Letters from the editor: Matisyahu speaks out on Israel, war and how stupid people continue to be stupid forever and ever and ever and ever

It’s hard for me to find something particularly specific to say about this video except to say that I am speaking. I mean, I’m not claiming to be an influencer here, I’m saying that I think exactly like him. However, I think all thinking that matches up, especially in times such as we have, might be an emergence of a pattern that needs to be looked into.

Specifically, it isn’t really good to rely on reputation to get you through. You may say that there is no one like the Israeli army and there never was and never will be and you might be right. But they have this ironic non-Jewish phrase called on any given Sunday. The war, anti-semitism, is not going to come down today or tomorrow until the adversarial relationship ends.

I know I babble a lot but I have a friend who is Lebanese. There is a genuine question whether he is my friend. I can sit here and say every bad thing in the entire world about this guy. Except that he probably lives in the same world I do which means that we like driving each other crazy. We don’t really get along frankly because he’s stupid as fuck and I’m not. Forget the Jewish / Lebanese problem, I am Bugs Bunny and he is Elmer Fudd or Elmer Thudd. It’s just about speed and ability to register cognitively to any type of stimulation other than one that goes directly to masturbatory or culinary desires. Jesus.

But I enjoy hanging out with him. If you want to talk about whether I would go into a business meeting with my Lebanese friend, I would if it was his money. But I’m not sure I would do it if it was my money and that is about the only issue that really matters here. I’m sure that he has enough money that he could play a game with me and not care one way or another but I just don’t work like that and this is both me and my friend and Israel on the surrounding Arab nations and the whole bloody suicidal military industrial complex of the planet Earth and all contributors included. They have a word called kosher and as much as everyone enjoys dirtying us up, kosher wins and games with gasoline end up in extinction.

So perhaps this is the inevitable answer. Cross border contamination or cross-border whatever and we just don’t care too much about the border and we just get together and grow some food. The ocean itself is not really the agricultural part of things. That requires rain or extreme diligence. But if I’m not mistaken, Israel is pretty green and the surrounding Arab territories are maybe possibly kind of just thinking about getting better about it. But we’re not living together well and we are really into burning motors and making noise and shooting guns and making piles of meat and seeing the blood stains on cloth and driving with great speed and vehicles because this moment is so important to pick up more dead meat from the street. Knock it off you knuckleheads. Are you seriously considering yourself serious people? What the fuck are you doing? What the fuck is in your fucking brains?

So you know, you count the number of people and you count the number houses and you make sure every person has a place to live and enough materials to survive. Then you can ask everybody to be a very good neighbor, punch a few faces to stop people from raping and when they wake up, hold up one hand and then point to their penis and nod your head a few times and maybe they’ll get the message that it’ll be easier the next time things go a little left in the gulliver.

So yet another crisis because no one ever wants us to garden in peace. What the fuck do people have against gardening anyway?


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