Vegan chatGPT

Two interesting videos showed up in my YouTube algorithm and I thought I would share these.

The first is my man earthling Ed who has been practicing his rhetoric for years now. He simply walks the AI through the logic and by the time he’s done, our logical super robot is indeed agreeing that a vegan lifestyle is a true ethical choice for human beings to make. It also has no problem agreeing to the hypocrisy of saying you believe in the relief of pain to animals but yet continue to eat meat yourself.

1 point that I just cannot get enough of is the difference between the garbage that most people have between their ears and what happens when you have vegan content producers. It’s not only a most obvious difference but the extent of the difference is troubling. I think it’s troubling for me as a vegan because it’s troubling to see how crazy people actually are. But it’s also troubling because these arguments are going to people that in different places in human history would never have this argument in their face. They simply have never even been asked to think about such things.

My full-on opinion is that eating meat, ritually drinking alcohol, using human urges for sex as opportunities to make money and especially so from the misery that comes from unwanted pregnancies and venereal diseases. Smoking tobacco cigarettes and even eating factory food regularly all contributes to a quitter mentality. They might disagree and say that they were full-on towards making money and doing well in their jobs. But this is the point. If they will not pay attention and they will not make value judgments because they truly believe it is not a part of their life to do so, what do we have?

Joe Rogan I think is the answer to the question. Joe Rogan is the United States of America. Joe Rogan is a troll with a nasty enough body to cause you physical harm If you disagree with him. And, he is rich from doing whatever it is he does and he is now an unstoppable human force. He makes too much money to believe he does anything wrong. But at the end of the day, he never actually says anything except that problems exist and human beings can’t solve them. That is the full-on extent of the wisdom acquired through great wealth and power. He can say that your argument, no matter how good it is, won’t count because human history proves it. He’s smiling and he’s rich because he’s making money off the stupidity just like all the other smart people and that’s all you need to know.

In any case, here’s 15 minutes of Joe speaking to AI about the environment and how people should deal with it. This is logical information versus disinformation. This is a computer that has no heart to be broken just saying what seems to be the logical and ethical truth and he has to do it to a professional shit talker.

I commented on this. It’s more of what I said above but here is the comment:

You know Joe, the real point here is that your arguments don’t hold water. You are effectively a troll. You stand there and you say that all good ideas are impossible because a problem exists and of course no one can ever solve problems. The chat AI basically says here are the problems now go solve it. If everyone works towards the end of getting the solution to the problem, we have a great possibility of success. If we do not ask people to help and get involved because there are reasons that potentially exist that do not allow Utopian thinking into anyone’s mind, say your peace and then agree that the plans were reasonable. A better plan would be to get people out of their cars and into bicycles and public transportation. We can do that with a simple licensing law. No car. Done and dusted and a remarkable amount of pollution is now removed from the air. Really, I understand that there’s money in sustaining fighting tension. There’s also money and war for the same reasons. Maybe we’re not supposed to be thinking of money. Maybe we are supposed to be thinking of leaving a clean enough habitat for things to be able to live here. And I’m not gay. I’m a writer. My brain is in shape. I am a logical clear thinker. I’ve got a good body too. It means nothing. The point is the most important thing is getting people to contribute time and energy to healthy ends. And that’s all.

Not that I’m expecting him to answer me but I like to be sincere when I make comments.

Ultimately, the last thing I want to say is that although it does seem to be remarkably intelligent machine that can formulate real language and do so in a completely logical fashion, what is it to us? If we are talking about at least half the population being a complete child without any sense of responsibility for their actions, what is this but a toy? At best for young people, it’s the answer to all the questions in school and the writer of all of the essays.

I gave a month to a pair of students and the main reason why we ended is that they never wanted to come out of their first day solution. I asked them to come up with an essay and they went to chat GPT. It was obviously machine driven. It was perfectly logical. There was no humanity in it whatsoever. Just a verbal expression of genuine information. For my student, it didn’t really matter if any of these logical reasons might have merit as a personal philosophy. We no longer have people who believe philosophy is anything to worry about. Thinking is only a problem if you’re worried about making money. Then you have to think a little while but once you get a job, you can go back to being as stupid as you want.

And remember  The entire difference between being a child and an adult is the right to take legal drugs. Adults have to make money and so they need the greatest escapes. If they have enough money to keep them in cigarettes, alcohol and meat, they are gold. And if they are legitimate alcoholic drug addicts who can maintain legitimate jobs, they get all of this plus they get to drive cars. Do you think any of these people seriously wish to become critical thinkers anymore? I think they’re too busy already.

So what’s the answer? The answer is it is the most logical thing in the world to go vegan and we need to accept that institutionally. If we have government that has the right to manipulate us emotionally and economically, it is time for them to take responsibility for their actions. I do not believe it’s time to go to war and start murdering people which is the traditional response to a government forced to stand behind their infrastructure choices. It’s easier to say guns solve the problem then it is to actually show up at work and take responsibility for your fuckups. No, the answer is that if you have access to mass media, it’s time for you to go out of business and take us all with you. It’s time to close down the profit system as it is and allow people to exist in a more comfortable way of life that has a much lower carbon footprint. There ain’t no other way or any other trigger to pull that isn’t about corruption and profits.

Either we do everything and I mean everything possible to stop unnecessary pollution or, as the machine told us, we are absolutely hypocrites. Without a doubt, the word hypocrite applies to the people of our world. We should be better.

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