Nuclear warheads in Belarus: disease, poverty and social chaos not enough for Vladimir Putin

According to multiple sources, the Russians have transported several nuclear warheads to the territory of Belarus. The idea is that they should be available in case the need to nuke Ukraine becomes the only viable way to get their point across. European press as always tries to diminish fear amongst the people who read their fear-based propaganda. They remind us that these are only tactical nuclear weapons. I don’t know what that means because it certainly sounds like an oxymoron to me. 

The associated press tells us that President Alexander Lukashenko made this statement at a meeting of a moscow-led economic block conference in St Petersburg. In the opinion of the president, these nuclear weapons are meant as a deterrent against aggression by Poland. Poland has been amongst the European countries that has offered aid to Ukraine. 

RFE / RL says that the number measures in the dozens. In a speech that was broadcast live on YouTube on April 25th, the president mentioned that this should be considered logistical support.

The British Sky News tries to soften the blow by making it ever so clear that tactical nuclear weapons are designed only for use on the battlefield, have a short range and low yield compared with much more powerful nuclear warheads fitted to long-range missiles. They say that the yield can be as small as one kiloton, significantly less than the 15 kiloton yield of the US bomb used on Hiroshima. Gosh, that’s nice to know.

The BBC makes the point of view very clear and points out that this move is about containment and to remind anyone thinking of inflicting a strategic defeat on us. These words were attributed to Vladimir Putin himself. The Russian leader then met with a group of African leaders who were trying to mediate a piece after a visit to Kiev. Interestingly, when they were in Kiev, Putin had no problem firing missiles at them as well.

Finally, CNN quotes the president of Belarus as saying that Belarus would never get involved in the war unless Ukrainians crossed its border. But then added that they would keep helping Russia because they are an ally.

I can’t say that I’m surprised but I also find it really difficult to understand the thinking of the president of the Republic of Belarus. It could very well be that he is a true enthusiast for the Russian leader. Perhaps he truly has deep emotional feelings for the man. On the other hand, it could just be that he is afraid of having to fight the Russians. Maybe this is Christianity speaking. The Ukrainians have a Jewish president and he doesn’t seem to mind fighting the Russians even though it causes great pain. Perhaps the president of Belarus is indeed trying to save his people from unnecessary pain. 

On the other side however, it seems that having Russians on the territory of Belarus means that there is no territory of Belarus anymore. There is no particular Belarusian culture. The national theme seems to talk about being peaceful people who live together well. The Russians are perpetual bullies in business and or otherwise. They have no sympathy for anyone and seem to believe bloodshed is funny. It has always been perplexing to someone who has been here for so long to remember how many holidays where young people stood in front of statues begging all to remember the misfortunes that came to the territory during the Nazi occupation. But yet, here we are again. All of those lessons in history ignored and ignored and ignored. Or, perhaps they have just been beaten out of us. 

Then there was the generous invitation to allow the Wagner people in. The Wagners were well known for recruiting their soldiers from prisons which meant that they were basically walking biological weapons, infecting everyone they came near with every disease known to man. On a personal level, it was absolutely the most notable thing in the world when a local girl, known to have free range of motion, started delivering the most vicious versions of omicron to everyone she touched. She was eventually stopped by the police but her punishment was to work at the market for seven rubles a day every day. It seems that people without jobs are not highly regarded on the territory. 

Now, without any hope of lockdown or any kind of public attention paid to the diseases now running rampant through the country except to tell people that it’s not a big deal, we have to deal with the cataclysmic thought that even a mild mistake might blow us all off the face of the earth and take everything that looks like home and replace it with a giant hole with a half-life of maybe 200 years. 

I may just be speaking on a personal level but I have never actually found a competent helper. By this I mean someone who can handle all of the things that I do in my life to make my living. This would be either teaching or writing or even dealing with people. I can’t find anyone who doesn’t get upset and start making excuses or even doing their own improvisations even if they are completely counterproductive to my original wishes. You just can’t get good help here. With this thought in mind, isn’t it nice to know that they’ve got nuclear weapons to play with. People who could not be trusted to make a phone call now have direct access to devices that go boom so loudly that life changes for everyone everywhere in the immediate vicinity forever and ever and ever. Even if you live, you will never get what happens to you out of your system. 

Maybe it’s not a matter of logic. Maybe none of this is about logic. Saying that it’s time to practice Nazi tactics because there are Nazis in Ukraine seemed to have enough sense to start mobilizing people. Using the English letter Z, the first letter of the name of the president of Ukraine who happens to be Jewish, to designate anti-fascism is about the same as an arsonist describing his pleasure to be a part of the fire department. Of course 2 + 2 = 5. Of course the way to measure the area of a square is to use a triangle. Of course the way to measure your personal freedom is by measuring the depth of your slavery. Of course there is absolutely nothing better than endangering all life just so that people understand not to listen to Jews. Please, don’t listen to the people that invented morality. Morality is the last thing any totalitarian leader who believes in the essence of racial superiority wants to hear about. 

So, here we are again. Perhaps it’s prophetic that the upcoming elections books end with a great big boom. I wonder if I would even have the opportunity to get these last thoughts online before the very last

For the Utopian! This is Gwyneth Goodbyetoeverything reporting

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