Perhaps itself annihilation. But why would this be? Why would saying what you think or what you feel have anything to do with destruction? Well, there are politics of course. And we don’t live in a fair world. We have lots and lots of mafia to deal with all the time and their number just keeps growing. So, if we’re talking about speaking up, this is probably the worst climate, politically speaking, to even think about that. Nevertheless…
I think a lot of people have the erroneous belief that there is an instant cure for anything. I myself searched for it in the kitchen forever. I wanted bar food, vegan bar food, but absolutely quickly prepared and yet delicious nonetheless. It can’t be done. Proper cooking is proper cooking. And the same is true for organizing one’s thoughts. And this is sincerely an important point to remember. If we’re going to have a conversation about self-expression, if you are not clear yourself as to what you plan on saying, we are not really doing self-expression. This is more like just begging for attention. And this might be a form of self-expression. But let’s at least hope there’s some altruism or some hope for a better philosophical future at least. I mean, it is an intellectual pursuit after all.
What I’m trying to say is…
Listen, this is something you don’t understand.
I just have to tell you this.
I don’t know what this motivation is to let something go but it comes to me reasonably often. Sometimes I think of something that just makes sense. What I mean is, I see people making a mistake and then I wonder why this mistake happens and what would be better. It’s the constructive criticism part that I like. And I want to say this. I want to say this out loud. I need to say that there is a fix possible and that we don’t have to sit here with broken stuff anymore. Try this and it might work.
Perhaps this is not the motivation that you would have. This is my motivation. If I’m driven to help, if I see a problem, I like to see if I could solve the problem so that it functions better. It’s my favorite thing to do. And so this is part of myself expression. But maybe this is not what you would do. Maybe for you, it’s your personal frustration from life that needs to be expressed. Maybe for you it’s the economic situation that constantly drives you crazy. Maybe for you if it is something to do with a partnership issue that just doesn’t want to resolve itself. I don’t know. We are all different. The point is that perhaps simply trying to formulate the words to express this thing that you were to say is the worthy effort in and of itself.
I go back to this often but it was a lesson I learned in writing from a great teacher in University in Minnesota. Writing is rewriting. There is no such thing as a left to right effort. Well, I do this all the time. But the mistakes will be there and it does take at least the cursory effort to make it clean. But it also means that you might not agree with how you are saying something once you actually see it in print. Or even better or worse, you might see a flaw in your own logic now that it’s getting into words.
This is the real power to logic. You can be a real trumpster. You can just talk gibberish day and night and smile and say they have to catch you and picture in jail in order to win. It ain’t over as long as I’m breathing and it doesn’t matter how many people have killed along the way. I am not into this at all as a way of gaming my way through life. But indeed, even the most addle-headed meth head given a free hour or two with a pencil and paper might come up with a few things that make sense. Maybe not at that level but you get the idea.
Trump said he wanted to be president. Something went off inside me. I need to express myself. That was a trigger for me. A big one. Please! Please, I begged of the American people who might possibly listen to me not to do this thing. Please I tried to tell them. Sometimes I do this. Right about the same time the pandemic was starting here and that took it upon myself to ride my bike over to the market and beg people to put on masks. It was hitting us right at that moment and you could feel it really. It’s the hero call is one way to call it. Or just the need to get it out. Like I said, if you see something going wrong, you have to say something about it.
So what’s your medium? I don’t really think the eventual effort is important. I was on YouTube and a lady was doing a pretty decent rendition of an Alanis Morissette song but she got a word wrong and it was an important word. I commented and it she heard me and got it that I was right and immediately thought to redo all of the parts that were wrong. Now that’s a lot of things to do. But somewhere in there is the thing that I like best, that’s where you take out the pencil and paper and you write your idea so you can see it.
Maybe that’s what this whole piece is about. Everybody wants to talk. Everybody needs attention. Everybody’s got an opinion. Everybody knows what’s going on and can’t help sharing the wealth given the opportunity. This is sales expression. But what I’m talking about is making sure that your argument through valid when you let them go. Are you actually saying something you want people to hear? We can talk all we want about people who have a hard time controlling themselves. Are they saying anything worth listening to? This is always the question.
For me? I’m waiting for some people to do some self-expression on the ecology front for me. I’m waiting for some writers to pick up the slack for me and tell us what’s going on in the world, ecologically and economically and politically insofar is trying desperately to get people to understand how to lose sustainably. If you are one of those people who can see, not the folly but the horrific abuse practiced on the world by our need for speed, I need you to express yourself here. If you’ve never done this before, start out here. But this is the place I think that I have been expressing myself for a while. And I just think it’s time that other people could enjoy it too if they wanted to.
So let it go. Got something on your mind? Why hold it inside. Let it go. You never can tell. Somebody might hear you and something good might come of it.