A letter from the editor concerning the upcoming elections and our competence to even consider such things

Is Donald Trump competent? I decided to start by googling this concept because generally speaking, Google is pretty honest to my mind. There is the commercial aspect of the world and how much space that controls in our bandwidth. But the general algorithm does seem to believe that the world is better believing in ecology than following our financial dreams to our inevitable demise.

There are two answers here and that there are two general answers has always been the truth. In fact she even asked this question 5 years into it is as superfluous as anything I’ve done all day. Literally to even play this game as a waste of time. But there were two answers and there are people who are still undecided. Let’s talk about it.

First of all, let’s talk about what a person would physically have to do to follow my line of reasoning. If they click that link, they are going to see the same items as me I believe. Clicking around the available links, they are going to get information in two separate schools. There is the pro Donald Trump school of gibberish and accusation. Here the question is not answered but rather accusations are made against enemies of the party. This is how they operate. They just like to laugh at other people. They don’t have anything better to do. The second type of people cry empirically no, he is not competent. The absolute list of nonsense associated with the man is so long it’s impossible to see how he would ever have been associated with non nonsense. There is nothing common sense about Donald Trump or anything he says. He is anti-common sense if anything. He’s actually a Nazi and a white supremacist but, the lack of common sense is noticeable as well.

At a glance, just from the answers that we have, one group of people quotes facts and argues for what is fair, good for us and is attempting to be competent at making things happen. The other side seems intent on glorifying incompetence and disinformation and absolute lunacy of mind and owning it everyday. We have people trying to do a good job and people who like to look good and have plenty of free time. And money. Both sides take bribes. One side at least tries to make decent deals most of the time. The other side just wants the money and doesn’t care one way or the other.

I personally feel the genuine bottom line argument is whether we eat meat or not. Take the carnivorism out of our lives and we will go a long way towards stability in a very short time. Just like turning off the pollution for a while to let the world heal, the same is true for each of us. If God is nature, we are indeed made in their image.

Can we take these two groups as selfish and unselfish? If you did that, we run into a problem. Greed is good. That’s what the United States has been telling us forever. Joe Biden was a money guy from day one and don’t believe for a second that Ms Harris is any different. Frankly, if either of them or anybody anywhere tried to be genuinely socialist, they would never be allowed on the platform. And even if they got there, everyone would be let know that these are inappropriate for public consumption. And sure, look what they did to Bernie. That is if you want to say that it’s about anti-Semitism at its core.

But what about here? The Russians have obviously been involved. It is so completely clear that Trump has been in Putin’s pocket from day one that I don’t even know why you should be allowed to say rhetoric otherwise. I don’t know why anyone could get away with it. Or maybe it’s not obvious If you really can’t see what’s going on. Or if you are a monoculture kind of person And you really spend all your time trying to figure out how to live in your own world before you start listening to how other people live. Maybe food right? Maybe the Europeans have some kind of tech, right? The Asians?

If you are from here, there was about eight decades where they said that the altruism was more important. But then they got bankrupted by being really foolish in war just like now and everyone had to live through about a decade of gangsterism as a way of life. Now I believe the duality is understood by more intelligent people. The people running things were formed during the time of the bandits. We could go deeply into the beauty into the most bleak and violent 10 years this country has ever seen. The ugliness was endless. And if you weren’t a wise guy, there was something wrong with you. 

Or maybe I’m even 5 or 10 years late on that. They have been doing everything they can to massacre the people’s memories and nostalgias. Evidence of this can be seen in how everybody says the exact same thing in response to the same question. People have been told how to deal with things and so now they have a click in there. It’s never coming back so don’t wait for it and nobody’s going to let you rebuild it. Keep that in mind. We are going the other direction whether you like it or not or whether you can figure it out or not.

I lived in America. I don’t believe in it. I know some wealthy people. You can show me pictures of people standing next to their pretty stuff but I don’t see it. I don’t see happy people. I don’t see functional families. I do see families that run businesses or at least I did a few years ago. But now you’re either in tech or I don’t know what you’re trying to do to make money. But it’s all anyone can do and it doesn’t matter how much money you have. Just make more money and never do anything else. And please, of course it takes pollution in order for this world to work. Whatever you’re talking about is a necessary evil and collateral damage. It’s a war. And please, oh very very please, never take a moment to consider that you are mortgaging your future for today’s sausage party. Never ever forget the people will sell their souls for the opportunity for barbecued meat and alcohol.

Just one more thought about money. Me growing up was purely the American way. I believed the money would come. I just needed to jump on the wagon and there it would be. This is what I was told. If I kept my nose to the grindstone and showed good Christian work ethic, things would work out in the end. This was not the case. In fact it was pretty brutal. In fact it was ridiculously brutal. It was pure exploitation and nobody was interested in listening to anything you had to say that didn’t begin and end with your physical ability to swing a hammer or use a tool. And you never ever got enough money for anything. Not for freedom anyway. You would never ever see that much money even if you dreamed about how much it might actually be. There was nowhere and nothing but to live one’s life in the garage. That was my beautiful life. And all I could juxtapose it against was maybe someone who had an art house or something. The moment you say Cafe or anything, you’re now in the back dealing with spoiled food and constant cleanups and the rodents and insects. And all you can do is keep the thing going while it’s profitable and hope that your people might actually get out of slavery by association. Other than that, It doesn’t matter. We’re doing it again tomorrow and the machine will never stop.

There is no beautiful life unless you are genuinely your own boss in an office that has been built to your tastes or you work from home. There is no ideal situation inherent to anyone who is obligated by general salary to another.

There is no American deal. There is nothing that says no matter what you eat and no matter what you have a roof over your head. There’s also no rules that say you cannot go so deeply into debt chasing dreams that there is no physical way for you ever to get out of it. We cannot trust people to go down into the negative numbers or to have ownership of money in the lofty numbers. We can’t have people who are careless with other people’s lives because they control the financial means to do so. You can’t have people who feel no pain making decisions that cause pain to others. And never clearing debt from our portfolio in the manner of Donald Trump, is not the way to be a businessman. It’s not what good deals are about. 

There is no safety net. There is no basic form. Everyone floats in space and you can’t say the word socialist or even making reasonable decisions to change the wealth structure so that everyone is comfortable. None of that, absolutely zero financial, physical, emotional, environmental or of course ethical laws guaranteeing a decent life between people exist in America. If you even think about going to someone for help, they will just stare at you as if you’re crazy. Quit being a bitch and get back in the game. And yeah, the president keeps a Glock, presumably because she agrees with wealthy people having the right to defend themselves against the lower classes looking for a quick buck.

How is it that people can justify what’s going on between their ears as competent? If absolute lunacy is your agreed upon way of life and you personally cannot see any other way other than to keep the noise going, are you quite sure that you even know how stability should feel? Do you even know what a good solid friend feels like anymore? And let’s talk about immigration problems. Do you have a problem with skilled people showing up? Or are you worried that the new people might actually be as opportunistic as the locals? Are we just bitching because we can’t take our face out of the bucket long enough to understand We have an obligation?

If we have no basic standard of skill and knowledge necessary to be a citizen, if there are no rules that need to be followed at a particular level, no Mendoza line, people are free floating, I’m not actually sure what the deal is. If you don’t actually get anything for being American but for the right to dive into the water and swim, American citizenship is only the right to exploit. It has no value in terms of common culture or motherland or home. You just play the game to get what you can and everything stays on the table as long as you’re alive. They might believe that they are rising and falling but the truth is they are just floating in space. Floating in space inherently means without feeling any stability. or basically said, they are high, worthless, wasteful and filthy and nobody is allowed to get between them and their drugs. That is the American dream. To have enough money for the party every night so you can get drunk, eat meat, pass out and wake up and do it again.

Look at Russia. They get this idea that they want to go to war because it relieves them of all fiscal and social responsibilities. They don’t have to build cities or make sure people are okay. They have to go kill Ukrainians. Why? We already know. Objectification. Then verses us. Anti-semitism. Anti-Americanism. Anti-everybody. They are the new Nazis. They are the master race. They have no moral obligation to any other people. They play by the rules set down by the Americans. And they love it. But look at how they fight. Nobody is paying any attention to anything. They are sponsoring murder and nobody seems to think this is wrong. It is the world we live in. It’s all very normal. The West never understands us.

And look how they fought the war. There was no super soldiers showing up and doing isolated damage for maximum profit. No. Just keep shooting fireworks and who cares what happens? And we have endless soldiers. Simply remove people from their homes and make them to another place. Now that they are no longer at home, they are in a new and crazy situation which means they are floating in space just like everybody else. While they are there, they need to eat and drink and shit and get rid of their stuff and to get new stuff and make sure they are making a disgusting mess everywhere. Not caring about your home means you don’t do very much to keep it clean. And so they need a lot of trash to make sure that the woods and the trenches and the land are completely spoiled in the future. No matter who wins the war, we have to make sure that we have completely destroyed the land.

And all of this requires movement, all of this movement requires gasoline and that’s just fine. As long as you have a reason for the pumps to keep pumping and the gun manufacturers to continue manufacturing, there is no need to stop! We are making money. That we make money by poisoning the planet is absolutely not important. Listen again while I tell you what the truth is and this time don’t be a fool and forget it. We only care about money and nothing else matters.

That’s cradle to grave. And if you understand this, you can start to figure out your actual value. That’s right. People do this all the time. Are you an earner? Are you a person with big pockets that people can go to? Do you enjoy a lifestyle where many people a day come to ask you for money? Because that’s what you get if you figure out how to get rich for at least a short period of time. For that brief moment while the money’s with you, you feel that sense of personal elevation away from the misery that is normal life. You believe you know what it feels like to be a winner. Just for a moment, you are above the pain. Just for a moment, you have figured out how to rise out of the money trap. And I guarantee you, if you are thinking in terms that any of this has to do with celebrity or becoming a public figure, the actual rich people rarely if ever come out of their holes and for very good reason. The last thing you want in your life is random gun potential people searching you out so that you might be able to give them some great satisfaction. And you have no idea what they are thinking or why they believe they need to come to you. Remember John Lennon? And I promise you, truly rich and famous people have an army around them when they do anything.

So in our discussion of genuine wealth and what is enough, remember that real wealth means you have the ability to support the lives of other people. Good luck if they actually make the money back for you but that’s what it means. And is also means that you pay for security. And about that, no real surprise, they never bring the money back for you from that group. They just protect your life while you are paranoid of losing it. Terribly sorry champ. The actual elite number is something you haven’t even touched on yet. And if by some freak chance you get there or someplace close to it, you will have only achieved prison. Even if you own a ton of land and can walk around naked outside, you are now paranoid until the day you die. There is no real life for people who are above the law. And they don’t want anyone else to have it either so unfortunately, that’s the way it is.

Here’s my analysis. It’s a sucker deal. You can’t do it. There’s no possible way of finding a sweet spot. If your moment of personal wealth means in your mind you have some time to play, this is just vacationville and nothing really happens. You just keep pulling off chunks of money that needs to be wasted because you feel that wasting money is a part of your lifestyle. Good job bro. Your boat is leaking.

I call it slavery. I say the system is rigged that you can’t find a place of personal comfort without fear. My analysis says the moment you go into the game, it’s like cutting off a finger and joining them mafia. You agree to give up a chunk of yourself in the hope of being taken care of by people who absolutely don’t care anything about you. And of course waiting for someone to care about you is the greatest cause of depression. Actually, it’s a cause of fast food or drugs but that’s the same thing. Same cycle. Same redundancy. Same lifestyle. Same miserable situation. Same filthy environment. And there is no possibility of escape.

Can you ask a slave to vote? Isn’t that one of those humorous questions? If someone is a slave it means they have no choice but to work for someone else’s will. It is the essence of taxation without representation or an inability to vote on one situation. One cannot complain when one is a slave. One might give one’s opinion but one is not free to make their own decisions. Nor are they free to be in the discussion except for some wild chance occurrence or nonsense repetition of a report of whatever job they are doing. He can’t get out of status quo. That’s the point. There is no choice.

You can’t ask slaves to vote in an election because to them they’re obligation is only not to piss off the people who will hurt them if they are bad slaves.

We could say that the founding fathers believed in this. This was the original argument. They asked about the competence of the underclasses. They determined that they genuinely needed masters to run things. They believed in themselves as a class and their ability to create social orders. Once you get into lawmaking or being a military officer, it’s kind of hard not to want to make the rules. It’s a shame that this is pyramid life and this is the only life that they offer us. All of us just sit around getting used and exploited. We are meat.

I am one of these useful people. It is really interesting living the life that has been given me these days. I can’t say I’m enjoying it. Really, it’s a lot of shit and that’s not just a joke. But when I make decisions about spending money or making purchases, I always have a look at the entire financial situation of my world before I do. There are amounts of money that would be painful or painless. There are investments that require a lot of attention and have a lot of moving parts. Sometimes it’s just making money disappear here and appear there and it really doesn’t matter very much because it has decent value for its use. No argument. Also the monthly necessities. That is always without argument and question and I wouldn’t even be here if there had been any question that those numbers could be covered forever. Notice here that I have a lack of protection money being paid and I don’t support too many other people’s lives. Believe it or not, this really does simplify things quite a bit.

This is basic form. For me, basic form simply means a sustainable lifestyle yes or no. We could even say and enjoyable lifestyle or the ability to enjoy one’s habitat. The point is, can you do it with your personal effort easily or will it become a problem sometime in the future. To me, basic form is that comfortable sweet spot where you have no worries. Everything is functioning normally and all you have to do is keep it going. That’s basic form and I won’t live without it. 

We can argue about my history over the last 5 years and everything that’s happened since I decided to get involved with politics online. But looking at a kind of catastrophic situation, I made an economic choice that I do still believe in. In fact, if I consider all of the negativism I picked up from these choices, I made an amazingly wise fiscal decision in going for a homestead with internet instead of living in town. I might have missed in my genuine choice and really, who could have anticipated neighbors like mine? Who could have anticipated Belarus over the last few years? Who could have anticipated how bad it would be under the Russians? But no matter what, this house has a basic financial and physical form that has daily maintenance and that’s all there is to it. The thing is, it is not expensive for me at all to live here and I can cover automatically all of the expenses that come with this house. That’s autopilot. That’s no money. That is no worry except to do your job and do your chores. And in order to sustain my lifestyle, and I think I eat well all things considered, I don’t have to do anything but breathe. I think, technically, this makes me rich.

Nobody has that. I’m sure everybody lives their lives just like I lived my life when I was a young man. I did my numbers everyday and I couldn’t make them work out. Sometimes you get lucky but then there’s everything even the dangerous stuff you might get into. And then what are you doing? Because you’re not making a home, you just become an adventurer trying to keep the money flowing so that the dream of it exists. I’m sorry, this is not really a trustworthy person. I’m sorry, this is not a person who has a lot of time to think about things. I’m sorry, this is a person who has a higher potential for corruption than altruism and I am not sure we need any more voting from corrupt people.

And then of course we are not practicing anything. I am not saying that people should go back to church or anything like that. I’m not even saying family’s have to get together for meals. I’m just saying that there was a time when the world was much more physical and direct and people were used to doing physical work. There was a time when rural America was greater than the city centers. There was a time when we didn’t have quite so many people or quite so many rich people or quite so many poor people. Maybe there was a time where we weren’t quite so paranoid. Maybe we are too rich and we have too many poor people because of it. 

So here we are talking about mental competence. Here’s Donald Trump. It’s difficult for me to listen to him talk and not believe that he is being run by the Russians. He makes Russian choices. He talks about things from a Russian perspective. This make America great again is an interesting thought. If you say this about Russia, the Soviet Union is what we would wish to go back to. Those were the fearless times. Those are the times when we were together. If we’re talking about a place to make great again, there was perhaps a time when people were moderately happy because they had a basic freedom from debt and worry.

Did it work? Kind of. People thought a lot like I do. Maybe I do travel a little on the wealthy side and I do bring in lots of new ideas into my cooking and gardening and whatever. I’m sorry that I have a language affiliation with a different type of people. It really shouldn’t matter. But what I have right now is what everybody used to have and you can see where there is a lot of comfort in one’s time. And of course, with a little free time, you might be able to work out some thoughts clearly as to what you really wanted to do with yourself. That was what it was all about.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t go 100% nostalgic for something I saw on TV. I know there was a lot of positive stuff because I was here and met people who were still allowed to believe in it. They don’t allow them to believe in it anymore and now you can’t find anyone calm or happy about anyone or anything ever. A lack of Moscow needing to be fed regardless of situation and an inability to moderate one’s behavior generally mean that everyone goes broke and everyone stays miserable. Or you just get drunk. If you can keep your job while you’re drinking, you get to be a citizen. If you lose your job because you drink too much, you get to be a bum. Either way you are stuck in your class forever and ever and you never get to stop working or even enjoy the work a single day along the way.

If you see what I’m getting at, in theory, the Communists had their own freedom and agency because of the lack of commercialism. Because it was all about simple things and whole foods, it never really felt like anything needed to be thought of as special. Quiet days. Less anxiety. More free time. Not the end of slavery. But a level of calmness that the West will never see a day of.

The point is, we do not have a culture of decision making anywhere. To my mind, there is no difference between the United States and Russia in terms of how the people are hurted into a particular mold and made use of as brutally as possible. Neither country has a significant safety net. Neither country particularly cares about the comfort of its people unless they have enough money to do so. And this is despite how much money floating around the lawmaking class and how little pain or anxiety they feel about their financial portfolios. Except if they cross the boss, of course.

In the end, I see this as the result of the failure of globalism. People went out on the street and protested vigorously and it didn’t matter. The people who made the financial decisions made those financial decisions and believed global profits were worth anything and everything. Even the destruction of every single possible individual culture regardless of climate or location or importance to surrounding regions. Regardless of anything, everyone should be a little European and should fight for money like good Christians no matter what, where, when or how. And by the time every place on the planet is completely filthy and filled with garbage and plastic and no one could possibly live a healthy life anywhere anymore, we are still arguing the existence of the disease with the disease itself. The disease is the decision makers demanding we live this ridiculous way we do.

So let’s take another look at him. Would you say Donald Trump is competent to physically do any job himself?

Listen to Donald Trump talk. Is he a global leader? No. Is he a general? No. Is he a quality worker to be respected? No. He rambles endlessly and pointlessly. He forgets what he’s talking about. He has nothing but these quips and then he goes off on insulting people and he forgets what it is that he’s talking about. The man is running for political office and he is announcing deals made under the brand of his name. Do you understand that the entire point of having wealth in the political class was to make it that politicians could at least claim clear-headedness. He won’t stop trying to make money and it’s into every decision he makes every day. And we’re not even talking about evading justice or that he is a convicted felon. Convicted felons can’t even vote for president.

A better question though is whether we are competent to make that decision. And if we look at the fact that he actually stayed president and did every weird thing he did while he was there and is still here 4 years after getting through his time pretty much means we cannot judge anyone’s competence. Is he still here 8 years later, we have no possible way to discern what is genuinely helpful for us and how we help the exploiters steal from us everything they can.

I don’t think anyone can even claim competence unless they can prove they have a basic lifestyle that allows no pressure to be put on one’s life in order to have food, clothing, shelter or the opportunity to have quite enough money from doing reasonable and ecologically sound chores for one’s community. I don’t think we can vote on theoretical politics. Unless one lives in a completely stable lifestyle, not based on the profitability of what you’re doing or the whim of your boss but on the motion of the planet through the universe, I don’t think we can vote on what someone might do. If you are lost in a financial game where you need ever increasing sums of money to satisfy you, you cannot be trusted with anyone’s budget. If you need money to live, you can’t be trusted with money. It means you’re addicted. That’s the biggest problem with everything about what we do. Everything is drugs.

So this is who we are. How do we do this voting business? I don’t think we should vote because we like someone or don’t like them. I think we should definitely vote if we like someone’s job or not. Literally, if a person is paid by public funds, we should be able to have complete transparency on their working days and everything they do. Not just the voting records but who they talk to in their offices and who they do business with. Sorry,  corruption in government ruins countries. I imagine a genuinely democratic society. Genuine democracy really doesn’t want poverty and its associated friend corruption. That’s the whole point of Utopian thinking. It means we believe in the competence of our friends to maintain a reasonable lifestyle in this place where we live now. That really should be enough for anybody.

So about the upcoming elections. What do I think?It’s a joke.  It’s a popularity contest or some kind of image generation business. All you can do is give confidence yes or no. And once you do this, taking time out of your day to go to the official polling place or to write out the document saying this is my vote, you don’t have anything to say about it for four more years. All of the money being sent in by all of the donors and all of the people they try to mobilize to come out and vote for them, confidence or no confidence, that’s all you get. If they can get enough people to agree to vote, this gives relevance to their situations as lawmakers and everyone else’s situation as slaves. Like they say, first you give them the job and the power and then you get to see what they do.

Would you like to complain? Would you like to have a say on what we do with public funds or whether we should take particular steps or not? Do you want to have a voice in government? You can go on social media. If you do that in Russia, sometimes they arrest you. But, you can go and make your opinion public and then you can deal with people yelling at you. The only problem is, what you say doesn’t matter because nobody’s listening. Not the people talking to you because you are their friend and they are being nice to you and certainly not in the halls of the decision makers. Even if you join the party trying to be as helpful as possible, what actually do they do for you except for the possibility of a lifetime job?

Kamala Harris has a billion dollars from donors. I have never quite figured out what the purpose of spending and making all of this money for campaigns is about. I don’t understand why they need to travel when they are useless. Don’t we know them from all of their traveling when they are doing their jobs? Why are they even traveling? Don’t they have telephones? But Harris seems to have set some kind of record as far as people giving her money. Good for her. I’m pretty sure she’s going to win. I was pretty sure that Clinton was going to win. That would have been pretty normal. But I guess nobody really wanted a normal world. It didn’t fit the globalization because people are actually pretty smart.

We do have a lot of information available and we are learning things faster than we’ve ever learned them because of how much material is available online. I myself know more about things now than I ever did when I was a kid. Even if some of it now just becomes part of pop culture, I have learned how to do quite a few things because I had available internet information. And no matter how much they fight that on the crazy side and they say that everything is only to entertain us, I don’t think you can hold back the truth. The world is too dirty to live in and this lifestyle we live is the cause of it.

Sorry, I don’t believe in this. I don’t believe anything good is going to happen. I don’t believe there will be any genuinely good feeling if Donald Trump gets defeated or dies or quits and let someone else be the face of the vote in November. It really wouldn’t even matter if Donald Trump won the election. The only thing that would happen is we would go on a few more years of profit searching. We would watch the population grow, we would make tons and tons and tons and tons more garbage, we would pollute the world more and more and more and we would entertain ourselves so that we would never notice how badly we have fucked up our homes.

If it’s a matter of competency, I don’t see it anywhere. I don’t see anything but a game being played where people fly around untethered, unable to find stability physically or mentally. If you are talking about a well-adjusted American, it just means they have a stable enough income to afford to eat whatever they want. Maybe it means they go up to a better class of food but nobody’s walking away from the meat business. Nobody’s walking away from the misery. Nobody ever walks away from the pain. Everybody’s happy is long as they have their drugs at the end of the day.

Is Donald Trump competent to be president? No. Are you competent enough to vote for him either way? I don’t think so. In fact, the fact that we are still arguing Donald Trump is probably the greatest indication of our collective lack of competence on the planet Earth. If you say this is a legitimate political argument made by a group of people trying to figure out how to make good use of their own land, I say there is no competence anywhere in the landscape that I can see. Cheers.

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