In the Torah, if you read some of the dialogues between Moses and Pharaoh as Moses is trying to let his people go, if you read it as a pragmatic gift of 600,000 people so that little Jewish brother can start his own state, you can see that Pharaoh is making sure that Moses knows how to do it correctly.
There are nuances in there. Moses is asked what he wants? And his answer is we want to go out and worship God which kind of means take a break and be free of all this nonsense. But then Pharaoh corrects him and reminds him that he wants to sacrifice. Pharaoh reminds him that there needs to be blood in every single interaction with people. If they don’t have fear of death, you can’t control them.
So Moses grew up in the Royal household and probably studied engineering or at least water engineering. This business of tapping rocks and finding water probably has a lot to do with understanding the signs of knowing where water is. You would become an expert if you were an Egyptian builder. You have to know these things. And the Egyptians took a lot of pride in their building.
But the main difference is that what seems to really be happening is it’s simply a gift. Here, here’s 600,000 Jews. See what you can do with them. And all of the mysticism and the magic and all of the stories that they tell, you know, do you really believe it? I mean seriously, do you really believe that God comes out of the sky and says only these people are worth anything, no other people have any value in the world? Do you really believe that?
My personal view is that God is nature and nature is God. And as someone who is trying to tell people to calm down their economic pursuits and especially driving around in automobiles, making purchases that require long-distance shipping and generally causing pollution all over the place, I think we are actually desecrating God’s home with all of this activity. And yet, see what we believe as the absolute rule book? It’s us versus you. My group of people versus your group of people.
But then you find yourself looking at the ten commandments. Live respectfully. Don’t harm other people. And then there is the greatest rule. Don’t kill anything. Under Jewish law, quite a few things are considered murder. If you bear false witness against your neighbor and you spread false stories, this is actually killing them because it diminishes their reputation publicly. You’re not supposed to be so clever in defeating your enemies, you’re not supposed to do it.
So the original Moses getting ready to collect his gift and have a walk out of Egypt as a group is really thinking of a kind society. In Moses’ mind, freedom from slavery means freedom from oppression. It doesn’t mean someone tells everybody what to do, it means everybody learns to take care of themselves well.
But here is where Big brother reminds his Jewish half brother of how to control people. This is the serious business of blood and killing. I’ve said a million times that I’ve been a vegan for years and years because it gives me personal clarity of mind. I see things more clearly. It’s like being drunk and then you stop drinking. This is however my individual capacity to think for myself. And this I think is the most important thing of removing the blood and cruelty from your life.
The result of eating meat, especially eating pork fat and other such beloved gentile dietary habits, is that it makes you extremely stupid. The fat congeals in your veins and arteries and your blood can’t flow all the way up into your head. It is in fact so difficult to digest that the main point of eating like this is it is very relaxing. But, are we supposed to be this lazy? Because if this is all you eat, you start making all of the lazy choices that go along with a high fat low fiber diet.
I had a conversation with a doctor friend of mine several years ago. She was going to medical school and I asked her her opinion about going vegan versus any arguments for eating meat. The first thing she said were the words “our people”. I understand you can talk about the problems of specific cultures. How old do Eskimos actually live? Not long. There’s no other way to say it because if you’re going to live on a diet that causes coronary diseases, you are going to get a lot of heart attacks, strokes, diabetes and of course, great stupidity.
My point is that you are either a homo sapien or you’re not. No matter how much you believe in the power of your group, if you believe that your particular ethnicity is somehow different, that’s craziness and that’s among our biggest health problems in the world right now. And of course it’s all made worse by everybody falling in love with factory hamburgers all over the world.
If you want to talk about the medical profession, reading textbooks that tell you pig fat is good for you or that flegm producing milk products is somehow healthy just because it is a cultural norm is just insanity. And if we add in all of the pollution and packaging garbage from all of that shipping, you can see why the world is actually as filthy as it is.
So why do we do it? I think we do this for the exact same reason we’ve always done it even from the time of the Torah. It’s about keeping people stupid so that they can be more easily controlled. And in the case of modern economics, we are talking about perpetual economic slavery tied to both the military industrial complex and of course the oil business. It seems that all anyone does is work as slaves for whoever is running the place and most importantly is that no one has any right to stop. In the case of Belarus, we are all working for the benefit of Moscow. You must get in your car. You must go to work. Daddy needs his cut.
Locally, we’re going through yet another pandemic of sickness right now. Because nobody ever has the power to stop working, we are unable to isolate the illnesses and we continue to spread all of them amongst ourselves. If we were to allow serious lockdowns like we did during COVID, and no one stopped for COVID here, the spread of disease could be slowed to a minimum. But there’s no such thing as a scientific approach to the health of a community. Everybody is obligated to suck it up and allow every illness in the world to flow through them. They work us to death like we’re animals, getting everything that we can out of us, And of course no one is allowed to take a break and have a day off.
This is what it feels like to me. Everyone here loves telling me all about “our people” and all of the humorous nuances of perpetual group slavery. I worked independently and saved my money. And then I let my beard grow. Now, I am so different from the norm that I am always the object of attention. In fact people love grouping up on me to show me how strong they are as a group and how foolish I am for not joining them. But I say I’m doing fine by myself. I have lots of free time, I can rest as much as I want and I don’t really feel any compunction to work. Well, except for everyone screaming at me to keep moving.
I tried to get a local alcoholic to take out some trash for me today. I cannot believe how difficult it is for information to get into his head. He is just sort of existing in the cosmos and information just bangs off of him. It’s literally impossible to ask him to do anything specific because he just doesn’t have any capacity to absorb information. His head is mush from alcohol and sausages every night of his life. He also has this horrible Russian habit of trying to show that he’s listening by making the sound nu. And this drives me absolutely insane because I always ask him whether he’s saying yes or no? He laughs at this because I have to do this so many times even he notices the redundancy. There is no individual quality of life. There is no electricity above the neck.
And this seems to be what the Torah wants to teach us. Personally, I like to be pragmatic about things and just look at it as a piece of literature. It’s a story of how a leader builds a great nation out of a bunch of rag tag Jews. If you don’t see it as a holy book, you notice a lot of these nuances of how to control people. And if you do want to read it as an absolute that cannot be argued in any way, it says that the only way to live in the world is through war, violence and the strong controlling the weak. There’s no actual freedom from slavery. It just means being slaves from one group and now transferring it to a new master. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. And if we take away all of the mysticism and flowery writing and all of these images that titillate the brain, this is what it’s about. Pharaoh is teaching his younger brother how to be a good leader. Fear, blood and keep your people stupid and never ever stop controlling them.
And of course exactly like my modern world, the children of Israel had a really hard time with leprosy. It was catching all over the place and they had no way really to stop it. They tried separating the sick from the healthy but inevitably, by demanding that everyone lived together in ghettos, there’s never any way to stop the spread. And if we add in nuances of the modern world with all of the shipping and moving from country to country, you see what happens to everybody. And everybody is sick here right now just like we always are.
A lot of my ability to handle information came about when I went fully vegan. It wasn’t only my mental capacities that improved, I also became stronger physically. I healed faster because nothing was blocking the flow of fresh clean blood. I also completely normalized my blood sugar when I stopped having animal fat in my body.
And here is truly the worst of it though. With fresh eyes and a clean mind, it’s amazing how horrible the world looks. And if we are talking about purchasing meat, literally looking at dead animal flesh starts to make you physically ill. And the worst of it, you sees there’s no real difference between chicken flesh and dead people flesh. And everybody knows you’re not supposed to eat dead people, right? We’re not cannibals, right?
But maybe it’s even more simple than that. When I let go of the animal fat, I just felt better. I felt cleaner and stronger and faster. Unfortunately, I was the only one doing this. I was the only one taking care of myself. I was the only one not following group norms. I was the only one who could see this.
But it’s not really a matter of intelligence or science or even decent biology and good health practices. The genuine issue of most religions or reasons why people would be groups is simply that they are forced interchanging their mind. The group is strong, the individual is weak and it doesn’t matter what the truth is. And in fact it doesn’t matter how sick you get trying to follow the rules. You follow the rules and that’s all.
I remember hanging out with the local Hasidic community years ago. I was vegetarian at that time and they just kept screaming at me that I had to stop. They would smile at me. I said look, I feel better without the meat. And they said eat the meat because it’s what we do. If you want to be one of us, eat the meat. I told them I didn’t want to and they just smiled at me. It doesn’t matter about health or personal happiness, the important thing is you eat the meat and drink the alcohol and be a part of the group.
And so I made the same choice I have always made. I went my own way. I chose to be an independent so I could do what I like. And the specifically means I could eat what I like and live how I like and I liked this a lot better. Trying to fit myself into a particular mold never brought me happiness and honestly, there was nothing about Hasidic life that brought me any pleasure whatsoever. And frankly, if there’s no pleasure in it, if you’re not going to enjoy it, if it doesn’t make you feel better or bring you happiness, why in hell should you do it?
But then again that’s the point. You’re not supposed to be comfortable, you’re supposed to conform. You’re supposed to conform and you’re supposed to be a soldier because that’s what the Torah tells us all to do. And because people have used this as an absolute sacred unquestionable text, it means that the world has never been at peace and the Jews have been under attack for thousands and thousands of years.
We certainly taught the Romans how to do it. When Christianity took over, you understand how it spread so easily. They liked crucifying people. They like torturing people. Believe what we tell you to believe and make us believe it. It doesn’t matter whether it’s nonsense or not, join or die. Do what we tell you or suffer punishment. And believe me, this is exactly what my life is and has been ever since I grew my beard and told everybody to go screw.
And this is not just local. The whole world is like this. The military industrial complex is how things are run. There is no great intelligence on this planet, there are a group of countries that hold all the weapons and they just go in and kill people and occupy spaces and that’s how it is. You work for us now. You work for us, you are our slaves and if you don’t like it, we’re going to punish you and punish you and punish you and punish you.
Americans always tell me I’m crazy for living here. Don’t you want to live in a place with a higher standard of living? Don’t you want to live in California? But I don’t see it. I don’t see what is so special about being required to have a six-figure income just to get by. Sure people are making more money, but take a look at the freeways every morning. Slavery in one place is slavery in another place. I own my house outright with no mortgage. I have a small pension and everything gets paid for. I live here for free, I can’t see a better way to do it even if my neighbors are constantly pushing me to cut my beard and become a good Christian. I lock my property and that’s all. I’m not lonely. And believe me, they offer me nothing I’m interested in.
The worst part of all of this gasoline based mobility and weapons sales keeping wars afloat is we have now had 20 years or so of the hottest year in the history of history. The climate has changed as a result of all of the constant pollution and garbage and unfortunately, everything is dying because of it. Types of trees or local animals developed in a region over thousands of years suddenly find themselves living in an alien landscape. It’s too hot, there’s not enough water and everything dies. Perhaps this year, maybe finally this year, people are starting to notice what’s happening. Here, there’s no mushrooms in the forest. And of course California is on fire and there is drought and poverty everywhere. We don’t stop. We don’t stop the pollution. But even modern people can see what’s going on. It’s so bad that even modern stupid idiots can finally see the results.
Does it matter? Of course not. They just get tougher on everybody. Listen, we don’t care about the environment. We don’t care about global warming. We care about money and we cannot stop working even for a minute. Let the forests die. Sell the lumber. Keep making money. But who can live here? I’m not even talking about animals? How can you expect human beings to live in such a filthy environment that is absolutely not natural anymore in any way? But again, we just don’t care. Economics and not ecology. We are the first generation in the history of the world that will never know what a clean morning looks like. We have already broken the planet but nobody is even allowed to look.
Why can’t we stop? I say it is because the Jews wrote a book about how to build an army and the faithful have been defending it no matter what for thousands of years. The ten commandments might say don’t kill, but, if you want to have an army, you take people out to the outskirts of town and have citizens throw rocks at them until they die. Or you just send soldiers out there to murder any number of people until you’ve got all the thinkers put away. The rules of ethics in being a good person might say live a quiet respectful life but the truth is, power and blood is it. Join or die. And this has been the way of the world for thousands of years.
I say that loving God means loving nature first and foremost. If you truly love God, it means you have to love all of God’s creation. And that means nature and all living things. It means living respectfully and it does not mean perpetual war or economic slavery.
So in the end, I am an advocate of not eating meat. Why? I want people to be smarter. I’m a writer because I want people to be literate. I want them to use their own minds and their own energies to generate pictures through their imagination. We are collectively so stupid right now with our ability to generate electronic video content that all we do is stare at pictures all day long. It means we’re becoming more and more illiterate. And of course because the only thing we believe in is what we see with our eyes, we have racism and hate based upon people simply looking different. We are fools. We have no logical thought and all we do is act like a bunch of thugs. Nobody has an opinion, nobody has anything to say and nobody has a life worth living except to go out and make some money. And making money is the only way to achieve any type of status. You’re only a good person if you’re making money. And of course in our case, it means continually making money for Russia.
This has got to stop. We have to stop this way of life. We cannot continue living like this. We cannot continue economic slavery with the requirement of oil and war. We have to stop living like this because we are destroying our natural habitat with our process. Well, we have already destroyed our habitat with our activities and that is noticeable even for people as stupid as we are.
We can dream about great technologies that will terraform other planets or building giant machines to help clean up the oceans. Actually, I do think it’s good that we are collecting our trash from the oceans. I don’t know about you but I’m tired of looking at the abuse we have heaped upon ocean life. I’m tired of pictures of oil covered sea life or turtles caught in floating bits of net. We make so much garbage and we never stop and we don’t care who we kill in the process.
I say, for the sake of public health, for the sake of the health of the planet, for the sake of allowing the natural movements of the planet to heal itself, The only real answer is for individuals to stop polluting. I definitely recommend a very very slow life. I say take it easy. I say we live locally and build food gardens. I say if you live in a poor community, work together peacefully. Stop pushing each other. Stop challenging each other. Help feed each other. Forget about making money. Forget about status and forget about stuff. We have to learn to slow down and take it easy. Minimal to zero carbon footprints is the way to go and we have to do this universally.
I say, forget about making money. Forget about the slavery. Let people have something like a happy life and please stop destroying the planet Earth. This was God’s only gift to us. If you truly wish to believe there is God, we have to stop massacring our environment. We have to stop polluting and we have to stop demanding to keep people going in their cars all day everyday without end. We have to let people connect to nature. Just let things go. It’ll work. It might be a very slow process. It might take hundreds of years and many generations. But it’s the only way to save the planet.
We are all economic slaves. Economy over ecology and go ahead and run over the eco activists with your car. We believe in power and strength over intelligence and we need to go the other way around. We need more intelligent people making intelligent choices unless followers doing their job numbly just because they have no choice because they need the money. Make that money. And this is going to be the death of the planet for sure. And if you ask me, it is a 100% inevitability.