Ecological crimes

Originally published on on November 10, 2023

I’m just sitting here riffing really. I have these crazy thoughts that go together sometimes and my habit is to put them together into some usable thing. This is what makes the Utopian fiction run. I just like solving problems so I like to make messes and then see what might happen from them. It’s kind of like science experimenting really but with really good dementia curing properties and dopamine rushes. It’s not really a drug, it’s work, but it’s pleasurable work or it is a type of work that you can add a lot of pleasure to or allow a lot of pleasure from without hurting yourself. A great job in other words. One that makes you happy.

But then I got thinking about local ecology, words you can’t even say on Google because it won’t be recognized it’s such a distant fact. But if I came out to my little property and I did an ecological inspection of the region. I might run into a list that looks something like this.

The following is my report to the Belarusian Bureau of Ecological Dealings and all things connected to nature. It is early on Friday morning, November 10th, 2023 and the following is my final report on the ecology of the region.

  • The water table is a meter or more lower than traditional levels.
  • We can see stress in the forest from the lack of water and we are also seeing not complete deaths but morphing into bushes also caused by the stress of climate change.
  • We can tell that the region is desertifying because barometric pressure that would traditionally indicate rain are currently only about 10% accurate when it comes to predicting actual rainfall. They can pick a dry day or a hot day every time, 100%. But according to casual calculations, we are only getting a mild percentage of the rainfall the reason needs to make sense and continue.
  • There was no fruit from the fruit trees this year. Not with me or anyone that I know of in the region. Possibly other regions had them but we had almost completely zero fruit and not even too many berries on the berry bushes.
  • It should be noted that the pH of the local groundwater comes out at 8. This means a significant amount of acid needs to be added to lower the pH to a level where vegetation and absorb nutrients. Checking the internet, causation for high pH in the soil is directly connected to pollution and climate change caused by human anxiety driven economies.
  • It is almost impossible to inspire life with natural soil additives because there is very little life to be had in the land. This is from overuse and over turning and killing and pesticides and everything else that was done to control all of the life they believe needed to be controlled. It’s a sandbox. But it’s not just a sandbox on my land, it’s a sandbox everywhere here. And while Sandy soil is indicative of a place that has a lot of water flowing through it, we are now 16 or 18 years of the hottest temperature in the history of history and so the effect of consistent endless drought has changed the climate of the region significantly.
  • People are aggravated and almost insane with each other. If I were to ask myself why, traditionally the fall is when we have the highest level of frustration amongst males and therefore the highest level of road rage. But, it’s usually a matter of physical frustration that make people anxious and so we can assume that the rise in violence universally has to do with both the temperature and the existence of pollutants in the air. The world is becoming sick and we are complaining but we are not stopping the thing that we are complaining about.
  • It seems that diarrhea is the rule of thumb these days. It’s a bit of a problem of course but it is made worse by several of the neighbors decision to continually go to town during the day and bring back whatever diseases are being communicated there out here. This of course a great point of gratitude for all of the neighbors who appreciate all of the gifts from town.
  • There has never been a lockdown or even a decision to slow down in any way because of any pandemic related issues. The region simply works like Las Vegas.
  • The causation of this change is human activity funneled through the automobile business. It isn’t that there is the strange concept of our dependency on fossil fuels, it means that each individual who has one of these horrible devices, uses it as a catch-all drug for all personal frustrations. This mixed with a lifestyle that leads to perpetual frustration, and you have basically a sugar circle but one that includes the use of fossil fuel burning motors and in this we have the death of the planet Earth. There’s no other way to say it. We chose money over common Sense so that a few people on the top of the pyramid could stay there and be happy and look really good in clothes and go to the best clubs and buy the best women and basically just not feel any pain whatsoever and not worry about how much pain they cause remaining exactly who they are.
  • As far as actions to be taken, we need immediately a public voice of common sense telling people that we have an ecological problem. We need to stop what we are doing industrially as a collective people and we need to change our way of life towards basic agriculture done without chemical assistance, mining or the use of fossil fuels. We have the capability to use solar and wind power to generate enough electricity to satisfy our needs for knowledge and to allow wonderful intercommunity travel via clean rail. We have everything we need to live a quiet life as people and all the time in the world to find the perfect number of us but we have to stop making garbage and looking for more materials to burn immediately. Like stop. Not pushing the button that says okay let’s have the fireworks show, like okay I get it We have fucked up I quit Let’s do something good for ourselves with the time we have left because there’s a pretty good mathematical chance we’re all going to die of cancer anyway because of all of the glorious love we have brought to the planet with the effort of our lives. The responsibility must be in the hands of each individual. I want to repeat this with all alacrity. The responsibility for cleaning up the planet Earth must rest in each individual however, for people who have the power to move others, this must be the words on our tongues. We must use our voices to teach people how to be gentle to our world. The world cannot take our insanity anymore. We must calm down and become smaller and kinder and cleaner. It’s time to play small ball.
  • And on a local level, if I noticed all of this, that the forest was running dry, that the bog was a meter and a half lower than normal and that the groundwater was also more than a meter lower than traditional levels and I asked myself who poisoned the well, I would look at the people who inspire a perpetual automobile stain on their property. I would look at the people who maintain machinery and believe that oil leaking into the land, all of the petroleum products necessary to maintain a car as well as all of the pollution that is put into the air and even the audio disturbance and the rumbling put into the land from their existence, I do not think you need to be Sherlock Holmes to see a causal relationship. If you walk around and you see that the place you live in is diseased and then you look for the cause of the disease, we have a small unofficial factory going on right next door to myself and if you wanted to know who caused the damage, they would be guilty. Now, we could play games with life and say who is responsible for climate change and you could not logically say that this bit of humanity that lives next to me is responsible for all global warming. But you could definitely see a cancerous relationship between the local habitat and their existence to it and it’s cancerous. There is no other way to describe what they are to the region. They are cancer and that is the brand.
  • Recommendation is to change to an agrarian sustainable society using only human power and into annuity to grow as much food for ourselves as we can. Limit the growth of human population and slowly but surely fall into a sustainable number. We cannot continue to be money oriented. It doesn’t work.

It’s above my pay grade to play soldier. I am not on screen talent anymore. We have younger and more resilient people than me to take care of these things. And I’m sure there are quite a few people on this world of ours who would be happy to know that we have a strong and well-functioning ecological department that will do their job to ensure that the land we live on is protected first and foremost. We are not such like the West, we are not like the Americans, we do not sacrifice our land for money. We are better than them. We are nothing like them.

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