What’s happening in the US elections?

I asked this question of the internet and I guess the point of view of polling has something happening and it looks something like this.

Harris vs. Trump latest presidential poll numbers: Who is winning in swing states?

It looks like it’s a close one. Too close to call. It seems that nothing has happened. There’s no real difference in the polls between Joe Biden running again or having Kamala Harris do it. Everybody is running around doing whatever it is they do and these politicians are asking us what we think we want in a way. Not really. They say we have to vote for one of them. We can vote for someone else but that would be completely worthless and a wasted vote. There is absolutely no way any human being can create a coalition big enough to beat them in their ability to maintain order amongst the rabble. They have been doing this for centuries. For centuries they have been doing this. Only in the modern world do we allow entrepreneurs the pleasure of slavery. And everything we can do to keep them docile but incredibly active we will do. No day of comfort, no day of rest, no breath of fresh air ever. We will get them from the inside out and we will attack them on every front they have before they’re even old enough to know that they should be defending themselves. We have trained our people well and our people know their place.

Well yeah. Go America! Rah!

I’m not a traitor to the United States of America. Just because I live in another country does not make me a traitor. Even being in a country that theoretically America might consider its enemy, that does not make me a traitor. It just makes me unfortunate in my choice of real estate. I was doing something that had nothing to do with politics when I was invited to participate in one political movement after another. I wrote many words about it and now I think people know my point of view very well regarding how I see the world and the things that are important to me. I don’t mean to be redundantly repetitive, but I am an ecologist and that’s for everything begins and ends.

I didn’t go over to the enemy. I went up a level. It wasn’t lateral, it was vertical. I looked at it from a global perspective rather than a national perspective. I think that’s kind of a big deal if you are American because the propaganda is really loud if you are an American. And if you’re an American, you don’t mind the guns, you don’t mind the cars, you don’t mind the business call me you don’t mind the pollution, you don’t mind that it’s like living in a prison where some people get better drugs than others but everybody can find drugs eventually.

If they must support the gasoline business, by God they will do it. If somebody says there is a way to generate a market for a motor that just kills all plant life it touches, they will put it in the hands of every man and tell them that it is their business to keep things in order. Today I was thinking really hard of getting one. I was hacking my way through all of the plants growing there with a hand sickle. It’s not really so much work but I really was not very healthy this morning. And it was a little bit of work. Your arm gets tired. You can switch arms and go backhand and forward. Or old school and just get into the rhythm. How is advancing on the forest one meter at a time. I brought a chair with me. It helped. From my chair, I was deaf until halfway into the bed. Sorry. Seeds and all. I need you to fall a little ahead of schedule. Why? You’re better mulch this way.

Maybe you can just agree to go a different direction. I think all of the justice-minded people in the world who believe that people should be a little easier on each other we’re in love with the moment when Kamala Harris stared down one of these Christian types and just said you’re a dick and you make no sense. And there was her face. She was letting him see the most disappointed face in the world. It is a face that has seen too many bad things and this guy was a criminal and she was a prosecutor and you’re going to jail. That is what it was. Under my watch, you go to jail because you’re stealing. You’re making up this great big thing so that you have to spend money on things. What the hell are you spending your money on? Stop spending money. Keep the peace.

Because global warming is money. The pursuit of money is global warming. The pursuit of money and the requirements of the military industrial complex and the oil business is the massacre ecologically of the planet Earth. And it’s not going to be any different? We don’t get a multiracial woman saying that it’s time to back away from the sausage factory? We are not going to hear a female voice ask for a logical reason for the continuance of the wars in Ukraine or in Israel? We don’t get someone who’s on the phone saying that she’s the new boss, she’s got an airplane and an Air Force and she wants to know what we can do to bring our soldiers back home and put them to work on well needed ecological projects that we would prefer to do by hand and without machine?

What are you saying? Are you crazy? Don’t you understand how we are all horribly in bed with each other?

Yeah, whatever. I’m the president of the United States, I’m not white and I’m a woman. What’s it going to take? You tell me the truth because we’re not buying your oil anymore. We are done. It’s not right and we’re going a different direction. I’m a woman. I want to protect my people. From you. You mean we don’t get that? You mean we really don’t get that? We just get more of the same?

Please read: Stagnancy is abhorrent to humans

They will not meet to debate. Trump refuses to debate her. Trump can do whatever he wants. He is the Maverick. He is the guy going whatever direction he feels like. He’s not tied to any traditional ideas of the presidency. And if he is an insult to the office, he says that that’s what Americans do. Healthy disrespect for authority in the form of a white guy with a shit ton of money who has gotten away with crime his whole life telling us that the way to do life is not to worry about the legality of what you’re doing as long as you get something for it. And yes, you get a national champion sports team come to visit him and he puts out a table full of McDonald’s. If that doesn’t tell you everything about the lunacy of this leader, I don’t know what would.

America, please. Whatever it is you think I am, listen to me. I’ve been doing this for years now. It’s an unwatchable show. It’s a shitshow and it’s a shit place. You’re too fucking violent. You’re too violent and too crazy and you live in this artificial bubble of money that doesn’t exist but that you feel is perfectly fine because of your nationalism. You guys are Nazis. You are national socialist because you agree that you are nietzschian Superman simply by virtue of some flag under which you live. I’m an American so I have a right to blow unbelievable amounts of money on nothing. It’s just a natural part of my life because I’m American.

Ms Harris, let’s be a little international about this. Maybe we can talk about global ecology as being more than minor funding. Maybe we just solve all the problems in the world by agreeing that there is no such thing as a homeless hungry human being. We can also probably agree that there is really no such thing as a murderer because we just won’t have a life so intense that people might want to kill each other. Or at least they’ll be a hell of a lot less of it if we stop eating meat. If we stop meat, alcohol, tobacco and all the other addictive drugs that are legally available to keep people American, would becomes of people? When we stop being an addictive empire, a drug dealing country, what becomes of the USA? Because you could just do that and you could probably stay president for the rest of your life. If you could do that, they wouldn’t even have elections anymore. They wouldn’t need them.

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