Meditation Tuesdays

After an infinite millenia of servitude as being held in low esteem for our smaller yet surprisingly supple framework, women now understand what having the right of decision over your own body is really all about. Kitten has got to purr and Mama has got to groom and that’s all there is to it.

The Utopian! knows the truth and our task is to make sure that the good people get the knowledge they deserve to have. That’s how we break the chains, ladies. We break the control and we allow it to be on our side. This doesn’t mean we should be heartless. We don’t want to breed cruelty into our world, do we? The responsible goddess knows the truth. The responsible goddess is in control of her world without the need of violence to anyone.

And with that, let us get into lift off position.

And off we go. How many of you are pushing your bicycles au natural? If you want, you should. But I think I was also talking about whether you were carrying weight on your arms or not yet or whether or not you were employing your arms in the service. You are allowed to start as easily as you’d like. There is no problem whatsoever was taking all the time you need. And truly baby, even if all you do is hash it out with your pistons for the hour, you did more than your souls and good. Take that from a lifetime biker. Carry on ladies!

This was the snappy banter from the leader of our group, Carmen Whatsthefuhrersnamen, a well-known and surprisingly popular physical influencers available these days both online and in person. We talked about this before.

Do I pay the people who we film in our studio? Well you know, of course we do in our way. Everyone gets paid in their way. I mean, there they are. You don’t think they gather fans. Have you checked their social medias. They blow up with me. So it’s not really a matter of cost of business although hey, I’ve got tons. If I run across a genuine friend in need, what kind of person would I be to turn down help?

Meanwhile the students were taking a short break for the purposes of preparing themselves for the upcoming workout.

Now I want everybody to take their time getting into this because we’ve got a lot to accomplish.

After the workout, I managed to get a small group of the workout people to talk to me. Actually, I had a note pressed into my pocket. At first I thought it was someone being fresh and I wanted to know if it was someone I wouldn’t mind being with. When I saw it was just someone giving me a piece of paper, I decided to investigate. These are the standards of Utopian!

Upon investigation, I saw some really poor handwriting that said something like please help us. And then it gave a time and a place. Luckily, it was a vegan falafel joint so no matter how stupid the story was, at least we’d get fed.

All right good people, here we go. Enjoy the ride.

The official timer for the meditation was a bell. I think it was a bell. It might have been a plate. I think I’m hungry. But with that signal new history was being made before my eyes. All the women in the room were submitting and coming to life at the same time. Our leader talked about this as well.

Everybody thinks it’s about power. It is about power. Do you have to have some power or they don’t listen to you. Do you have a problem that I have power? Do I influence you? Well, I hope it is a pleasant experience. You got to meet me. But, aside from all of this celebrity, the only genuine agency any of us ever really have is over our own bodies. This is the most comfortable situation to be in. It is the situation where some of us give birth. It is the situation where some of us begin the process that leads to giving birth. Other thoughts need not be here. And yet they are all so dancing. Some have already come to their feet. Some have come to a sitting position and our meditating with lightweights. This is where they come alive. This is where the spirituality truly comes from.

Now the trail was truly worth taking and the thought of at least a possible falafel being there definitely made this an urgent mission. What could the true dark secret be behind the mask of power?

You don’t get paid much. Let’s just understand this from the beginning. She knows it’s a financial deal and that we are working. It’s just that she has this way of arranging things in her mind that say that we get some money from whatever sources just because we are lucky enough to be with her. And you know, how much true factuality are we talking about here? I mean there is so much truth in what she is saying, how despicable it is is difficult to measure. It’s an amazing balancing point. I think drama people do this instinctually and she is absolutely a drama predator. She hunts drama.

But eventually, why did they keep the job? Were there restrictions on coming and going? Had they taken your passports away and force you to do this despicable and horrible thing? Do you at least have rights to your images in the future? Have you signed a way everything just to be here? How much power did you give the woman contractually, that’s the sort of thing we need to be talking about.

Or kill her which is what a lot of us are thinking of. We are not really sure anybody deserves to die and this is kind of a vegan enterprise but we have our doubts that she’s even vegan. I mean the whole point of this thing is purity of soul. Have you refrained from killing? Have you helped or have you caused harm? Check the ledger sheet. And by the way, some of us try to play a perfect game everyday. We believe in this meditation. But we are getting used for someone’s profit and we either agree that we have a good contract we don’t.

So there you had it. A conversation between ownership and staff was once again needed. The problem was it would be perceived as drama or even taken as a matter of gaining more power simply because they disturbed her from her life. Such power can be amazing. What is it like being this kind of influencer?

Yeah. It’s like I think about this sometimes in terms of my own life. I wasn’t always this person. I wasn’t always the leader and I didn’t always have so many people so deeply into me. Does it mean something? Yeah. It’s incredible. It’s an amazing feeling. It’s an amazing feeling to be me right now because of this celebrity and success. But then there’s also responsibility. I have to be there and I have to keep things going. And in the end, it’s my body. It’s not like I have become a bureaucrat. Here I am. But then there are just the people who go sour because they get tired of listening to you. And that’s the thing about electronic media. Our message just keeps pouring out and pouring out and we may not even be thinking of what we were thinking of when we were saying it but now, even years later, these words drive someone crazy. Can you imagine? To me, we had a creative moment and we sent our message out and we congratulated ourselves on a good show. And of course we have our fans. But what about the ones that only hear the echo? I really worry about them. Maybe there’s some strange medicine in there.

Spoken like a true healer. What is it I have to say? I say that to a woman It has something to do withholding a child in your arms. There is that weight. And of course they continue to grow until you can’t really carry them anymore. It’s funny how that weight just sort of naturally takes them off of you. But for a moment, for that delicious moment if you’ve never experienced it for yourself, there is the time where you must hold them because they cannot do anything for themselves. I think holding this weight with you while you meditate or dance is the essence of knowing our true service to God. And if it’s true for women, I suppose we could say it’s true for men as well. Such as it is, there is no reason we all cannot understand what it means to carry that weight. Perhaps sometimes Mama would like some help as well.

For the Utopian!, This has been Philippa Undeniablyhotasfire reporting

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