Kamala Harris

To get the picture out of the way, I don’t know what this is except when I put a query up to get a cover photo of Kamala Harris sexy. This was photo number one. If it’s a series of fakes, and I do believe it is, that’s okay. They are gender appropriate and they would fit the image. Maybe it’s the same sort of thing as Putin appearing shirtless to fish off of a nuclear submarine. We get to our people as best we can.

I want to write some more words about Kamala Harris because I am worried. Maybe it’s me. Maybe it’s that when I started writing the Upcoming Elections, I didn’t really understand that I was going to throw myself so completely out of straight people’s world by the end of it. It isn’t just that I got sick of my subject matter. I was facing physical opposition to my views. I wasn’t getting people arguing with me about the relative merits of living a non-commercial or non-pollutive lifestyle. I was getting people running motors under my window until you couldn’t taste your food anymore. And then the pandemic. And then the medical establishment and the courts. Was it possible to be attacked on so many fronts as I have been even to this very day? Even where I’m not guilty, they turned the whole machine on me. Did I need to know how completely nefarious this global warming problem is? Do I need to make it anymore clear that this is knowledge of where all of our ecological, social and economical problems come from?

People are meatheads.

I was definitely vegan when I started this. I’m not going to sell you on vegan superpowers. But I am going to tell you that 7 million words later, when you really stare at carnivore behavior for a long time, you see it rather clearly. All of the vein stupidity, all of the dominance is carnivore. People are acting as if they are wild carnivores. Which is interesting except that it’s the most single dangerous thing you can do. In order to be a carnivore, you must kill to live. Get this into your head. You must kill to live if you are a carnivore.

Now I don’t know what kind of weird ass animal you think you are. Scavengers are the only animals who would eat meat without killing it. Not a lot of nobility in scavengers. They just stand around and wait for you to die. But what I’m saying is that this is a matter of digestion of material. If you are not living a wild ass life where you are fighting for survival, you probably don’t need meat and shouldn’t be eating it. And the other dance is clear about digestive problems etc etc. If you have a question where global health problems come from, start there. If you are not running down your prey and doing physical activity for every step of the process of getting the meat into your body, and the bloody fire necessary, I’m not sure that eating meat is very healthy for you.

I think I better say that again. You have to be physically fit to the nth degree of human possibility to even think about having the strength, speed and power to run down small animals, kill them, strip them of their skin, fur or feathers and then make a fire so as to make their flesh palatable for you. You can watch films of guys who walk into streams and pull fish out of there with their bare hands. Can you do it? No plastic fishing gear, no boats and no nets. Just walk your naked ass into a cold river and pull out some food. And then dress it and prepare it for fire because you’re not going to make a living off of raw fish. Can you do it? Can you do each of those actions with your bare hands. Stone tools. I’ll give you a sparker but you gather the wood. That’s meat. That’s how much energy goes into preparing meat. I guess you get a nice long digestion after that except that if you live in a wild environment, good luck sleeping. I hope you have a very solid home to go home to.

This is the violence of a carnivore life. Is this you? Are you ready to be a genuine carnivore?

This is how the government sees the world. They see it as a carnivore world. They see a wild environment where people are predatory. Kamala Harris as a prosecutor decided that the way to best serve the people was to knock those predators off of their high pedestals. Take those nasty sons of bitches who hurt women and take them down. No more gangster clowns with enough money to pay for their women. No more corporate expense accounts just so they can pay for their women. It’s time to hold the men accountable. And she is good at it.

It’s a noble thing if you’re a woman. If you’re a woman, life in male-centric society might be seen as a perpetual threat. If you live in a carnivore world, you understand carnivore thought and you are always worried about a carnivore wanting to make a meal out of you. That’s what it’s about, isn’t it?

If we are carnivores, we have to create a submission. We have to take a soul. I can see where Kamala Harris would be a great hero.

And the internet is full of stories of non-American countries and what their hate crimes against women look like. They raped her and then they cut out her eyes and cut off her nose and cut out her tongue so she could not identify them. Her father opposed her marriage and so she ran away. But they found her and today was the day they would stone her to death. The endless endless endless misery of the trail of tears of being a woman.

There is great nobility to her cause. Even if they are just beautiful words to inspire. No matter what, Kamala Harris is a fine choice to lead the United States.

Except for one problem. I’m worried that she’s a hypocrite.

In reality, if she’s just going to keep the war going in Ukraine because it’s a financial thing, you can’t say that She is fighting fear. If she supports Russia in any way or refuses to make a deal with them that puts an end to this, she is guilty of furthering the very causes of the pains she is fighting. If she does continue to support the war in Ukraine or in Israel, she supports the military industrial complex, she is supporting carnivorism. She is supporting the thing that she is fighting against.

Or in other words, we have a problem. I think Ms Harris has softened. This isn’t to say that she’s ready to go fight, I’m just saying she’s been leading a non carnivorous life while still consuming a carnivorous diet for the last 4 years. She hasn’t really been in action.

The speech that I heard was a carnivore speech. She told us there would be blood and the women cheered. Carnivore women. Meat eaters. Meatheads. The exact same people that keep the slave trade going. Don’t even get me started on saying the word slave and addressing it to a female who just happens to be of color. I understand that we should not make these connections. But at what price do we continue the meat business ecologically, socially or economically? You can’t do the math, baby girl.

I think what I’m trying to say is that we need to go in a new direction. There was no blood. Donald Trump never went to jail. It doesn’t matter whether we declare him guilty of anything. He’s not only free from incarceration, he’s free to run a fucking presidential campaign. Is it a real one? No. Was that a real assassination? No. There’s nothing real about them because it’s not a real government. They don’t support any infrastructure. They just take money by allowing nefarious businesses that otherwise could not get a contract. They just agree to fuck people to death so that this stupid under the table money wealth power thing will continue. If that’s what this is about, Kamala, that was 4 years ago. We don’t need anyone to be punished anymore because the entire concept of punishment is only for poor people. If you are a rich celebrity, if you are politically connected, we are wasting our time talking rule of law. Are you going to use your entire four years to put them in jail just for that one or two days before he dies. Jeffrey Epstein?

Here is my note of constructive criticism and potential for forward thinking.

Maybe the point is not that we have the power and so we can punish people. Maybe the real goal is to put the businesses that should not be in business out of business. If it is an ethical problem to allow a media monopoly to dictate political policy throughout the United States, we cannot have that because it is anti-democracy and antitrust. These are global and etched in stone ideals of a country theoretically based on creating a fair form of government. That was what the revolution and the scandal was about. We wanted representation for our taxes. We wanted a voice. Fairness. Democracy. Everyone speaks.

Maybe the point is to get rid of Sinclair media and BlackRock and all of the big players who are keeping this world deeply in debt. Maybe we need to break up the monopolies and send the vote back to the people in their individual communities. Maybe if there is an overview, let it be to make sure that our ecological balances to our region our fair. Make sure our overview statements are clear and understandable if they mean that people have to make hard decisions about living and dying and length of life and quality of care and amount of resources allotted. How about fair? How about we go for a fair world? How about we create a situation so well thought out that we don’t have so many sexual problems because we don’t leave people hysterical when they’re sexual needs require attention? How about demystification of sex in the schools instead of hiding in the shadows blushing like school girl Christians? How about we don’t intensify the necessity for contrition or forgiveness or begging or power relationships? How about we take the fear out of the women? I don’t mean by empowering them to have the right to scream and call for the police at any time of the day or night. We’re talking about creating a world where women are not going to get bothered if they don’t want to get bothered. That’s easy. That’s really easy.

I asked the internet to give me a photo of Kamala Harris sexy

I think Kamala Harris would look hot as a vegan. She’s got some sharpness about her. She’s working on her weight. Maybe these are literally her photographs. Awesome if that’s true. But maybe it’s not really about the fitness of a younger woman compared to the geriatric idiots we have screaming at us right now. Perhaps it might not be trying to fit an image. Perhaps it might not have something to do with creating an emotional urge or even sexual feelings. Maybe it’s supposed to be a relationship with someone we genuinely trust.

In her current lifestyle, she is a predator. Maybe she’s a predator who feeds on predators but carnivores are about meat and killing. That is the deal. Sure, if it’s about a little bloodshed and push back on this social problem of the physical differences between men and women, I’m sure it’s healthy. But I’m more interested to see what the world looks like to her as a vegan. I’m more interested how she does the job of president without the drama and without the bloodshed. I’d be way more interested in hearing how she does the job of president when she is completely unafraid of any amount of work.

I wonder if her quest for blood were less if she would see different aspects of the world as needing genuine attention. Maybe we’ve paid enough attention to these sons of whores already. Maybe we need to pay attention to more important things.

I think Kamala Harris is the best person to be president of the USA. No matter what happens, we had it coming. But I would be very interested to listen to what Ms Harris has to say as a vegan. I wonder what her rhetoric would sound like and would her political beliefs would be if she were to cleanse herself of meat and milk and blood and death for maybe 40 days. 106 days to the election but we could do 40 of them vegan just to see what the world looks like. I’d be interested in seeing her face and her body after not eating meat for a while. I’d be interested to listen to her words. I’d be interested in looking at her face when she wasn’t high on blood and power. I’d be interested to catch her act as a non carnivore. That would be the sexy picture for me.

By the way, if we did crank up the party with a serious vegan diet, the world is waiting.

I also think that we don’t need to wait for the elections or January to see what Kamala Harris can do. In all practicality, she is now the power of the United States in terms of leadership. Joe might still be in the chair but Kamala is the life of the party as of right now. Maybe instead of having a tour of universities and business collectives and such, we just fly down to Ukraine and figure out how to shut this thing down. How about flying over to Moscow and sitting down with Vlad and talking to him about packing it in and cleaning things up. How about we have a conversation with the leaders in Europe about breaking all dependence on fossil fuels immediately and being willing to do not only the legislative work, but the actual man hours to make sure that any public health safety help operations get done in clear and transparent fashions. Happy healthy people, we go as close to carbon neutral as possible and we stop making garbage.

Shall we go to China? Because you make a phone call and get in an airplane and go. Do you want to talk to the United Nations? Would you like to come to Belarus and have a look at my garden?

What we have here effectively is the United States of America giving its budget to Kamala Harris as of today. I’d be interested to see what life would be like with Kamala Harris as a vegan. Somehow I believe the world would become a much sexier place.

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