Breaking winds: possibility of global peace finally arrived at; G has been called to play dice with the president to finally bring an end to the war

It’s true. It happened. We seen it and we know it and now you do too. Golly. Can you imagine such a thing?

So there he was, our illustrious publisher himself, standing there, well, actually he was sitting there but it was kind of standing there in a genuinely vibrant and masculine sort of way even though he was sitting. And there was that noise that comes along with someone contacting you on your communications device. And yes, G is always well aware of the greatest in modern technology because he has seen it all on the internet.

The puzzlement came when the president realized that there was no possible way of communication because he had no fucking idea how to play baseball and even learning it would put him at a disadvantage. Imagine a leader having to learn?!;,!.

But here is where the genuine genius of G came in.

Why the fuck does it have to be baseball? We can play any fucking game you want.

Yes, he was right. Any fucking game was possible.

What started out was a simulation of the war and human possibilities of casualties because of senseless play with weapons that distribute projectiles that fly at rapid enough speeds to destroy something. For whose pleasure this action is is never clear but as we invite our people to go down there on our will so that they should stand there and shoot projectiles at each other while we sit here and think of how many more of our people we need to send out there into this flying projectile business. That’s what this is kind of all about. Flying projectiles and how little we actually want them flying through our heads, say.

So we got to talking about What happens after we do all this killing and banging and shooting and whatever.

And that’s when we happen to find, serendipitously, digital porn. And you have to imagine such a moment for our leader. He never knew that such a thing existed. That they actually make pornography out of essentially what used to be a children’s art was insane to him. He had never seen such a thing.

And then, you know, it’s not the devil or even the devil’s advocate, it’s just like if you really want to know, you can look if you’re interested, right? And sure enough, just like every other public figure, there he was getting done and done and done and done. It was the bottom gay porn really that was kind of weird to have to sit through together. I guess he kind of forgot that I was in the room and I don’t really care. I grew up in the San Francisco Bay area so as far as I’m concerned, you know. But this is really conservative hell generally so watching our leader watch himself, you know. So it was kind of an authentic moment in a way.

So this is when the peace plan finally came into being. Such a revelation. Such a moment. Such pathos. Such porthos. Such aramis actually when he gets worked up. So sexy. So so so so sexy. But it looks like we’ve got things locked up and that’s the most important thing.

So that’s the news from the Jews who would love to smooth and get it from the source for yous. We just want to tell you to please be ecological in all of your decisions. And if you are someone who is ecological in all of your decisions and you know who I am and where I am. Would you please do me a favor with these fuckers next door. I can’t physically watch them destroy a nursery. The world is waking up prematurely. The temperature is wrong and they should be sleeping longer. And these little babies are sleeping and waking up and that fucking cunt drives her tank in and out of here so that she has cigarettes. If anybody wants to put a stop to that, I’ll fucking pay you. Cheers

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