Utopian fiction: Our Cafe

Hi. Good to see you. I’m glad you came. We don’t really bother with the press normally because it’s so completely unnecessary. We exist in the fabric of this community and this community has been a part of this cafe for 200 years. Can you imagine that? 200 years. The Utopian! is not only aware…

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Utopian fiction – The ultimate farm report and why we as a community no longer support fear-based agriculture

Hi. Technically speaking, I am the guy. I’m the guy people wait for and are afraid of. I’m the guy who creates jealousy in our simple-minded opposition. We have opposition who exists simply to be opposing. They don’t listen and they don’t think and they don’t act wisely. They love pageantry. They love dress up….

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More Utopian fiction

Arthur was in a personal moment. He was having a problem understanding everything he was beginning to understand. It was like a completely alternate way of thinking well at the same time using the same language. This is where the truth could be found, he felt. In the language. The language was different for carnivores…

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From the bizarre under Sinai: Zen-vegan edits for parsha Korach

From Chabad. Org – Korach in a Nutshell:  Numbers 16:1–18:32 The name of the Parshah, “Korach,” refers to Korach, head of the (political coalition) against Moses and Aaron. Korach incites a (political discussion) regarding  Moses’ leadership and the granting of the kehunah (The right of debate) to Aaron. He is accompanied by Moses’ inveterate (critics),…

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Flash from the Utopian! G assaulted. Sends them packing with words to the wise like a boss

Our illustrious publisher has been challenged publicly. And publicly he has faced the challenge. The region agrees that a choice is clear. G gets the office. Listen to G or you are really not going to like the results. Editor’s note: for what happened as clearly reported as possible as well as some other news…

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