From the Bazaar under Sinai: Matot-Masei or how to steal an entire country without actually showing up for work

From Matot-Masei in a NutshellNumbers 30:2–36:13The name of the Parshah, “Matot,” means “Tribes,” andthe name of the Parshah, “Masei,” means “Journeys,”. Moses conveys the laws governing the annulment of vows to the heads of the tribes of Israel. War is waged against Midian for their role in plotting the moral destruction of Israel, and…

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Vegan Torah Thursday

Grom Bamidbar in a Nutshell Numbers 1:1–4:20The name of the Parshah, “Bamidbar,” means “In the desert” and it is found in Numbers 1:1. In the Sinai Desert, G‑d says to conduct a census of the twelve tribes of Israel. Moses counts 603,550 men of (independant adult) age (20 to 60 years); the tribe of…

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12 May, 2022 News and commentary from the front I am certainly not the only person who thinks that our environment and habitat is the most important thing. The quality of our land, air and water directly correlate to the possibility of Life continuing on the planet. And I am sure I am one of…

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From the Bazaar under Sinai: Life under martial law and the foolish beliefe of endless growth

From Re’eh in a NutshellDeuteronomy 11:26–16:17The name of the Parshah, “Re’eh,” means “See,” and it is found in Deuteronomy 11:26. “See,” says Moses to the people of Israel, “I place before you today a blessing and a curse”—the blessing that will come when they fulfill G‑d’s commandments, and the curse if they abandon them….

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Baystars 3 Carp 1

I think the Japanese bring suffering to new levels. I try to walk the fine line between Zen perfectionism and masochistic obsessive compulsive problems. I don’t mean to generalize or objectify. This is not the point. I’m just saying that I love watching Japanese baseball but this is a new level of torture to have…

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3rd Warmest May in history

According to, May 2023 was a scorcher globally. It was the third warmest May in the 174 years of reliable data. The average global May temperature was 1.75 degrees F (0.97 degrees Celsius) above the 20th century average. This was the 531st consecutive month with temperatures above the 20th century average. The western hemisphere…

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From the Bazaar under Sinai – Vegan Torah commentary for parshah Va’etchanan

From Va’etchanan in a NutshellDeuteronomy 3:23–7:11. The name of the Parshah, “Va’etchanan,” means “I entreated”. Moses tells the people of Israel how he implored G‑d to allow him to enter the Land of Israel, but G‑d refused, instructing him instead to ascend a mountain and see the Promised Land. Continuing his “review of the…

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I have been doing a lot of thinking about sports and especially baseball lately. American football is starting and it does show up on my algorithm that I’m interested. I played American football. I understand a little bit about American football. Do I like American football? Not like I did when I was growing up. …

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