Adversarial relationships

I am visiting with my ex-girlfriend. I have my doubts that this will work out the way I think it should.

Why do you doubt it? Is it me?

No, it’s just that I have an idea and I want to talk it out.

Just a second. Let’s say I give you everything you want. I give you my full attention regardless what I’m doing in my life or even if it to me seems the greatest waste of my time in the entire world. But I would do this for you because I’m a female and you’re a male and you’re searching for this thing in the relationship that you get from your mother. Am I going too far here? I just want to know if this thing that you want to talk about is important.

Well, I don’t think I was joking. This is hard to explain. But this writing goes out in public. Technically speaking, and we’re not talking about money, but if I said it here, it is said and anyone wandering by who wants to know what was going on can have a look. And there it will be. In writing. Like the Torah, kind of. Like any writing. This is just what I was dealing with. Does that make sense?

Yes. You are an influencer now. You have the disease. You believe you are in the media. Do you have any audience at all?

Doubtful. It’s hard to say. But it would be based exactly on this thing that I wanted to talk about.

Okay. Then I can call this a business thought. If you can say something perfectly enough to draw people’s attention away from whatever it is they were doing to give you a moment’s thought, we have business. Is that the general idea?

It’s interesting to talk to modern women. You are very much an independent and you think very much like a man. I’m sure there was a time when women did not go into the corrupt world and keeping their hearts clean was one of the prizes of the world. Yes, it was slavery based on stupidity and an irrational idea of love. But it was the thing that we did to each other because we treat each other like animals. And that was just the way it was and therefore it’s in all of our DNAs to be like this. I mean, you are Christian, right?

Okay. Fair point. What’s your big thought?

It occurs to me that the world currently believes that having adversarial relationships with each other is the only possible way to interact.

Wow. That is an interesting thought. What exactly do you mean by adversarial?

Well, we want something from each other. When I was young they used to say something about alterior motives. I wasn’t really interested in being friends with someone, I just wanted to have sex with them, basically. But what it really means is that none of us require in any way to be helpful to one another. Not even a little bit. In fact, it seems important to us to lead people astray and to send them down the wrong roads. It seems we wish to cause problems. Why we do this is interesting but it certainly seems as if all interpersonal relationships these days are in fact adversarial.

Can you give me some examples?

Our relationship with our political leaders. They are terrible. Literally, they ruin our environment and they force us into hysterical competition for nothing. They are obviously begging us to catch cancer because it’s profitable to them to make use of us for the cancer treatments. It is a lunatic asylum that we live in. They are not our friends. The lawmakers, these people who themselves are above the law, are adversarial to us. They are not our friends, they are our enemy. They are our adversaries. This is how they see themselves as being important. They make laws that give us pain. Do you understand what I’m saying?

I think you are trying to say something about women being negative all the time. Would you dream and say there was an alternative?

Okay in terms of a government, I could only dream and give some examples of some forward-thinking places. But at this current moment in time, the oil business has a lock on humanity and they are not going to stop profits. They just don’t get it that we cannot live like this but they love it because it’s profitable and they don’t care who they hurt. And that includes the planet. Do you see my point here? Everything they feed us and everything they give us is actually adversarial to us in life. They are not here to facilitate anything for us or to make our lives better. They simply exist to teach us who is big and who is small.

I have lived in a few countries. Maybe you’re only talking about beautiful Belarus. Belarus is rather heavy-handed if you hadn’t noticed.

Fair enough. But if I’m monitoring the world, at least the statistically or checking in with their online people, I would be talking about Russia and the United States and Asia and the southern hemisphere. I see the world as being manipulated by those who have great store houses of weapons and like to use them. But weapons are illogical. Or basically, they are anti-logic. They are just brute force to take what you want. This is the issue with the world. It’s too much power. It’s too much corruption. There is no one who can speak to these people anymore because they are too protected and they don’t care who they kill to stay as comfortable as they are.

There’s a word that comes into my head but I’m not going to say it.

Thanks. But the thing that is missing is that thing that I ran into here. The Russians have done a very, very good job of painting pictures of who is good and who is bad. Russia loves to remind Ukraine that they are just garbage, just the same as everyone else and that having economic advantage over a neighbor so as to allow the the masculine population to make use of the difference in economics to achieve sex with cheap prostitutes. And forever, Russia is there to remind Ukraine and Belarus that we are nothing more than vassal states. Russia is important, we are service. And, we have to be ready to accept the lowest of the very low. In fact, it’s quite possible that the Ukrainian war was started because prices for Europeans were higher for the prostitutes which kind of froze the Russians out of their usual all included tour packages.

You know, I think that you are a patriot but I don’t think anybody wants to know that.

Maybe. But I’m an ecologist. I wrote this in my play 23 years ago but I thought was going to be my business card when I came here. People just didn’t want to know me or what I could do. They found out. The market loved me. The market absolutely loved me. I was Beatles in the marketplace. But with the non-market people, with the non-working people, with the government people and the education people and the medical people, for all of those people who get a paycheck for showing up and being a slave to someone else’s will, they love playing their little games. That’s what bureaucrats do, the little scamps. They love to play head games and they feel that this is exactly what the world needs.

And thus we only have adversarial relationships with each other. Everything we do is a head game. That’s what started this conversation. I was absolutely sure that you just wanted to play with my head. See? I was right.

I don’t know. It depends by what you mean by play. I think we’re supposed to have fun. I think we are happier and more open when we are in a good mood. When we have a lack of adversarial relationships, this is the place where we are usually pretty free. I just like getting things straight in my head because it makes sense when I look at people. I realize it’s been years and I’m just redundantly saying the same thing again and again. But there was a time when I first came here when no one had adversarial relationships with each other. We could call this the prime of the communist philosophy. We were not adversaries with each other fighting for resources, we were all friends sharing the resources the best we could.

Oh that was crazy.

What was crazy?

The moment you said communism, I thought of five things to say that we’re all negative and adversarial. They just popped up into my head like flags. Normally I would just say them. But today for some reason I saw it and instead of saying it I thought about why it came up. I didn’t really feel like saying anything like this but there was a reaction when you said the word communism.

Pavlov’s dog.

Fuck shit piss.

You learned that from me.

Oh fuck shit piss!

You see? There are things you’re not even allowed to discuss because you have these automatic physical impulses implanted into you. Your body doesn’t like it so you refuse the information. Welcome to my post Russian life as an educator and you can see why I might be a little bitter. And now you’re looking back and you see everything from this other perspective. It’s kind of a Bob Dylan moment. How does it feel?

Okay. You win. Really. I did love you but I was on my way somewhere and you were in the way. You were just a sacrifice that needed to be made.

I know. So were you.