Boom shakalaka

I think in literature they call these Easter eggs. I don’t know why they call them that. They are supposed to be serendipitous finds that touch you in a way and that come back to haunt you later on. Yeah, it’s a literary device and that’s why I’m talking about it. But I’m just saying I keep telling this story about picking up the pretty girl on the bus. It’s that rise. It’s from absolute bum who she would never touch to the opportunity to touch the greatest artist who ever lived in one nanosecond. That is an elevator to the sky. I don’t know about you, but in my lifetime, I had an elevator to the sky. And apparently, right now at this moment, I still got one and it is a most popular attraction.

Who am I? Sorry, the question now is who are you. Me? I’m G, bitch. Get it? I’m privileged because I did what I did and that’s all there is to it, isn’t it? And I am G and as of the moment I am on fire. Check my heat. Tell me you can’t feel the warmth coming off me. Tell me you can’t feel the fire now.

I got some feedback about Paradise. Lots of feedback about Paradise. It’s about judging Zhadni. The greedy bureaucrat. The entire thing is sitting in judgment of greed and whether or not it is worth our time. I love it. I never thought of it that way before. Cool.

And then there’s agata. This woman is ready to fight you 24/7. And not just like engage in sparkling repartee. She’s ready to box your ass no matter who you are and no matter how big you are. Have I ever actually met such a woman in my life? Yes I have. I’ve meant quite a few bodies and one or two who were quite sincere in their day. But usually that female tension only exists in head games and I find this to the great misfortune of the world. I’m sorry but I truly must say that universal child rearing to women is ridiculous. Parents raise children. We’re not supposed to separate parents for money. We’re supposed to leave parents alone and just make sure that only healthy and serious people have children.

Editor’s note: education starting right now. Direct conversation from people who have access to the media to people that listen to them. We tell them the truth about what they must do and how they must act. And we must not ask people to take advantage over each other but rather to work out problems so that everybody has what they need. We have to do this quietly and carefully because we have to stop ruining the world. This is my philosophy. I say this again and again and there is absolutely no reason to ever think anything else is ever going on despite anything I might say in a moment. It’s always about ecology and I don’t think there is a moment where I am not in control of what I put in my mouth, even if I know I’m being controlled by some sugar that I should never have let in the door. So if I speak to you about how we work out the deal about making more children, it is about public conversation and education and not about force so don’t even think about that. It means you get together with the people that are going to be your group, the people you’re going to be putting together your food with, your team. And now you talk about making children and caring for them and that probably we should talk deeply about what we should do about that. We don’t want our population to explode because we are not free to do that. One in and one out and that’s all. We have enough land for this many people and that’s all. And that would be how I would get it to them and get everyone to agree that there is nothing to do but be good people and try your best so that everybody might share in the abundance of our efforts.

I’m a communist. Hate me some more.

But I’m right. I feel like bursting into song here. But I’m right. I did it again. Y’all just wouldn’t let yourself have anything from me. I was just absolutely untouchable, this in the parlance of perhaps the higher casts of India. There are levels at which people live and understanding our corresponding differences on the spectrum of looking up or looking down is sometimes interesting when there is a sweep suddenly and something has changed in the known universe drastically. And suddenly it’s a bit of a shudder when you think about it. Oh my goodness, what have we done. How do we justify our crime? Every time we were asked for a moment of our time, what did we do wrong? Why did we do what we did? It was because I was a very very low thing. So low. Lower than the lowest white person could ever be. I was now completely a nigger. Loved it. Absolutely loved it.

I think what I’m trying to say is that there are quite a few bubbles out there that need popping. It’s wonderful that you are very comfortable and that you have enough money to keep yourself well within the limits of tolerance in terms of narcotics available to yourselves. You live rich lives of constant inebriation. Generations have questioned to have this thing that you have now in this moment. But as good old Greta loves to ask us, at what cost? And then you have this justification because the people we lionize most are the people who can kill without any emotional attachment to it. We lienize people who can kill remorselessly. And this is what Zhadni gave us in the film. Here is how the big guys do it. Here is how you kill remorselessly.

So for at least this one moment of clarity, which is perhaps all someone like me could ever really hope for, it was nice to have been that guy big enough and bad enough and talented enough to steal your rebounding girlfriend who was getting even with you because I knew I was big enough to handle you if you wanted to try and hit me about it. So that had a lot to do with it too. And sure, I did kind of enjoy riding those buses. Looking back, I could have made better use of my time. But then again, I didn’t really have any where to live that I liked. I hadn’t met the place that felt like maybe it was home. That would be years in the future and many miles away from the North American continent. And once I got home, I never left again.

So jokes on you, y’all. I’m privileged as hell in case you couldn’t figure it out. But it’s through my own ways and means. I don’t get anything as easy as I’d like. There are a few orders to the apothecary I would love to be able to make that I do not have the opportunity to do. I know it exists out there. But I’m on the no-fly zone still. Thank you Mr Putin. May you experience a few days in your life of what I have been experiencing in my life with you.

Which is to say that I generally don’t feel good. Let’s be pretty clear about that. I suppose I could do many things to make myself feel better. But truth is what truth is and my condition is what it is and I don’t feel well at all. But, that’s okay. I thought it was going to set off a bomb from my bank account. I thought I was going to set off this little happiness bomb make a bunch of people smile and agree to talk to me like they liked me for a few minutes. That is something that you get addicted to. Actually you don’t. You figure out that you screwed up by thinking I was stupid and then you are screwed and you’re afraid to open up your mouth around me forever and ever. Hell. Sorry. Didn’t ask for that job.

So my friends in the Jewish community tell me that this is a mitzvah. A lifetime as a mitzvah if one was to look at it in that direction. I’m not making excuses for myself or my choices. I got allowed them in many cases where most people would be shocked to even do it. But it was just being who I was and living here. The world had changed and from living as a person amongst a bunch of other people also just trying to get along and figuring out how to do it, two living amongst a bunch of horrible bureaucrats all trying to play head games with you one after another. It was just ridiculous to suddenly be and Nazi Germany when you thought you were in the womb of love. Bitch.

I want to say something in Hebrew here so you understand my sincerity but I just want to say that God is nature and nature is God and I fully believe that we are surrounded by the force that God gave us to allow us to live. And with this simple belief, I can see that all the corruption we do by bringing fills into the world through pollution, pollution through travel and use of materials that do not get digested back into the planet, all for profit, are the greatest crimes that could ever be committed against the planet and all living things. And yet they ask us to vote in favor of it every day. Everything and everywhere, all we see and all we get in the media and in the epic shows that are available for the people to pay attention to tell us to vote yes to continue this thing and not to stop. But no alternative vote is allowed. No one is allowed to read the fine print. That’s the stuff that says this thing that we want you to spend money on is not really going to help you and is sketchy as hell.

So I leave you with this. Be with God. Stop being with internet celebrity leadership. Stop fighting to say you love Donald Trump. Stop being idiots. Give this love to God. Tell God you love her with all of your heart and all of your soul and all of your might. Scream to nature how much you love that nature has been and your race and species has been allowed to evolve to allow you your life right now. Be grateful for your life. Do not desecrate your home. Live clean from the land. Live sustainably, living harmony with all living things and then you have achieved something. Then you are a good person. Then you are a conscious person. Then you’re a smart person. Then you’re a person smart enough to have figured it out. You don’t win anything competing with pigs for more slob but more time in the slop with other pigs. I don’t think that’s what any of us are working for in our hearts and our souls.

Enough? Really, enough? Did I get your attention this time? Did it help. I mean, even if you just saw it as a Friday night TV show with enough flashy celebrities on it to make your time staring at it worthwhile. I’m just sitting here inviting you to take a little ride with me. Lots of different rides. Some long, some short. Some remarkably tedious and horrible. Some so long that one wonders why one would even go on such a journey. But then you know. You know when you know and that’s a teacher talking. You can believe what I’m telling you. I cannot put a spell on you and make anything happen whatsoever. I can show you how to speak English but frankly, when you know, you know and that’s all there is to it. And even worse, because I know how much you want codependency here, it’s just something private for yourself that’ll happen. You tell me whether you’re worth a party and a lot of money spent because you figured out you could understand English as a language being spoken to you.

That would not be the end. That would be the beginning.

So, that’s all folks. Cheers.