Update: Trump assassination a sham! Entire situation faked. No, it was all part of the show!

Trump maybe did not get shot in the ear. Maybe it was one of those hidden ball tricks like they have in baseball.

This was our conversation with a Washington insider dealmaker with connections to British gambling. It seems whenever there is political movement in America, the punters are first in in their predictions and sometimes in telling offerings at the gambling counter.

The following bits of evidence were offered.

  • How did they have a fellow sitting on a rooftop with a rifle Who was literally being noticed by a blogger minutes before the shooting? According to his story, he notified security that there was a guy with a gun and they said huh, ain’t that interesting? Not a single helicopter in the sky?
  • There are plenty of ballistic videos available on the internet about how flesh deals with different types of bullet contact. You could say it was a one in a million piece of luck but I’m saying there is no bullet hit. Either he didn’t feel it or he didn’t understand it. But that bullet would have definitely moved him as a physical body. I didn’t see any reaction to the bullet.
  • Trump’s former association with professional wrestling. As part of his entertainment resume, he used to associate a lot with Big Time wrestling. It was a part of his brand. It went along with the Miss universe contest. He was a man among the elite of the world. In wrestling though, we know it’s all fake but sometimes they need what’s called the juice. Bringing the juice to wrestling matches means agreeing to cut yourself and bleeding all over the place. It’s like getting a tattoo or a piercing. It’s just cutting yourself and knowing that the wound you’re causing is not enough to kill you. Usually they use razors for this. Maybe they used a hole punch about the size of a bullet into the upper part of Donald Trump’s ear. And they left it bloody.
  • Did anyone take notice that the actual news report going around the internet was put together by a particular information bureau? Complete with a brand and a color scheme. What a fine and carefully scripted story we have created.
  • And let’s remember that Donald Trump has never done anything straight in his entire life. He has never given anyone an honest deal that he has never said a true word. There’s no way that this did not seem like a great idea for a political video. Whoever suggested it probably thinks they have a raise coming.

The art of the hidden Ball trick. They have a play in baseball where, if you have a runner on first, they work as a team to fool the runner into an easy out. The pitcher throws the ball to first to make the runner return to the base. Instead of returning the ball, the first basement keeps it in his glove. The pitcher acts like he catches the ball and all the players on the field act as though the ball is with him now. If the runner has not seen this, when he takes his normal lead, he can be tagged out by the first baseman. Hidden ball trick. I’m saying this whole assassination looks like a hidden ball trick.

At the end of the day, it’s a payday for the NRA and the gun business everywhere.

So all of this just adds more heat to his march. It all just adds fuel to the fire and he gets to shake his fists more and get more back. Make them cheer more and more and more because that’s what it’s about. Who can make them laugh and cheer more is the one who gets all of those entertainment votes. And personal entertainment seems to be what it’s all about. All misery on the planet there for us to say God bless the United States of America that we never get touched by such things as war or pestilence or hunger.

I don’t want gun violence in my life. Nobody wants idiots with guns coming over the hill for any reason ever. Have you ever played with a lunatic who has a gun? Have you ever done that in your life? Do you really think it’s something you want to play with on a daily basis? Do we want maniacs like this who seem to believe that bullets are a normal everyday part of life? Do we need this?

I just don’t want to live in a world like this. I don’t want to be in a world that does its legislation through mass hysteria. It’s bread and circuses from Rome and we really have to be done with this already. Don’t we ever get to be finished with the meat business? Do we ever stop being insane for just long enough to come up with an idea even once in the history of this species? Do they have to flaunt it in our faces even to this day?

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