. If you are diabetic, your body has particular processes that it doesn’t do well and you will not live as long on the planet. There are people who are born with problems and people who develop problems along the way. Are there narcotics that can be taken to bring the body to sweet spot of health or at least functionality? Of course there are. But at the same time, we also have medicines that exist only on the pleasure spectrum. And this would be positive pleasure as well as negative. We have the ability to create more energy chemically and we have the ability to diminish energy chemically. We have a million things available to us that can be classified as tools or crutches.

I’m taking antibiotics but I would love to stop taking antibiotics because I would like to know if there is an antibiotic that allows me to stop taking antibiotics. I would like to know if there is an absolute cure for some things that I have picked up along the way. As far as diabetes, I think I’ve pretty much got it licked. I am still diabetic but I do function quite well without insulin and have even achieved some level of health through regular exercise and a whole foods vegan diet. This is just anecdotal but that I can even get through bonks, hypoglycemia, simply because my body will adjust even without eating anything seems to be a sign of renewed resilience. There was a time when I was so anemic that the slightest touch of cold would have me in bed for most of a week. Now I seem to be able to function at a reasonably acceptable level. Of course I get tired but I get to keep going even if I am tired. It’s a strange thing to note but it is possible. And again, I seem to recover very quickly so it is worth noting that a whole foods, plant-based and locally sourced seasonal diet has great curative effects.

I also have leg problems that require some assistance. There is an absolute basic minimum of medical support that I have at the moment. I suppose that allows me to move around a bit. But I know for a fact that there are higher levels of care available that might even make athletics possible. I’m not saying I wish to become an athlete or to compete with other people, I’m just saying there is better quality help available. I don’t get it but somebody does. And again, if this physical suppression is practiced on one, it is practiced generally and this is a matter of corruption.

If we’re talking about medicine, we can get into drugs or medications. I take a multivitamin. I take one a day. Perhaps someone who wishes to be a super athlete might jack up the level of amino acids they put into their body and stress certain factors to enhance performance. However, not all medication is strictly for improvement of health or control of disease. People take drugs for pleasure. People take drugs recreationally. You can take drugs that will change or perception of the world and you can take drugs that change or physical ability to tolerate the world. You can take drugs to suppress anxiety or to create anxiety. You can play with body chemistry to do almost anything. Again and again and again, there is probably a cocktail that helps bring people to physical health But there are also narcotic cocktails to put someone in pretty much any state. I prefer my cocktail to be a whole foods, plant-based, locally sourced and seasonal diet but, I take a multivitamin and I’m currently taking antibiotics.

This argument however has legal repercussions that are widely practiced. There are laws as to what drugs can be used and what drugs cannot be used. These laws and economic barriers are not only available to the population but also force doctors to adhere to certain policies as far as prescriptions go. Insurance companies will allow certain drugs to be used and others not. And then there are drug companies that will pay doctors to prescribe their drugs or not prescribe others. 

Theoretically, we are supposed to have laws to control both the cost of medications and their distribution. These laws do not stop the production of drugs or their usage, they just raise the level of corruption in the medical field. This is true for corporate pharmaceuticals as well as criminal drug distribution. Heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, any interesting natural or unnatural derivations that do something to the body have legislation attached to it. They have schedules of drugs that legal communities believe have no medicinal quality. There is great pressure put on people who use drugs for recreational purposes despite the fact that the entire population of the planet exceeds its basic minimum needs as a matter of course. There are almost no people who do not involve themselves in some form of self-medication. This is true throughout the spectrum of food, clothing, shelter, basic medication and education. There are things you are allowed to do and things you are not allowed to do but that doesn’t stop anyone from doing anything.

I am an advocate for marijuana. I believe marijuana is nothing more than a natural antidepressant. I believe marijuana is a naturally occurring substance that can be grown at home very easily and that has rather wonderful properties about it that make life much better. When you have some marijuana, it seems there is the possibility of happiness even in the most tragic situations. When you don’t, even a sunny day is kind of bullshit. I personally believe that marijuana is illegal because of a capitalistic system that demands that all of the other drugs that actually create profit are the ones that should be consumed and the ones that are literally anti-profit should be suppressed. As an advocate of a whole foods, plant-based, locally sourced and seasonal diet, I think marijuana is the bee’s knees. I think it’s the greatest thing in the world. I think when you can fire up a bowl either in the morning or in the afternoon or both, happiness is possible. I’m not talking about how shitty people are because they exist in the drug world, although I absolutely believe that cigarette smokers, alcoholics, methamphetamine and opiate users and users and abusers of internal combustion engines are complete assholes. I’m just saying that I think marijuana is the greatest thing in the whole world because it affords a moment of freedom without being addictive or bringing any ill health to oneself. I’m saying marijuana is good because it makes people nicer and I like that very much.

I believe marijuana is part of intelligence. I believe marijuana is part of creativity. I believe marijuana is probably the burning bush from the Bible and even the festival of lights. I believe that marijuana is the difference between individuality and slavery or at least has the potential to be. I believe marijuana to be a very good thing.

This being said, I truly believe that marijuana is not only misunderstood but also misused and abused. There is a level of usage which changes marijuana from a positive moment of happiness to an extended event of complete misery. If you need to be smoking all day everyday because your world is miserable, you are looking for drugs and you’re looking in the wrong place. Marijuana is not a curative, it is an enhancement. Taken at level one, life becomes better. Music and art take on new meaning. The nuances of the people you are with become more clear and become more focused. Even work you do takes on higher meaning. Taken at level 5 and as an escape from reality, it’s a tragedy. Mixing marijuana with other substances that are purely for economic gain only enhances the misery of drug use. Marijuana is not the criminal because marijuana is not physically addictive. Marijuana is just there to keep you in the moment.

I have tried addictive drugs. I have tried opiates and I don’t like them. I have tried alcohol and I really don’t like it. I’ve smoked tobacco and I absolutely loathe it. I’ve eaten quite a bit a fast food and now I am disgusted by the smell of it. And if I speak of my worst addictions, I would have to count fast food as being the lowest of it and largest consumer of my life and my wealth. I have eaten an enormous amount of restaurant food and now I find it completely useless to myself. I have never tried completely synthetic drugs. I have never tried heroin or methamphetamine. I’ve never looked for it and I’ve never looked for any escape-based narcotic except for fast foods or alcohol and I search for neither now. I prefer to exist at the lower level of the spectrum rather than searching for more and more and more. I prefer to stay away from addictives. And for what it’s worth, I have used prostitutes as a staple but now would not even consider it.

My thoughts on the subject are that we We need medical help when we need it and having it there is the difference between life and death or at least quality of life. I believe we should study medicine and learn about holistic health, how to take care of ourselves. I also believe that the greatest part of holistic health begins by having a society that does not require so much escape. It is less expensive and more sustainable to be amongst agreeable rather than disagreeable people. It is much more conductive to health and happiness to have an easy way to get by rather than by suffering or being forced into situations that require too much money, too much expenditure and too much energy just to survive. The less we require enhancements or diminishments, the easier life is. The more we allow a comfortable and acceptable human lifestyle for everybody, the less problems we have. The healthier mode of life we choose for ourselves, the less medical help is necessary.

We can judge the sustainability of a culture based upon the amount of personal wealth spent on medicine. The closer we get to five, the more medications we use that are  actually drugs rather than physical necessities to sustain the body and the less sustainable the culture is. The greater the division of wealth, the more violent and adversarial life is within the community.


When I was in university, I learned about the style of education that is given to the wealthy versus the style of education given to the poor. This is universally true in the United States along racial lines and it is true even here. There are schools that are for underachievers and poor people and there are schools for those who have great abilities or who come from wealthier backgrounds. The type of education available to you becomes more about physical redundancy and adhering to the direction of others versus how much individual thought and problem solving is taught. Poor people are trained to be factory workers. Rich people are trained to be factory directors. My education is to be an independent and that is what I practice.

My career here has been as an English teacher. I taught privately because I was refused access to the schools both University and high school for political reasons. I didn’t mind because as an independent, I loved having the opportunity to truly teach a subject rather than be subjected to a framework that disallows advancement. I was quite happy not to be drowned in bureaucracy or told exactly what I must teach. That I was allowed to use my students as gauge for how high we could go meant that even the class itself was free to grow. Basically, I wanted University level classes and this is what I pushed for.

Effectively though, I was never a very good teacher for basic education people. Throughout my career, I refused to help people study for testing, which is the basic dividing line for all students. I was not interested in test scores. I did not offer any certificates, I did not say that I was a fast track to getting a green card in America and I did not offer any diploma that meant anything other than a decorative piece of paper for the wall. I never claimed I was an official representative of any educational or political institution of any kind and I never said anything except that I was there to raise the level of English and English conversation. I never said I did anything except help people become more verbal and perhaps more perceptive. Because of this, when students with learning disabilities came to me, no, I was never a miracle worker. Unfortunately or fortunately, I had volume when I was popular and this meant that I did not have a perfect heart and touch to help people with learning disabilities. This includes overweight students, students with visual or audio impairments and students burdened by overbearing and physically or mentally abusive parents. You had to have the ability to learn to study with me and if you couldn’t learn or didn’t have the physical ability to do the homework, there was only so much I could do.

This being said, the amount of medals and certificates and honors my students received, even the ones who were not particularly successful in my class was astounding. During my teaching career, I really was Darth Vader in this community. Any English teacher working in a school would die looking at me. Literally, I made people’s entire careers worthless just by walking in the room. They could scream that I was a native speaker and that this was my advantage but the truth is I have a high IQ and hanging around with me makes everybody smarter. Just doing the work I offered made everybody way more intelligent, way more perceptive, way more conversational and much better problem solvers than they got from the basic school system. And yes, they had higher testing scores. As to the actual physical work of my class, It was not rocket science. Literally, I based my program on being the polar opposite of what was offered in the schools. I was not interested in suppressing people towards the center, or feeling their heads with unnecessary information. I just asked them to read and write and speak and listen. I was there to see how high and how far my students could go.

At what level does education and knowledge become a drug? If knowledge is power, how much do we need to know in order to have complete advantage over others? How much do we actually need to know in order to function in society and what sorts of things should we not be playing with? When does intelligence or education or skills become adversarial to life?

When I was younger, I thought about guitar making. I thought that being a fine woodworker. I dreamed of being good enough to create musical instruments and thought this might be a very worthy place to go. I don’t think I was any different from most children who dream altruistically about becoming some worthy thing in the world. But where we ask our most intelligent and talented people to go because of the money available there seems to be the biggest problem in the world.

If you need to make a living in the world and you’re looking for a high paycheck, it seems the highest level of payment is the money we put into weapons making. If you are identified as being particularly talented, you will be recruited by the military. They gave an academy award to a highly stylized film about Oppenheimer. At what level of genius do we wish to know about weaponry? At what level of medical knowledge do we start getting into the realm of controlling people? At what level of psychological knowledge do we start destroying the people around us?

What I am saying is there is a basic necessity for education and then there are drugs. I am an advocate of very strong levels of consciousness and perception for the purposes of sustaining a well-run society. I think we should teach our children about agriculture. I think we should teach our children about basic building techniques and medical needs. I think we should teach our children to be good citizens and not to go out of their way to be harmful to others simply because it is more profitable. I really want people to know their jobs and to recognize the problems when they arise. What I don’t need is people like my neighbors who follow me around looking for ways to exploit me. One is positive knowledge and the other is quite negative.

I’m also not an advocate of suppressing knowledge. I am not an advocate of demanding the poor people attend schools for the poor or having racial divisions where certain people are disallowed opportunity and others are granted a free road. I’m just saying that in order to create sustainable societies, we need well educated people. I do not believe you can live a decent life unless you have the mental capacity to understand what a decent life is. We cannot allow native intelligence and spastic reaction to be the basic currency of human interaction. We cannot survive without intelligence and we can’t be intelligent without reasonable education.

It is also definitely my opinion that there should be a division between a for-profit internet and a non-profit internet. There needs to be a place where people can go for genuine information. Of course, having entertainment available at a touch is wonderful. I love having all the music from my childhood available to me for free. I love being able to follow Japanese baseball. But if we are talking about everything that is available online for anybody of any age, this includes children’s films and pornography, war films and films of actual wars. Having available information when it is needed can save lives, not having information available because there is so much garbage to sift through to find it is a crime. I think it’s just a matter of words to the wise. Our devices are the most amazing thing since the invention of the bicycle. I do not think we should remove these. I do think however we should make it abundantly clear that the commercial side of the internet should be segregated from the information side and that people should be well aware of what side they are traveling in.

Truly, if I can click a place on my phone and talk to someone 10,000 mi away, how is this not the most wondrous thing in the world? Conversely, if people are no longer literate or communicative because of the magnitude of redundant or malicious information that comes to them, this is the death of the planet. If people are now as completely illiterate, physically dysfunctional and isolated as it now seems to be they are, how is this not the greatest crime ever perpetuated on humanity? And if these crimes are practiced universally by governments and profit-seeking corporations and the military industrial complex, how is it too difficult to understand why we have already destroyed the planet? If we are literally training people not to see pollution, how do we expect life to continue?

Where do you think the primary education source for all human beings is? The correct answer is this thing you are holding in your hand right now or staring at from your desk. And if we are teach people to be more violent, more belligerent, more selfish and less tolerant, what sort of world do we expect to have to live in? Words to the wise?

We can judge the sustainability of a culture based upon the amount of personal wealth spent on education and acquirement of knowledge. The closer we get to five, the more the more we study adversarial relationships, the more our knowledge is actually drugs rather than physical necessity to sustain the body and the less sustainable the culture is. The greater the division of wealth, the more violent and adversarial life is within the community.

Governments, law breakers and other pyramid dwellers

All of this being said we can finish this essay with a discussion of laws and rules. If you have a governmental body that chooses to say what elements of life are legal and what elements of life are not, we also have the possibility of a 1 to 5 spectrum based upon need versus drugs. If you make laws based upon morality and how to comport ourselves so that we get along well and work successfully together to maintain life and sustain equilibrium ecologically, we have justice. If we promote laws that protect profit making at the expense of the physical health of the planet, we have pure corruption. Agreeing to just laws means we are good people. Agreeing to exploit opportunities and resources for personal gain or breaking laws that are in place to limit harm is pure injustice.

I do not understand why the entire world has to be purely for profit. I don’t understand why non-profit life is not available. I don’t understand why exploitation of resources needs to be the only possible way to survive in the world. I don’t understand why there is no acceptable way to live for the betterment of one’s community without having the greatest percentage of your life be spent on acquirement of enough resources just to survive. Or even worse, to be obligated to find tremendous resources for the support of many people even though the people we fight to support don’t offer very much economic help. The truth is that very few people can actually afford families. Very few people make enough money to support other people. Even telling people that such a thing is possible is much more of a lie than the truth and this is especially true in a world where the population of uneducated, illiterate and spastic decision making is getting larger and larger and larger everyday.

I myself am also a lifelong practitioner of civil disobedience. I follow natural laws to the letter and do my best to cause no harm and to leave other people alone. I have great love in my heart for people who serve their communities well and facilitate life. I loath criminals with all of my heart and all of my soul. To be forced to live next to criminals after a lifetime of service is about the greatest insult I have ever been forced to endure. And this includes everything that has happened to my family, friends and acquaintances as well as damages to my body due to corrupt medical care and civic manipulation. I hate exploitation and corruption because I love life.

And as for marijuana, to create laws that disallow the existence of a naturally occurring, inexpensive to grow, non-addictive and ridiculously pleasurable substance that also serves the function of eliminating the need for more debilitating and depressive legal drugs is the most criminal act any government can take. To take away the tool necessary to break addictive cycles, is sadism. Today I celebrate international 420 day. Today, this bud’s for you.

I hope this has been interesting reading and I hope I have made my point. I complain here a lot about my neighbors. My neighbors are drug addicts. Almost every aspect of life including food, clothing, shelter, basic education and medicine are exploited to extremes and for personal pleasure by the people who have destroyed the ecology of the region and demanded to stand above others simply because of the amount of money they generate through illegal businesses. Literally, they rise because by bringing others down and I am absolutely sick from their endless attention. Like all unwanted parasites, they demand that others fall simply to increase their own status. And anyone with the common sense God gave a horse can see that they are absolute cancer to any community anywhere in the world. They are drug addicts beating others by calling them drug addicts. This is not just me but everyone else around them. They live for status and This universally means beating others down to allow themselves the illusion of rising. They use any and all resources only for their own comfort and pay no attention to the suffering they caused by doing this.

We can judge the sustainability of a culture based upon the amount of personal wealth spent on drugs. The closer we get to five, the more the things we spend our money on are actually destroying ourselves and everything around us rather than helping  physically to sustain the body, the less sustainable the culture is. The greater the division of wealth, the more violent and adversarial life is within the community.

Happy 4:20 everyone. I hope you had a nice day. I used the stuff I had in my house to make a couple of good meals. There was no marijuana available so I was only with y’all in spirit. And please, don’t worry so much about me. I’m doing just fine. Cheers.

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