Global warming is real

There was some baseball literature one time called A False Spring. This was written by Pat Jordan who for a moment, considered that he might actually be of Major League quality as a pitcher. The book was about his downward spiral as the weight of competition and his own feelings of inadequacy made him realize that he just was not going to make it. What was easy to others, throwing strikes and being around the plate enough to be effective, got away from him. And slowly he became completely worthless. I guess that’s why he ended up an author. Maybe that’s what happens to all authors. Haha.

But global warming also has a false spring and we are doing it right now. According to the weather service, we not only don’t have snow on the ground in late January, the weather is going to be up to plus nine or 10. What this means is that it is no longer the normal temperature for the time of the year. What that means is that all of the life, the trees, the animals and all living things in the region, no longer have what is necessary to live. They all find themselves in a strange place trying to adapt and get by. Unfortunately they die. That’s what happens when you leave your home. That’s what we’ve done. We’ve destroyed our home.

This has been happening for close to 20 years. I’ve been writing about it a lot over the last 5 years. It seems that every year is the hottest temperature in the history of history. We can read about the celebrities who lost their homes in Southern California. We can read about a lot of things. But what we really have is nonsense. We have complete bullshit coming from leadership. It is well known that I have no love for Donald Trump but the real ticket here is that he speaks gibberish. I want to say something about how this is an extremely Christian thing to do and that Christianity in itself is a bunch of gibberish that people are forced to believe. Well, originally they would agree or suffer crucifixion. Crucifying people is still very popular. Ask Barry Bonds. Ask me.

But what needs to happen is for people to be allowed some clarity. We can’t keep controlling people to the point that they are insane. We just can’t do this anymore. We have killed ourselves doing this and the physical evidence is everywhere on the planet.

I am personally suffering right now. I don’t need to get into the ins and outs of my physical problems but I am physically suffering and in pain at the moment. This has nothing particularly to do with global warming but it does have everything to do with the people around me. When I went to friends and ask them if they thought Chicago was perhaps the greatest rock band in the history of the world and that I was amazed that 25 or 6 to 4 still rocks me out 60 years later, they became paranoid. What do you mean you want my opinion? Literally, I was told that I was not allowed to give examinations. I asked someone if they liked my play that I wrote in Russian. They didn’t know why they had to express themselves. Ironically, it is in that play itself that the problem of trying to say what someone else wants you to say was the killing problem. Nobody is allowed to give their own opinion. Independence is the last thing anybody wants here.

My argument is that this might be the greatest song from the greatest band. I believe for a fact it’s about looking for the creativity to finish writing a song in the wee hours of the morning. But then Terry Kath decided to play with a loaded gun and blew his brains out. I guess that’s pretty much what happens when you play with guns. You ruin beautiful things.

So what do you do with a completely paranoid population? And you might say that I’m speaking only of Belarus but obviously that’s not true. Perhaps there’s some sense of privilege in Moscow. But travel outside of Moscow, especially outside the ring road, and what do you find? No one is providing infrastructure for anybody. Nobody is doing anything but practicing dominance and trying to collect taxes. Nobody is allowed to grow. Nobody is allowed any independence. And if you do get lucky enough to put a business together, and of course you pay your mafia type taxes, maybe they let you pretend to be rich. But then you’re in the pocket and I have even extremely rich friends who have been in the pocket for a while now. You can see the change easily.

What are we being asked to believe? It’s simple. Move. Travel. Go somewhere else. The answer to your problem is elsewhere. Buy a car. Go driving. Get in a plane and go flying. Go somewhere else and try to set yourself up. Don’t even worry about the money. And in the cases of people running away from the war, well, how many thousands who had the means to get away got away?

And then there is the war. Of course we don’t have to think of anything because it’s a time of war. We don’t have governments taking care of local infrastructures, we are about hegemony and dominance. We don’t care about the people we kill, we just want their money. We just want to dominate and to own part of their wallet.

I have a conversation going on with a relative of mine. It’s all he thinks of. Give me the money. And if I think about that, and again, don’t blame me or consider me misogynist to specifically target women about this, but how many blackmail artists have followed me around over the years? And even worse than this, what about the Russian bullies advising people how to act with me? What about being blocked so that no one knew who I was? What about disallowing people from talking to me generally? What about not being allowed to have a conversation or give an opinion. And of course this is voting? Opinions are votes.

Apparently leadership has set themselves up that they never have to leave. They’ve become so comfortable and sure that this is the way to do it, they are just going to keep their jobs because obviously no one is strong enough to stop them. Again, we’re not talking about competent government. We’re not talking about running city systems and allowing people to have options to grow and become better. We’re not talking about independence or creativity or individuality. We’re not talking about giving people their lives. We’re talking about keeping people as numbers. And that means paranoid, unable to speak for themselves and unfortunately, completely unaware that anything else would ever exist anywhere. 

Probably this is why I am the most dangerous man in the world. I represent insurrection to quite a few people, even my Jewish friends. Part of my problem is that I’ve developed an ulcer along with my other problems and it’s quite uncomfortable. Anxiety. There’s no such thing as anxiety medication allowed. I think you know what I’m talking about. It’s just not allowed. In fact, they don’t just say no, they tell people what to say. This is the worst thing in the world and people who do this go to jail for up to 15 years. How’s that for kindness for something that is nothing but a natural plant that actually likes global warming?

So we are at war. We are at war because we have no comprehension how to be at peace. We are perfectly happy selling weapons in Ukraine and watching the Ukrainians in the Russians kill each other. It seems really ironic to me all things considered. Afghanistan has been called the death of empires. How many afghanistanis have been killed by the Russians or the Americans or the British or anyone else going in there trying to get their hands on the poppy fields? And yet, Ukraine has no problem mortgaging their future to the Americans. I mean, is this wisdom? Somebody wants to have an independent country. Of course the first thing you do is waste all your money on weapons so that you have nothing left to spend on infrastructure.

And it never stops. Why? Because it’s all profitable. It’s all oil business profit. Every time someone moves or has to move or has to buy something, that’s oil profits. More human suffering means more money. The more people are confused, the more they scurry looking for something that feels better. I’m in the middle of this right now. I’m hoping that a pot of boiled potatoes will last a while. It’s not so bad. It kind of helps. A little of soda in the water there in there and some oatmeal. It doesn’t cure anything but it helps a little.

Or I can go home. And that’s all anybody tells me. We are doing this to you because we want you to go home. Well that might be but why? What do you care? What do you care who I am or what I do? What do you care about other people so much? Actually, I am a target. I’m a scapegoat. People love to use me to get out of their own heads. Most of the people I have been talking to are perfectly happy talking to me as long as they feel they have power in the relationship. Usually, actually always, all they want is to tell me the rules. That’s all you need to be aware of here is the rules and having an opportunity to teach some foreigner the rules is wonderful. Even a foreigner who’s been hanging around for 25 years and has already heard this conversation at least 10,000 times. It’s the only conversation anybody wants to have. And, nobody knows how to read.

So who are we? We stare at our phones. We watch videos. We look at pictures. We stare at each other and contemplate the color of our skin and the size and shape of our bodies. We allow the attributes to come to our mind that anyone who is not like us is probably a savage. And how many women have shared their fantasies about me? Oh, he wanted to rape me. I could tell all he wanted was to beat and rape me. Would you like to know how many times this has happened? Read me. It’s my whole life here is listening to female fantasies about what a horrible abusive person I am. And this is with women I have no attraction for and no desire to even be friendly with. They just exist in their minds and this gives them a sense of control.

And this is the result. This is what global warming is. This is everybody trying to remain in control. Everybody wants to be on top nobody wants to be on the bottom and nobody even knows a middle ground exists. And even if they did, they are afraid that they wouldn’t know what to do with it. What do they want us to say? What are we supposed to do?

I say grow food. I said realign the economy with simply growing food. I said live locally. I said make an economy out of eating. Stop driving around and grow food where you live. Just stay where you are and learn to get along with your neighbors. Be helpful instead of harmful. Get rid of the bullies and the people who have nothing better to do but bother other people. Get rid of the people who raise men to do nothing but destroy without ever allowing them to learn reasonable trades other than to be soldiers. And in the schools, ask the children. Everybody is now obligated to learn the glorious histories of the wars. It’s like medieval times. All we have to learn is how to live in a game of thrones. Do you remember the names and dates of the wars and the warriors? Do you remember how glorious it all was to die in battle? To remember the joys the fascism. And what exactly was that Elon Musk Hitler salute? I believe for a fact that he was being ironic. But nevertheless, it did kind of shock people that he would make that gesture. Glory to the orange beauty of Trump. Shit stains and all.

So technically what’s going to happen is when things warm up, the plants and the trees are going to wake up and start growing. But then they’re going to get crushed when we have these strange frosts and terrible weather events. I’m not just talking about the horrible storms or the fires or any of the other weather events that we are suffering globally right now but coming along with the change in temperature. I’m just talking about the living things no longer have a home because their home has been taken away from them. Thousands of years of evolution destroyed by human pollution. Just keep getting in the car and going to work. Just keep buying cars. Just keep flying in planes. Just stay nervous and keep moving. And for the love of God, to make more money! Never, never, never stop making money.

I’d love to say here welcome to Belarus. I’d love to say welcome to Russian hegemony. I’d love to say welcome to the world controlled by the American military and British petroleum. I’d love to talk about the profit driven governments. I’d love to talk about how government should actually be a non-profit entity and creating things like for-profit allows for the opportunity of all of those blackmails I’ve been suffering. Doctors want my money. Lawyers want my money. Women want my money. Men want my money. I don’t have any money for them. I made my money teaching and working independently and I saved it. Nobody said I was rich enough to pay for anybody’s life but of course all they do is look at me. They hear I’m an American. I must be an oligarch. I must be rich. I must be the target. And even if they can’t figure out how to get close enough to me to worm into my wallet, they can always just hate me and use this as an opportunity to cause harm.

Again, not misogynist but it does occur to me that women have been weaponized. I recognize this 20 years ago. The women were no longer secure when communism ended. It used to be that everybody had a check and the economy was basically stable. Of course they were all poor blah blah blah. But now it was about making money. Nobody knew how to do it but they knew they needed to do it. Меня очень нужно деньги. This is Russian for I really need the money. This is how everybody used to talk and this was their explanation for being so nervous all the time. And they are nervous all the time. Everyone suffers all the time. Everyone suffers and no one has anywhere to go.

So welcome home to our new world and our new home. When the animals are all dead and the forests of all burned away, will some clever fellow still be looking for that technology that solves the problem? Of course, we could just knock off this false economy. We could just simply grow food. Stay local and take care of ourselves. Be responsible for our own lives, literally. I kind of see it as maybe 4 hours a day. Just grow something. You learn peace working in a garden. You learn patience working with slow growing things. And maybe we can stop killing each other for a change.