Letter from the editor: can we please put an end to this Trump shit show

No. This is not the way we do this. This is not a popularity contest. There is a big difference between democratically electing leaders and having a schoolyard popularity contest. They are two completely separate entities. One is where we challenge the boundaries of our common sense to come to agreement about how to be better people together. This is called democracy where everyone has a voice and can speak. If you gather all your friends and collude behind the back of another and conspire to do something unnatural to them, This is called cheating. We are not supposed to be collecting emotional moments with our voters. We are not supposed to be connecting with them like celebrity moments where you actually get to touch the flesh of a genuine Hollywood icon. Literally, it might as well be Elvis. Boom shakalaka, tell me how this is not orange Elvis.

You can’t be doing this.

I think there are some important universal themes to care about. I think we should vote on how we spend our days and what we do for work. I think we should vote on whether or not we wish to continue following our current landlocked situation economically speaking. I’m saying if you would prefer to do something similar to public server, this might be the sort of governmental deal that makes sense to you. We as a community vote to allow a class of ecologically sounds friendly people who make themselves available for the betterment of their community. This is not particularly leadership but more like hands-on agricultural health. We start being more agricultural and spending our time growing food. This is my basic thing that I think we should do. We should stop being like you and try being more like me. You make a big sloppy horrible bloody mess full of murders and screams and pain and I don’t. I think people should be more like me and less like you.

You can’t tell people how to live if you’re rich. That’s the worst thing you could possibly do to anyone. Trump is a Zeppelin. Is he in pretty good shape for his age? Why not. We allow him the orange makeup. We allow that his actual countenance is closer to death than life. We allow that if we actually saw him naked as the day he was born and without the slightest assistance of makeup, camera angle or celebrity prestige that we would see that he is basically not a well-man. Maybe he is bucking up to it pretty good. Maybe he is keeping that millionaire Playboy thing going on just like kiss. Maybe we like not this man but the image of this man we have been fed by the media. Not the original stuff. Not the original shot with a single camera. Only the stuff that’s been pre-digested and run through the blender so that it comes out with a particular gleam to it. You don’t ever actually get Trump. You never get Trump because there’s only one Trump and he’s a celebrity. His image is that he is a celebrity millionaire. You are honestly thinking of giving a celebrity millionaire control of the United States. Why? Because it’s more fun?

I want us to speak about growing food and having a clean environment. I think that should be a good goal going forward at the end of this agricultural season as we look forward to the next one. We have to become very serious about a direct connection between human beings and their food and less connection to the furtherment of creating a marketplace for trash and its distribution. We cannot live economically to suit the needs of the profiteers anymore. It’s too dirty. It’s too filthy. You have fucked up the world. You have fucked up the whole world! Welcome to politics. If you are voting for money you have fucked up the world! The whole planet is fucked up because of you!

So I am an advocate of going a different direction. I’m not really looking for a candidate celebrity millionaire or political satirest or whatever Biden believed himself to be at the moment. I’m not even on the ticket. I’m just a voter. But I’m voting that I have a nice day every day. I’m voting that I get clean air and water just like any animal would want. I want to feel responsible for my friends and my land and the people around me just like any man would. I would like to live in a world that would never think of assaulting me. I would like to live in a world without assault. If we have a problem with our males, fix it. Give them sport. Stop getting them narcotics. Stop using their narcissism to make money. Stop exploiting young men emotionally for profit. Stop ruining everyone for money and let our men be useful creatures. We can have boxing. We can play football and baseball.

What’s this political organization? Their job is to create excitement in the place where people need to think clearly about what they want to do in the future. They are making a popularity contest out of a political process and it is the most ridiculous shit show I have ever seen. There is not a moment of common sense anywhere in their exploits. Literally they are clowns agreeing to beg for your attention at a crossroads that might be the end of the planet. Are you really going to allow this to be how you vote? Are you really going to allow the oil business and the military industrial complex and all of the garbage they sell on Amazon that we buy because we have programmed to spend money. Do you really want to keep this money world going just because it appears popularly to be working. You guys don’t live where you can smell the air. You guys don’t know how filthy it is to build your fashion fantasy for you.

I’m just saying we adopt some practical messages moving forward towards a cleaner future. It is understood that we are going to have a lot of goals with a lot of time on their hands. I think some land distribution and some reasonable help from neighbors and tools available is a reasonable start. We can scaven from the existing infrastructure of distribution and simply still the orders ourselves with no further shipping. Yes, it will become something else like indoor growing space in the future. But as of the moment, it just means go home and start thinking about how much food you can grow in the space you have.

Without violence. Absolute number one. Without violence. Without meat.

Consider it joining the coalition of the planet Earth. We are the people who wish to continue life on planet Earth beyond always these jovial and exciting public spectacles we make for ourselves. Some of us wish to carry on peacefully and you would like some help. Little by little for the noisy ones.

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