They have shot Trump! A bloody ear and a feisty fist raised. Fuck yous apparently upon his lips. We are fighting for something in America.

It’s a hell of a show. I really have to admit that in the world of show business, Donald Trump is a really unique brand of performer. And I mean, it is unquestionably a show and he is unquestionably show business. I understand it sort of makes use of the presidency of the United States of America which is somewhat questionable to consider. I also would think that this goes a long way to explain what exactly life in America is like. I’m talking about the society built on allowance of free weapons, pro-war propaganda as a norm in the media and all of the other attention grabbing ploys to continue white Christian control over the USA. If you want to know what it’s like living in an insane asylum where people have high-tech weapons at their disposal to be used in their mood, this is the United States of America. This is a demonstration of American gun fanaticism, this security business that is apparently allowing people with automatic weapons in public places with high crowds.

So somebody shot Donald Trump but missed. He took a chunk out of his ear like Mike Tyson. It’s hard to say what will become of Trump as a result of having a bullet wiz just slightly off Target and missed turning him into a vegetable or a former human. For people who like to do well on their own existence and how it interrelates with the world, bloggers I mean, Twitter people, For sure we are going to hear about this and for sure it’s going to be turned into some content or other.

You give the guy props for raising the fist and telling people fuck you. You missed me. How would I handle it? I would not be out in public in America. I mean, if they can get to Trump, they can get to anybody. That’s a lot of security. That’s what security is all about. Those guys love putting their bodies between danger and the president. They don’t particularly care about the politics. They just like having a president that they can throw their body in front of a bullet for. It seems that’s the real prize for some people. They really, really really believe in this national security business. Some people really want national security to be important because that just gives relevance to their lives.

Meanwhile, I hear that they have found the shooter. And there’s a dead guy. Somebody doesn’t get to live anymore. Somebody got dressed, brush their teeth, interacted with their people whoever they are, who knows the mode of transportation. And then there’s the big setup. Hey it’s a party. It’s a show. It’s the most exciting show you can go to. It’s more exciting than a rock concert. It’s kind of like Taylor Swift or AC/DC. But this is like a real show because it’s like real American politics. And if Donald Trump is really going to be there, he’s going to say some things and people are going to go crazy. He is the craziest comedian of all of them. He’s the comedian that they let run the United States sometimes. It’s funny when they let a comedian run the United States. It’s funny what happens to people when they go this direction.

Anyway that guy got a bullet that went into his body and stopped his organism from working. It was probably painful and quite shocking. I don’t really know who the guy was or what he was doing. We can think about the politics. Just a frustrated guy trying to be a good Christian and make a living but mostly he would like to be entertained well and this is it. There’s probably more juice in this Trump thing than almost anything else you can get into. And if you’re on the social networks, that’s it. There is just blood all day long. Just the juiciest bloodiest place to be. It feels almost like you got people with you.

That one guy died. And then I think a bullet went into somebody else but they’re not quite dead. They just have to deal with the damage that a flying projectile does when it breaks through the skin and possibly breaks some bones or rips up some organs or something. Maybe they just lose an arm or a leg. Maybe they’re sex organs will have to be removed. Maybe one lung collapses and they never take another full breath of air ever again for the rest of their lives. Maybe it’s just something that really fucking hurts all the time and never really stops. Just broken shit on your body thanks to a bullet entry.

Trump does not stand up and continue his speech. He is completely happy to give himself over the other people to carry him to safety. That’s the best thing about being president. Absolutely for sure, someone will be there to carry you to safety. If you go down because your body no longer allows you to stand upright, there will be people to pick you up and dump you into an ambulance and get you to a doctor. You have no need whatsoever to be paranoid about your health or to even worry for 10 seconds about whether you’re doing well or not. You will have a doctor with their finger up your ass before you can say Jackie Robinson.

For everybody there that was not the president, I’m sure that the emergency people were doing just fine. I like the guy in the full black combat suit with an automatic weapon in front of him moving left and right with great urgency and holding the post of the place where the president used to be standing before they shot him. I guess the territory needed to be held. Maybe somebody wanted to raise a flag or something like that.

I mean, you can plan on hysteria. You fire a gun into this crowd and whether you hit Donald Trump or not, the place is going to be pandemonium. It’s going to stop the show. 100%, the moment you fire that gun, whatever comedy stylings had been prepared are now superfluous. someone fires a gun, everybody springs into action with something to do and the crowd gets to deal with yet another moment of Americana. Yet another mass gathering that somebody introduces a firearm to. 1 device capable of delivering a bullet that can hit a human body with deadly force and you have 100,000 people shit out of luck. Or, including the mathematical odds of being one in 100,000 people, you get people with the thrill of facing death just by going outside. And if they feel good about this, like it makes them special, you have the psychology to continue life on earth exactly as it is right now. Played out completely psychotic.

So we have this very popular old man who speaks like an old man. He speaks of hate. He speaks of the sanctity of the non-special life. He speaks for the guy who has nothing from the people that make sure that nobody has anything. As if his was a friendly voice. And they believe this. It is everything completely backwards for many self-respecting hillbilly. If you were raised to believe in self-sufficiency because the government was not going to help you, this is the guy representing that government that will never help you and you guys are saying that he’s the most fun. You want freedom from the government but you’re making the most popular guy the one who makes sure that no one ever gets a fair deal ever in the USA. All you ever get in the USA is people stuffing your back into the mold.

Well, there you go. It’s an interesting mold to live in. To be in American, you got to be into this politics stuff. It’s on the social networks and everybody knows whose side who is on. And, there are demonstrations because there are rights for white people. Good white Christian people deserve to live their lives in peace. If the world surrounding white Christians is increasingly violent, that’s just not the fault of Jesus and that’s the way they’re going to continue to go philosophically. They just determined themselves not to be guilty or to be doing anything unfortuitous. It’s just that we have these freedoms and that means occasionally someone shoots their gun in places where they should not ought to do it. That’s right, you can just die in America. Stop complaining.

I guess we will see how this story plays out. It would be okay if he decided to back out of the race but I don’t think that will happen. I think he’ll just get out of participating just because he dodged a bullet. I think He should quit. I think Biden should quit. I definitely think Putin and Lukashenko should quit. Just quit and go join private life for a while. Let other people make the decisions for the country. And I think we should take the guns out of our lives once and for all. Just a vote amongst humanity about whether we need this business or not. I vote no. I vote no to guns and to war. No, I do not want these things in my life. I don’t want Donald Trump in my life. I don’t want guns or Donald Trump in my life.

Being a sports fan

My parents had season tickets to the San Francisco 49ers. We would go to all the games. This relationship was strange over the years because I never really had a close relationship with my parents. That kind of came later after Mom died but basically I was an attachment at the stadiums. Don’t get any familial pictures in your head. I was separate and individual and free to be improvisational working with the materials available to me. I stadiumed well.

It is a genuine drug to be a part of a mass audience. If you are a ball fan, even the laid-back variant that you get in San Francisco, there is some excitement to a football game. I believe we are a little force-fed every nuance these days but going back in time, a good pass. A nice run. A little bit of daylight. An interception. And boom there you were out of your chair. Yeah! Excellent you bet. Do it again! Oh! And now you’re really cheering. You are really outside of yourself. You are in the mob and you are getting juiced by it. So much fun. Worth the price of the ticket? Just look around. An institution.

This is a really interesting thing that human beings do. They are doing this a lot with baseball parks because America is just going to be baseball centric despite how expensive and messy the sport really is. They will continue any parade that makes them feel legitimate in their actions. They are investing in parades. They’re investing in parades with emotional attachments as a way of keeping focus on a way of life that might need to be rethought. Maybe it’s like incessantly trying to put a square peg in a round hole. Maybe they just don’t get it that what they are doing doesn’t work. But now they are demanding with great bags of money invested in showing that mass gatherings for sport is an excellent part of young people’s lives. They are seriously investing in the coliseum.

This is a very sterile idea that costs a lot of money and has a lot of ecological impact to it but in essence what’s happening is we are hitting the pleasure button to our inevitable demise. We are chasing a high that doesn’t exist anymore. It was something we saw collectively a long time ago but then was taken away from us. There was a time where they’re really was unbelievable belief. But then they had to start making rules about who should be hated and they created a hate market and that was the end of everything.

That’s the problem with this group mass meeting form of politics. It’s a stadium show. It’s a football game for people who can’t afford season tickets. It’s their mass meeting where they get to scream and shout and get all riled up. And they get riled up about the same thing because they got plenty of media representation in their marketplace. Right there on the cheap phones, you are all in for everything that you need. And boom, everybody knows who you are by district and everyone is controlling the dope and the crime and the police and the money generally. It’s really difficult to get excited about one of these calls to excitement when you’re in a cesspool. You can’t really get excited unless you’re with people who really believe in the reality being discussed.

Just for the physical thrill? The offering of Donald Trump as president of the United States simply because the physical thrill of it would be enough to get a popular vote for leadership? I’m asking this facetiously because to me, the outlandishness of this situation speaks volumes of the quality of the leadership in general. You have the insane people running the asylum. You are representing yourself as superheroes or that the need of a superhero exists while at the same time spinning your frisbee off your finger because you just cannot handle the infrastructure of what you’re asking for. You’ve broken the ecological system and everything and everyone is filthy and diseased. You’ve destroyed everything.

Let’s vote for a system that keeps us worked up and physically unemployed. That’s right. Let’s vote for a system that makes people feel as useless as is humanly possible. Let’s make everything about having enough money to keep ourselves in salt, fat, sugar, cigarettes, beer and spirits and weed and meth and glory be to God for whatever they come up with next. As long as I get all of that with my pizza, that’s good enough for me, right? Just as long as nobody has a problem paying for the party everyday at the end of the crisis they work at. And it’s getting hotter everyday. Hotter and hotter and drier. And more polluted. More diseased.

We are not speaking to our populations very well. For those of us who have the burden of being elected leaders with access to unlimited media, you’re not doing a very good job of informing people of the direction they are going. If you yourself cannot see this, this is a different story. It probably has something to do with a matter of egotism and how you see yourself as related to other people. You obviously have no problem with disposable people. Not particularly a mark to your greatness amongst those who actually get classified as simply people. If we don’t make it in your elite group, well, here’s what it feels like. Perhaps you should speak a little bit more about public health and working to be sustainable in our use of resources and less hysterical towards trying to keep up with some marketplace. Maybe this should just be a clean land without all of the development necessary to participate in the rat race. Perhaps we wish to put an end to the rat race because it uses too many resources and destroys too many things.

Maybe we should be speaking to our people as if we ourselves were people. For me, that would be easy. My fellow country people, the mathematics of the medical results show that I am still thinking toilet quite seriously quite often these days. I am sorry if I am responsible for something that has brought this illness unto you. I can only make the best decisions I can with what I have to work with. We can do better and we will.

So to make things simple for everyone, you are allowed to keep your job. If you think your job is something that you absolutely need in order for your life to have great meaning, please continue. Please be aware that there might be a market shift ahead but, no one is twisting anyone’s arm or telling anyone to get out of their house. But we are going to institute people who work for the good of ecology and community as a paid government profession. We are going to use the military budget of the country to facilitate as many people who wish to join the service as possible. This will not be an incredible amount of money but, as the mathematics of it play out to their infinite resolves, this might be enough money for everyone to get by without having too much to worry about even well into the future. It’s not going to be a problem for anyone to play at these rates. No, not American money. Sorry boomba. Just enough for what you need. A little bit of effort and you live for free. And we are growing food.

That would be enough. Modesty alone would have people abandoning their cars. Or better, draining all of the toxic chemicals from the thing and parking it near their home as a place to come and sit in the evenings. I suppose there should be an electric market. But again, I think if the currency of life were not in the money markets but simply in being good community members, as it was a million years ago, we might just figure out a rational symbiotic way of life that allows human life to continue without the necessity of the destruction of the planet to suit our hysteria.

Yeah. I think what I’m saying is that there’s a difference between playing to stadiums and playing for the betterment of humanity. Not the economic situation I’m afraid. Just for the betterment of humanity and the ecology of the planet itself. We have some really serious issues that need to be addressed now. And this little game of stadium rock can’t be how we make decisions. We can’t ask people to react to the most visceral stimuli to get our results. We need to remove the visceral nature of life. We have to stop selling them meat. We have to stop carnivore violence. We have to stop asking people to be excited all the time. We can’t have violence like this anymore. You can’t ask people to live their lives like this.

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