The Stone Masons come to grips with homosexuality and other such matters of importance

It was the circle that they would form at the end of the day that really held them together as brothers. To say the word brothers was perhaps incorrect. Females sat in the circle because they too enjoy the work of using stone as a building tool. These circles whereas important to everyone as the work itself. It was the opportunity to think deep thoughts together. They would soon part for the evening and perhaps gather again the next day. Perhaps there would be more stones to be formed into specific shapes or perhaps they were shapes looking for specific stones. Perhaps they should be connected together or perhaps they should be left to fall as nature intended and in doing so creating a structure that will last to infinity.

Normally, normal people are not privy to such situations. Normal people, like you or me for example, don’t get to sit in on these sessions because it’s just too deep, it’s too real, it is two honest for normal people to deal with. The words spoken between such people would cause deafness in some normal gamer punk Instagram lunch dressing on the side and my makeup matches my outfit. You want the truth? You can’t handle shit when we get into this realm. This is not next level. This is the level that crushes you just because it made a small error in judgment. This is your life ending without even the slightest emotion or thought from the planet. This is making use of the planet itself. You can’t handle this conversation.

Nevertheless, we at the Utopian! fearlessly go forward to fight for the fabulousness of truth despite the foolhardiness of a feminized infrastructure. We shall not be afraid. We shall be atypical. We shall go even where we are not particularly welcome and cause people to be rather uncomfortable. We are not afraid of uncomfortable people despite that they have really big strong arms and hands and they know how to handle sharp objects with precision. We are not afraid. We feel no particular threat although physically speaking, it is pretty fucking noticeable that we are not going to get shit if things get real. But, this is electronic media so a shaking hand doesn’t mean a fucking thing. Let’s listen in on the conversation.

All right. I guess we’re supposed to say something.

Yeah. The fire is nice tonight.

I agree. Great fire. Perfect fire. Very warm fire. Yeah. Fire is good.

I think it’s a warm fire because it’s getting warmer.

Yep yep it’s getting warmer. This is the truth.

Global warming.

Yeah, I want to say that the seasons are changing but it’s too fast, it’s too rushed.

I agree, it’s the pushiness that ruins everything. Life has its pace and things take how much time they take but everybody’s in such a hurry all the time. They miss the beauty of every possible moment of it.

It’s the truth. Does anyone else feel regret when we have to take chisel to stone?

It’s true. Such a solemn choice to make.

I feel like an upper class mother when I say those words.

Which words?

The global warming words. When I say the words global warming or I hear the words global warming, they have a texture to them.

That’s weird. I usually just feel resignation.

No, I know. But when I say the words global warming I feel as if I have this shrill singsongy way of saying it that kind of belongs to a woman who has a lot of money and a lot of property and feels absolutely no fear or threat in the world.

No, don’t go messing with the customers.

We get paid to do these jobs, yo. We know where you is going but you shouldn’t be going there because we can’t go there.

Why can’t we go there. Because this nice young human being is here freaking out and pointing her device at us?

Are we telling the truth or are we just play acting?

Just tell him the truth. Tell her the truth. Tell them the truth. Just tell the truth. If we have something to say and word gets to one of our benefactors how we really feel about them, what the hell? None of us need the money. None of us are slaves. We do what we want. These are our skills and these are our hours. This is my time and I would like to know if anyone in this table including Ms Utopia who would like to say otherwise.

All right. That’s why we do what we do. That’s why we are who we are. If it wasn’t for the truth, none of us would be here.

That is saying it.

By the level, by the square and by the all-seeing eye.

That’s benevolent.

That’s what it ought to be.

Okay Ms hexagonal square, what y’all want to know is why we let Ms Fancy pants push us around, am I correct? Well, there are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke. Would anybody like to enunciate what happens when we say no?

Well, the thing about women if you are a man is that you feel them.

I don’t really think we need to go further than that. We as part of the species may have evolved and learned communication skills through moments such as these, I might add, and so we can actually verbalize these things of which we speak. This however does not detract from the fact that these things exist.

Those things might be referring to those breasts or any pair of anything as God has placed on them, even the most miserably corrupt of them, unfortunately for us all.

You can see the difference.

My friend, you have diabetes. You can’t feel it anymore and you are now the luckiest man in the world. There are people in the world who are considering having their adrenal glands removed surgically simply so they’re nervousness might come to an end. You simply experience neuropathy and now women are just meat like everyone else. And you’re a vegan. That’s why you’re God.

Actually, that’s why I got into stone masonry. It was some instinct of mine to perhaps avoid neuropathy in the future. It seems hard to have a good physical job that’ll give you a workout that isn’t corrupt as fuck.

Speak the truth. But would you fuck the lady of the house?

Well, I’m not alone in the room. Let’s go 10 answers to the conundrum of what do you do when the conundrum wants to canun?

If you’re feeling it, hit it and say thank you God. But use common sense and wear protection and make sure and get a full ass shower when you’re done. Actually just do it in the shower saves a lot of time and effort and probably feels the best. Wonka Wonka.

I go with the cleanliness wipes but just let her play with Mr wangold jangle and let her be happy. I don’t really need to put out the effort because stacking rocks is enough.

I don’t know. If she took good care of her pussy, I might lick it for a while. Women understand each other. All she wants is to relax and she has enough problems on her mind. Not all of us get the luxury of being poor.

If you have some kind of formula that lets the male side of the population understand when it’s okay to go to the taco truck, can you explain it to me in words because I never bite worms anymore because they always attached to hooks.

I prefer to keep the conversation straight and on business. I prefer my emotions to be evident but subtle. I allow my voice to purposely show that I am fighting back sarcasm or anger. I will also point out the tremendous waste of time following foolishness and I try to tell the client that I prefer not to be foolish with my time because this is a contract between us. I do this thing for them and we get remuneration and that’s all that we need.

Yeah, but come on man. You don’t even like women. You stand there and smile at them and tell them that you are gay. Actually, you are so gay I often wonder if you actually are gay. Are you gay?

Well, I guess the both of us could go home together and find out.

Are you asking me?

Are you asking me?

What is either of us was asking, what would you do?

Yeah, that’s a fine question. What would you do.

Well, while you two gentlemen are working out your differences amongst you, the question on the table is about the female who is paying money so that we have activities to do during the day. What if they want to fuck?

So what you’re asking is, to what level do we believe that money is more important than the actions we actually are responsible for?

It’s the truth. It doesn’t matter if we are paid by someone or we do this by our own original decision, if the work is to be done, we that put our hands on the tools are responsible for what we do.

And the last we do so publicly and for a very long period of time. We speak of the great authors who give us great truths that we may think about here before our fires. But we that right in stone also bear the burden of history.

True words. Good words. The best words.

It’s the truth. Should I cock the bitch? Should I bend her over the couch and pop her a little buster Posey just to find out if her noodles are cooked correctly. Sure, if the tool is in work and order and that’s all she wants to know, why shouldn’t I bash her buns in a few random places so that she definitely has the truth of what it feels like to have a question answered by a fella who works with stone.

Not to be saying anything about my own sexual capabilities, but perhaps you can offer a gift of a box from some factory outlet that has one of those latex penises in it. And then you can say that if she doesn’t mind working with factory tools, we can do 15 minutes. If I can run a circular saw for 15 minutes, I can run the lady of the house.

But perhaps the argument is not our capabilities of doing the job. We wouldn’t even be in the situation in the first place if there was even the slightest thought that we couldn’t do the job. The question is whether this particular job should be done?

This is true. How much of a crime is it when the lady of the house decides to change the landscape simply because her mood has lightened or darkened? Are we even building something that brings fertility and better opportunity to the land or are we just making divisions for the sake of some picture made by a pyramid dweller?

How many jobs are righteous is maybe equal and proportionate to the people that require the jobs to be built?

Can you have a good patron making a bad decision? And can you have a bad patron make a good decision?

I think if you have a bad patron, you have a better chance of making good decisions. First of all, they will probably make mistakes and because they suck, they will probably end up worse off which is better for nature. Also, because they are bad patrons, we can just grab their heads and point their eyes in the correct direction and show them what the truth is and probably they’ll listen to us. If they don’t listen to us, we either say okay, you win. You get what you want. Or we don’t take the job and we walk away and let someone else with less morals and scruples have the job.

And so the rich have the money and the poor get to be happy with themselves.

And so it goes and so it goes and so it goes.

But if you have a good patron and he wants to make a good decision but he can’t see. Should we go out of the way to suggest good things even if the original idea might lead to money?

This is a technical mistake. I don’t think you should worry that the balance of the error is small enough that perhaps it doesn’t fall. Balance is and that is what we are about. If the project is going to lead to ruin and we do not say the truth, this is also our place in the world.

Aye. And there’s the truth of everything. You don’t have to be at the top of the pyramid to have the all seeing eye. You just need to be able to measure to know the truth and to understand balance to see if it’ll fall.

And if ever they had listened to us throughout the history of history.

Oh to be us. Oh to be the builders. Oh to be so used so often by such horrible people only because they create the situation where we must.

Never a moment where we want. Only ever what we must.

And we must with our hands and metal tools.

All the dirty work for all the pyramid builders.

All the cleanup, all the teardown, all of the movement that makes the world merge into one big stupid hot mess of poison and greed and corruption. And every time it’s our fucking hands that actually do the work.

So what you’re saying is you wouldn’t fuck the patron’s wife because she’s not good enough for you? Who are you to decide whether another good person is actually a good person or not? Are we not all stone masons at the end of the day?

Yeah, she’s right. Are you just ignoring the fact that she has a different body types than you? Do you believe that every human being needs to have a body that has adapted to moving stones? Can you see no pleasure in a softy for a bit of a throw?

Just a minute, Carmine. You tell us. You’re just shaking your head. Tell us your thoughts.

Who am I in my life that I even feel this? If I am happy in my home, this is just a human being.

He was looking for the woman that made all the other women go away.

He was looking for the woman that made all the other women only people.

Oh, but does she exist?

I found her. You all know me. I am married. I am very happy to be married. I know that some of you are not married and you live you’re not married lives. And I know that some of you are married and you live married lives. And I know that sometimes married lives and because people are not good at being married. And some of you try other things and it’s just good for you. I am happy for all of you. But I am married and I am happy in my life. I have what I want. I come to work. I like being with my friends. And I like going home because my home is okay. I don’t need any more women and if this woman needs a man, maybe I will ask my wife to help her out. Maybe she knows somebody who knows somebody and we can find somebody for her.

Even if she’s married?

I said I would give the problem to my wife. It is not my fault If you are only deaf.

I propose we put this to a vote. Let us count how many are among us. When we say the signal let us hear who have something at home that makes home enough that all of the rest of the world is just business and if we are perfect, business as usual. What percentage of us can save it we have built for ourselves a happy home?

Well Dyketopia, what do you see?

Let it be known that everyone here in the circle has hairy armpits. Reporting from the stonemasons Union, this is Liz Bequickaboutit for the Utopian!

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