Stagnancy is repugnant to humans

Forget about modern Life. Let’s just say we go camping and we are next to a river that’s running very quickly. You can smell the water and see a lot of life I suppose. Or maybe it’s in the mountains and it’s very very cold. Take a little drink. I bet it’s really good. Not as good as it could be of course. We are a spicy lot. We love to put lots of additives into the air so you never know what comes back to us in the water. But let’s just say this is truly getting it from the source and you’re happy about it.

And now let’s make a second picture. Let’s say you’re really thirsty and you come upon sort of a bog where nothing moves. Maybe it’s a dead lake or something like that. Maybe it’s a stream that dried up and one place was a little deeper than the others and held on to the water a little longer. But you can see that the water is already beginning to grow. You can see the color. You can see the algae growing etc. You know that you’re not supposed to drink stagnant water. Why? You get sick. Our bodies don’t really like stagnancy.

This is a vegan spot but let’s talk about meat for a moment. You’ve bought your pound of flesh and it’s on the table ready to be assaulted with salt and whatever you do to play with your meat before you consume it. Let’s just say something happened, it’s the middle of the summer, thinking that everything was going to go down in a matter of minutes, you left the thing indirect sunlight and then just by happenstance, you forgot all about it. I don’t know why you would but let’s just say it happened. Are you okay the next day? Even one day? Are you okay or are you sniffing that piece of meat? Or even better than that. Let’s say you make a dish and then you leave it in the pot and you forget about it and you go back three or four days later. Are you just diving into that food or has it expired?

Rot and stagnancy are repugnant to people. I hear this from an agricultural standpoint. If I let my dishwaters sit there for 3-4 days until it starts getting ripe from every bit of organic material I’ve thrown in there, you give that to your plants and they start giving you food. They love it. They need it. They prefer this. This to them is living water. But they are plants not people. The things that they need to grow are all those things we want no part of.

You have acquired a potato or an onion. Using your chef knife, you crack that puppy open and oh, there it is. Cancer. Disease. Rotten. There was rot. You don’t really want to eat that do you? If you’re a guy and you’re completely lazy and you don’t really care what stuff tastes like, you don’t mind a little bit of rot. Most people would cut it out. If a woman is around, he will cut that out. Cut out the rot. I will get rid of the rotten parts and eat the good parts. I can tell the difference between something rotten and something good.

What I am talking about is remaining in stagnant sociopolitical forms for too long. I think there is a philosophical idea at play concerning the level of suicide we seem to be practicing. I say suicide here only because it implies the egotism or even narcissism of the people making decisions in the world. They feel nothing from any real life. They live in a complete isolated bubble where every word they say is of vital urgency and they have made for themselves dictatorships from which to play great games of Monopoly with real people.

Why as a general concept is it necessary to be under the direction of a single leader? Why is it necessary to be under the direction of a leader? This is a genuine question worthy of asking. Why is it that we demand other people tell us what to do instead of teaching people to make good decisions all by themselves? What is so wrong with working with many many variants on the theme as opposed to everyone trying to fit into a tiny mold? And I’m not talking about fashion or anything that might make money in a marketplace as a cool idea. I’m just saying that this obeying the leader seems to have genuine negatives about it when the leaders themselves are clearly psychotic. When I say clearly psychotic, it means that balancing out their actions against any standard form of fairness would show that they are simply psycho murderers and nothing more. 

If you saw a show about mass murderers and you learn all about the escapades of people who kill other people for whatever strange things possess them to do so. Maybe they are cannibals. Maybe they just really enjoy killing. Their faces would feel you with fear.

These are our leaders. They are mass murderers. They make deals with murderers. They are drug dealers. They are criminals. Murderers. They destroy lives and they live off public funds really well. We pay a lot of money to employ these idiots and they have the ability to really play with the economics of the world. They create marketplaces for friends and believe me, they will work their people to insanity to keep that profit train going. Christianity is the mold. This is how you do it.

How about we try something new? Why is it about one group of power mongers after another? Why don’t we just give up on this power game? Seriously. Just for the sake of the ecology, maybe we should turn off the machine. Maybe we should turn off the machine forever and leave the world a very very quiet place to live in. Maybe we should allow God to win. God equals nature. We should let nature win. We should let nature win every time so that we can keep living on the planet. We are shit guests. We are the worst guests in the world because we poison our host. That’s very bad. And all of the conversations and all of the smiles and all of the handshakes are a bunch of shit unless you guys want to do something for planet Earth.

I’m not the only criminal in the world ever to say this in his own defense but I am not a traitor. You guys are traitors. I work for the planet Earth. I don’t work in one place so that I can hate other people in another place or even my neighbors. I don’t want to be told that there’s a racial issue. I don’t want to be told about your crime statistics and the necessity to maintain a paramilitary force. How about we just stop doing the drug dealing economy and ask people to participate in a global movement towards ecology? How about we just don’t do the same thing again?

It’s old. It’s not even relevant. It’s like they have her on drugs. She is on drugs. They destroyed a pretty good prosecutor and now she is just a public face trying show that people can like her. They have her set up like a teenager. It’s not her ideals. It’s not that she has a particular worldview and she wants some help to see if she can make it. Just that she will fight for you and you might get a few percentage points better in your life as a wage slave working for the United States of America. And you will continue to purchase the roadside food and you will continue to purchase guns and ammunition. You will continue to purchase cigarettes and you will continue to purchase liquor and narcotics. And you will continue paying your rent and your taxes. You will continue paying money because that’s the only thing that’s important.

The Russians have a good word for this. Gnilli. Isn’t that a cool word. It means it’s rotten. The system is rotten and wrong. Literally it’s cancerous. Obama said it running the United States was like driving and aircraft carrier. He could have said a really big pleasure boat and gotten the same thing but I think he was trying to put a professional spin on his place in the office. The point was that you don’t turn on a dime. It’s not an individual racing car. It’s a giant thing and it takes a long time to move. In this case, it’s really not that difficult.

But how about bringing it to a full stop and then maintaining ecologically balanced status quo as a way of life. I don’t really think people will be bored. I think the opposite will happen. I think people will have more time to discover some nuance in life. I think people will use their free time and how easy the world is to discover new things to do. And if we don’t give them motors and tell them to use hand tools to do all the building they need, I think we’ll all be fine. Really, just agreed to take care of the agriculture yourself and be a good citizen to your local community and I think we’ll be fine. Bicycles. At least electric vehicles. But no more plastic garbage and we follow the seasons and do our best to make ourselves comfortable.

I’m sorry, if you guys have any other plans than that, I vote no. No more. Please.

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