
Breaking winds: fear, panic, kind of slow burning frustration and then that nagging miserable negative reality – how do you play the Super Bowl during a war?

Editor’s note: We should make a reference to a film and a book from the 1970s. Being from the 1970s, I have read this book and it was pretty sinister and descriptive about bomb making and terrorist attack planning. It’s actually worth the read actually if you think getting into the details of such ideas…

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From the boards: leading psychiatrists have come to the conclusion that having stupid friends leads to depression

A certain well-known but mostly underground scientist has recently sent out a press release saying that having stupid friends shortens one’s life expectancy. This study came to me unexpectedly underneath a burrito I had purchased. But while I was chewing, I started reading what was on the paper and gadzooks, we had a genuine story….

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Economic trenches from the back of the front: teamwork foils all and putting on the foil helps for opposition forces.

It seems as though teamwork from the female side of the field is causing quite a stir in the local restoration business. Despite threats of constant violence and economic warfare fought at levels only before seeing during American benevolence abroad, our pesky but resolute band of bodacious bicyclists have raised the bar in personal service….

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Letters from the editor: Matisyahu speaks out on Israel, war and how stupid people continue to be stupid forever and ever and ever and ever

It’s hard for me to find something particularly specific to say about this video except to say that I am speaking. I mean, I’m not claiming to be an influencer here, I’m saying that I think exactly like him. However, I think all thinking that matches up, especially in times such as we have, might…

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Breaking winds: lightsaber hurleys produced in Belliya connect for the longest three ever hit.

After rigorous testing resulting in only a few mild injuries, two rather serious burns but only one death, Gabriella Kholdyourbreathova herself, the fine upstanding member of the all women’s PiNKS (пішов на хуй сам) southern division hurling club and well known for her long distance hurls, connected with the multinational ride in front of great…

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3rd Warmest May in history

According to, May 2023 was a scorcher globally. It was the third warmest May in the 174 years of reliable data. The average global May temperature was 1.75 degrees F (0.97 degrees Celsius) above the 20th century average. This was the 531st consecutive month with temperatures above the 20th century average. The western hemisphere…

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What is a green lifestyle?

  March 2, 2021   To me, the answer is simply to be aware of one’s environmental impact and to be respectful of that situation. We live in a consumer society. and what that means is that the vast majority of us do not directly contribute to their own food security except via money. This…

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What are permacuture swale trenches?

March 16, 2021 If one of the real problems in the world is the erosion of topsoil due to excessive mechanical tilling, monocrop industrial farming, overgrazing and an overabundance of chemical fertilizers, some people think that simply allowing nature to do what it wants to do is the answer to soil fertility. And of course…

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What is desertification?

Essay For people unfamiliar with the term, desertification is what happens when poor Land Management continues to such an extent that the land can no longer provide sustenance for people to live. This would also be true if we consider all living things in the area. If the land degrades to the point that it…

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