Passover starts tonight

If you would like a nice overview of Orthodox Judaism concerning Passover, you can click here to see what they have at concerning prayers and readings and observations. I am non-traditional but observant in my own way. I am not using factory matzah this year because I am in a war with mice. If Jews lived on this territory for 500 years, believe me, the mice have adapted to the appearance of matzah just like my cat adapted to life with obsequious syphilitic alcoholics. I try to keep my level of uselessness as small as possible. I will be making my own on-the-run, no-rise flatbreads and can only hope that God remains on my side.

But like all religions, this is about faith and belief that what you are doing is the right thing. I believe in DIY. I believe everyone should collectively believe in DIY and to help each other out when needed and to leave each other alone when not needed. Words to the wise? Hopefully.

I believe the Jewish lunar calendar is an agricultural calendar and the timing of Passover coincides with planting times as it begins in the week before the new moon. I believe the concept of getting rid of grains has to do with distancing ourselves from slavery.  I believe that there is great freedom in following the schedule of nature. I believe that following God/Nature is much more friendly and satisfying and way way less frustrating than following the schedule and mood swings of a clock telling us when it’s time to return to obligatory work for the state. I believe that the freedom afforded to farmers is one of the most hateful things to those who sit at the top of the pyramids demanding that all life exist only to serve the government. I believe that freedom is the most hateful concept in the world to those who fight for enough power to tell others what to do.

I believe that the story of Exodus from Egypt is metaphorical for the escape from the miseries and diseases of life in the ghettos of all city dwellers. I believe that the true history of the Jews is the history of what is known as civilization, AKA trade centers. I believe being Jewish means being part of a literate subversive organization. I believe that being Jewish means existing as doctors, lawyers, accountants, therapists and especially opposition journalists. I believe that Israel is the name of the intelligence guild and therefore seen as adversarial to power mad totalitarian leadership. I believe that reading and writing is freedom and therefore hateful to those who wish to keep us stupid and under their control. I believe that the Torah itself is the greatest example of subversive literature ever written and believe this is true even if it was written by the Egyptians themselves, just as was implied by Orwell in the great modern subversive book, 1984. I mean, the Jews never really escape, do they?

I also believe that the number one thing that the Torah has to tell us is that meat is murder and the meat business is responsible not only for desertification caused by over grazing but also for every single bit of disease, war and misery that has followed us from the beginning of the 10,000 year history of civilization. I believe meat to be the worst addiction in the history of the planet.

I believe that letting other people tell you what to do is the end of free agency and the beginning of slavery. I believe that the laws of the Torah that need to be observed begin and end with the ten commandments and that everything that follows is endless misery that comes from letting others dictate laws that make life too miserable and complex to live. I don’t believe in freedom as a means to create havoc, I believe in freedom as a means of living a peaceful life. I believe in freedom to create gardens of peace and not armies of war. I don’t believe in acquisition via destruction, I believe in stewardship of the land and a sustainable future for all life on planet Earth. And sure, I believe in Belarusalem.

I also believe that marijuana is sacred and that anyone who says a plant is evil should never be considered anyone’s friend or allowed any power whatsoever.

I want to be let go. I want my freedom and I believe many many people want their freedom as well. I want to be let go to worship God without further intrusion from the pyramid dwellers. I would like to breathe some fresh air and have some fresh water and clean land. I want out of the miseries of slave life. I want to retire. For Passover and for everyone who has ever died in a war started by the venereal disease insanity of government leadership, I’m asking nicely to let my people go.

So we are going dark for another week. Please do not feel disturbed by this. I am observing a week off while I prepare for the upcoming agricultural season. I also think we are going to have some changes to the Utopian and to the entire Green2021 project. No one’s going away, we just have to clean up the mess and put things in perspective.

As for observing the Passover holiday, I am going to read the texts and say the prayers because I need all the help I can get. And please, if they haven’t blocked me so completely that I no longer exist, take my suggestion and tell the Russians to go home. As hard as I work to create my little slice of Kyoto, I have Russians living next door who believe hate, suppression and pollution are correct and that their job is to eat the life out of everyone and everything around them. I guess you never get too far from the deserts of Egypt no matter how much you beg for a break and a breath of fresh air.  My prayers as always are for peace. No more war.

And this for the women. And this.

Editor’s note: You can send emails, contribute  news and articles and you can even send money money money. No one is going to hate you for saying hello or helping out. We are and forever will be for peace and ecology and never for profit. All positive contributions are gratefully appreciated and you can definitely believe in that. – Ed.

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