Killing in Africa

Originally published December 2, 2023

As a perpetual practitioner of acts of civil disobedience, I am within my own bloody rights to give the following thought.

If we are talking about carnivores, the mark of a genuine killer is that they eat their prey on the field. Or at least carry it up a tree to eat it. Good luck to any human wo think they are carnivores. We ain’t carnivores.

A majestic powerful lion eating its bloody prey on a field

This was my original thought for writing this post and I could stop right here and be satisfied that I have made my point. None of my neighbors can walk naked out into the woods and come back with bloody faces and hands and a happy look on their face because they had managed to run down, kill and eat something that caught their eye. Human carnivorism seems to have something to do with going to the bars and finding a sex partner for the night or in my case, fat lonely women looking for something clean to take their minds off of their miserable lives and impotent husbands.

But when I was thinking about putting together this post, in order to get a picture of a lion eating something on the field, the words that I typed in were “killing in Africa”. I don’t know why I chose these particular words to get pictures but this is what I did. And what I got was pretty disturbing.

What I got were pictures of absolute miserable violence of man against man, almost universally for political reasons and absolutely universally about money. Poverty, especially forced poverty and genuinely especially forced poverty because of racism is one of the cruelest things that exist in our modern world. Again, this is not what I was looking for but this is what I got.

These pictures are the result of letting one violent man sit in a chair and amuse himself with the blood of his people. Violent dictatorships, the bloody results of poverty, racism and the economic interference by outsiders looking for frieldly deals to export the wealth of the continent.

Please don’t misunderstand me. I’m not being racist here and I’m not only referring to dark-skinned people. I don’t really care if murderous leadership is black or white. I live with a couple of lunatic albino apes right now and the violence, pestilence, disease and utter pointlessness of the bloodshed is everywhere to be seen.

But to be fair, the mistake was disturbing and it really got me thinking. I wanted to know if it was the specific use of the word Africa. What would happen if I change this word to America? Would I still get the same photos of violence? It seemed logical so I thought I would put it to the test.

I should preface this by saying that we understand that these things exist. You can go anywhere in the United States and gun violence exists. Mass shootings, violence in urban centers, even the mafia exist. And let’s not get into police stop violence or anything like that. We all know that this exists but when I put the query to Google to show me some results, this is what I got.

That was pretty odd. Why did the phrase killing in Africa immediately bring up Africans chopping each other to death with machetes or shooting each other with automatic machine guns but killing in America brought up pop art? 

I decided to be more specific. How about mass shootings? Obviously that will show us images of bloodshed in America.

This was pretty weird. Just statistics. Where were the photos? Where was the bloodshed? And again, I wasn’t looking to amuse myself with bloody pictures. My thought was that I’m a vegan and I don’t particularly like human carnivores, people who don’t understand that carnivorism is not an inherent part of humanity except as a drug. I wasn’t looking for bloodshed to amuse myself. I don’t look for bloodshed. I am not a carnivore. But still, this seemed remarkably unfair. Why was it okay to show black people in Africa chopping each other up but not Americans? I tried results of mass shootings.

More statistics and graphs. I started getting a little upset by this. How come nobody wanted to show me bloody images of Americans? Do they just not want this in the media? Are they so afraid of negative propaganda even when everyone absolutely knows it exists because it’s in the news everyday.

I thought to be very specific. I actually asked for “Fox News mass shootings”. Are you a Fox News fan? Tell me the world is not the sickest most violent and bloodthirsty place in the world? If you are a fan of conservative media, aren’t you just afraid of everything that people can do? Isn’t that why we need more police, more military, more prisons? Isn’t that what conservative leadership is all about? Obviously this would give me the bloodiest pictures in the world. But it didn’t.

But then I realized that that never happens either. You will always get a very concerned personality telling you that the following images are going to be very disturbing. And then the actual meat is always removed and all we see is people crying and suffering. We see the results and the human emotions but we don’t get to look at the blood and the meat. And even the fact that there are warnings telling people that they are going to be looking at pictures of extreme violence that might be quite upsetting seems counterproductive to my search. Why is it possible to show African people being cut to ribbons but not Americans?

I decided to try one more time. How about a first-hand account of American shootings?

No, there it was again. Human drama, tears, frightened people but not the meat. You just can’t show the meat. You can show black people being turned into meat but you can’t do that with Americans.

I could just grind this thought into the dirt and put together words like the actual meaty and bloody results of white mass school shootings maybe we’d get something but I don’t want to put it up there and if I put it up there, you know a flag is going to go up and law enforcement is going to know about me.

Next year is election year y’all and I think we need to talk seriously about how we are running things. 40-day vegan challenge is in effect and if y’all ain’t doing it, y’all ain’t on the team and we are working on one team for next year so we can put an end to the bullshit.

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