
In a self-funded, completely independent study of a small group of people, I found I liked fucking very much. I want to be clear that I am new to this game. The boy who was generous enough to donate his time and energy to the project agreed that fucking was a very pleasurable way to spend time with one another. The issue of course is the proximity to making new people. This is the only question. No one is arguing that fucking is the greatest thing we have while we are alive. We are only arguing about the purpose of fucking in a conscious world.

I have prepared a round table discussion of some of my friends and peers. We range in age from 16 to 25 and have all shared pretty much the same experience of growing up. Would you say that this is true?

We have all known each other since the beginning. This is everybody in every class. When you grow up somewhere, you grow up in a group. We are as close to being sisters and brothers as people can be.

Well, everybody who likes fucking, raise your hand. Let the record show that we have universal accord. Commentary?

Editor’s note: for the purposes of avoiding tourism, everyone decided the names of the speakers are irrelevant. Nevertheless, the following is verbatim from the recording.

Um, yeah. Like, he’s in there, you know? And it’s like really good. It’s like yes. This is what I have been talking about all along. This is what I want!

It’s like the first time you try something with sugar in it and you just go crazy. You say that’s what I want.

I want to tell a story. Do we get to tell stories?

Can I take my penis out? Would anybody be offended? I’m a little horny right now.

Um, I’m not really sure this is the time and place for us to be waving our penises around. Maybe you can stay calm and just talk for a while.

Are we all taking our dicks out? I wrote yes on that.

Well if they want to take their penises out, I don’t care. Do you care?

Not really. Okay. We talked it out. What is the best thing about fucking? This.

To me, it sounded like an extremely addicting thing. Nancy Joseph is from the University and is deeply into her doctoral study on human sexuality and the modern woman and she agrees that there is no more addictive thing for human beings than sex.

Well it was meant to be. You have to think of what life is generally. Life begets life. Everything alive wants to live and that means we all reproduce ourselves in our way. Obviously, and I mean ridiculously obviously, the greatest feeling we can have in the world is the one that brings us closest to making more children. Euphemistically speaking however, this is the rub in the argument. We can’t do this.

Are there no traditional arguments such as abstinence or other unilateral restrictions that might work?

We understand the irony of the redundancy of the argument. Technically, we have freed ourselves from the sexual restrictions of religion and Judeo-Christian morality concerning sexuality. People are free to do what they want to do and it has been internet communication that has facilitated this. Sex is not a big deal. But exactly like the times of the Bible, we go directly into a secondary problem. Sure, they were free from Egypt but what had they gotten themselves into? If we are conscious beings, it means we are conscious that we live within boundaries and that we cannot overuse our boundaries or our people will die out. If there is no more food, there is no more life that would eat it. And a lot of this has to do with how many people we bring into the world. Every person has needs, all needs are met with local resources or resources that are not so local and hence, we are eating our way out of our environment.

This would also affect the climate generally, wouldn’t it?

Sure. This is what climate change and environmental damage is all about. It’s not just that we are eating our way through our resources and forcing ourselves to mine and drill for enough resources to facilitate all of this hysteria. But the truth is that we are also polluting the world which is disallowing ourselves from gaining the nutrition we need. And then it gets worse because of money oriented food and health production that sort of demands a constant flow of money even or even especially at the expense of human health. Literally we are miserably destroying the world and no one seems to have the common sense to understand that we can’t do it.

So what about the fucking? It is the most natural thing in the world. It is our birthright. What do we do about it?

Ideally, what we do is we do the mathematical calculations and give ourselves the opportunity to have plenty of food. If we have come to the understanding that a modern diet of factory food of about 2,500 calories is sufficient for most people, you know, this kind of knowledge would suit us in any direction. If we were only eating whole foods, no more meat and only locally grown, how much space would we need to grow enough basic food and food diversity to bring pleasure and happiness to our people? Honestly, I’m convinced we don’t really need so many calories except maybe on one feast day a week or something like that. But the suggestion is for one and a half times how much we need. We can always compost what we don’t eat and better to have too much than not enough. But then once you get that number, it must be understood that to bring in more people means the requirement of more land. And what we also need to calculate is how to allow this group of people to live and function happily in such a way that they do not disturb their environment but become at least reasonably a part of it. A human enclave but sensitive enough to nature to live amongst it.

It’s a beautiful plan.

Well sure. It’s the Utopian plan. And for us the answer is education. We let our young people fuck but we make it completely clear from before they ever take their genitals to battle: if there is even the slightest thought, remove yourself please and try a different function. If even the glimmer of the idea that you are out of control comes to you, change positions or go take a shower.

So your answer is not abstinence but consciousness.

You have to drill it into them. It is an unnatural act but to deprive ourselves of this thing that is ours is ridiculous. And besides, when there are no illusions and no one has ever spent a day lonely or starving in their lives, doesn’t that make all of the redundant social status decisions we make about marriage and divorce and child ownership rights etc? If no one is ill at ease with their situation sexually except weather or not they have full intention of breeding and have the acceptance of their local community that everyone agrees this would be a good thing.

How would you make that decision?

The best idea we have is that it’s a matter of one person in and one person out. If suddenly something terrible happens to a segment of your population and you have room for eight or nine, you can gradually allow your standards to include people who are in love but who might otherwise not be really nice together.

You are talking about selective breading.

Yes of course. But this is genuinely something new to humanity. We are talking about operating consciously as an independent group without fear of violence. We are not using war as our currency and therefore we have no need for security. What we need is for symbiosis with the planet. If our number, the mathematical number we agree is our way of not damaging the planet but yet surviving and allowing for decent lives, happy productive interesting lives for human beings, then so be it. But yeah, you have to make an application and it must be completely understood that some applications will be denied or some people will be asked to come back the following year or something and that we just have to take this not as a personal unfairness but as a fact of life. This is something that happens to hurt but it has to be completely understood that it is an artificial step that must be taken by conscious human beings in order to continue life on the planet.

But seriously, who would ever fund such a movement? Where is the financial gain in this?

Well sure, if you look at it like an economic entity, like a carnivore, that’s all you would see is how you come out in the war. Everything is a fight for resources. Everybody wants more but because it’s war, everything is fair. Catch me if you can. You’re only a criminal if you get caught and you get convicted and they manage to put you away. If there are no ethics, that would be your question.

But what is the answer?

Big gulp. We get off the money system. Our worst addiction. We put it away. This tool of power is simply going to become obsolete. I suggest we make use of this thing called money, even whatever currency is currently in use and simply make it available through the local banking system. Everybody gets their check. And if they didn’t get a check before because they were not working for any reason whatsoever, they get hired. Everybody gets a check, everybody needs a home and everybody helps to grow food. Medicine, no further clothing purchases but the allowance of a local clothing industry. No new massive resources allowed but we can have a local building industry. And to keep everybody calm and feeling like they are plugged in to something important, just keep the checks coming until we can finally wean off it when we realize that we have fallen into patterns and really don’t need to trade in the cash anymore.

So at the end, you see addictiveness as a natural element of life for human beings but at the same time, you ask us to become addicted to this new thing? Isn’t that hypocritical?

If you want it to be. If you think I have an alternative motive. I want to live in these communities and I want these communities to be so human friendly that everyone would want to live in one of them. And yeah, we can think of this like a film that we see from carnivore Hollywood. Of course it’s this Utopian community but wait for the rip. Something of course is wrong. Maybe they are being mind-controlled or something like that. And you would be right except that the mind control is simply the mathematics necessary to continue life in the planet without causing any harm to the environment. I’m not talking about being completely responsible for all the damage caused already. We should make efforts to continue cleaning up. But I am talking about stopping the engine that creates the pollution in the first place and in this moment of peace, figure out the physical agricultural necessities for the establishment of communities using existing infrastructures. That’s a lot of words that mean basically you live your life but you are now an agro person. Everything is the same but your basic job is to help grow food. Don’t try to get out of work. Learn to enjoy gardening. It’s fun and it’s peaceful and if you do it like you mean it, you don’t cause any harm. You’ll also learn something about the circle of life. We all need this knowledge.

But I still wasn’t convinced. It was firmly in my mind that there was absolutely no way that sex made any sense whatsoever unless it was about having children. And that was just part of things. We were talking here about a level of self-control never before practiced on the planet. Was such a thing possible? Could one put oneself directly in the line of fire, so to speak, and yet retain the level of control necessary to prevent new life from happening?

I decided to take the matter into my own hands and see for myself whether a satisfying sexual experience could be had without allowing oneself to go far enough to conceive children. For this I enlisted the help of a friend of mine. We have both been thinking of collaborating for a while.

Editor’s note: The following dialogue is a bit disjointed but again, it is exactly what was recorded at the time and presented accurately in transcript form here.

Okay. I agreed to write about this so I am willing to go as deep as necessary to get the story.

Technically, I’m the one going deep.

And he is. And you are. And you are. You are. You are. But. But. This is writing. This is writing. This is journalism. Oh my God. Oh my God wait. Wait Wait Wait.

I don’t have to wait. I’m still pretty reasonable. I run.

Yes. Yes. I understand but. These internal feelings.

You can have as many as you want. I’ll let you know if things get hot on my end.

Hi, I, I, I, have never quite been clear of the concept of the male up until this moment.

The concept of the male. Sure, that makes sense.

No. How do you do this?

How do I do what?

How can you fuck like this! You’re not even sweating.

I also do distance bicycling.

So this miraculous moment is brought to you by long-term cardio?

Here, turn around a second. This is brought to you by long-term cardio.

Yes. Yes. Yes. We must vote for cardio. Cardio yes, unnecessary children no.

Can you stand a break?

Yeah. I think we got the story.

Well, here’s my side of the story. A conscious male means a happy ride if this is what we’re talking about. We both agreed to do this publicly. I’m not saying that I’m any different privately but I take a lot of pride in my ability to make my partners happy. It requires fitness. Maybe it’s pride of craft but if the world turns in such a way and it is completely appropriate that I should make children with someone, well, everything works. But if not, I will do my best to enjoy my life and I’m absolutely sure I will never be lonely.

So that’s a wrap for the story on sexuality in Utopia. Is it possible to live together in peace? I feel pretty peaceful with the entire situation right now. And so I guess the only question is about availability of resources. Is it possible to allow free sexuality within a community with a complete understanding amongst young people that making children is a public decision. If it’s not a government issue but an issue of the people we live with and work with everyday, I am in agreement with this thought. Or, like my friend just said, if this is the life I get to lead, I don’t mind being here one bit.

For the Utopian!, this is Nina Pavlovianactressanova reporting.

Kurt Kolonoscopy’s account of the reporting can be found on his Onlyfans page.

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