Keep the women at home or let them be?

This is a call for a public vote. I think this should be a vote amongst all humanity regardless of religion or state affiliation. I also think this should be regardless of history except of course as people might remember things in their own experience that might give them a good chance of making the right decision.

The premise is whether we wish our women to be safe at home or whether our women are free to make for themselves whatever lives they need. I say this because it seems that we misunderstand the point of existence of humanity on earth. We seem to think that men are the only ones who have the right of agency, movement, decisions and of course ownership of resources. Historically, women have literally been legally disallowed from owning property, receiving an education, even learning to read or write and in some cases, to leave the house and consider themselves property of some male. This is the way the world has been since the world has been a world for people. Women are property.

And yet somewhere in history it behooved a group of suffragettes to stand and protest. Taxation without representation is slavery. Without a voice agreeing to a contract, they are only chattel. But if ownership had the right to be drunken belligerent brutal thugs who made life a living hell in there lowest moods, why could there be no independence away from such things?

And so the question remains. In a world that was created by male physical dominance, how do we change things to allow for a world without the inherent violence and violent mood swings associated with a male centric world? If we are going to say that there is a necessity for armies with guns, this means we have assholes out there who are just running amok. And of course we need assholes running amok to stop those guys. What do we do to live in a world without that? Would it be possible to say, in a vote, ask ourselves if we wish guns to be a part of our lives, yes or no. It’s a vote, see?

But we do the same thing for women. We have these nitpicky issues of what we can say yes or no to according to conservative leadership. They seem to think that the medical problems associated with unwanted pregnancies are not as important as making sure that people believe in the sanctity of life. The sanctity of life in a world full of gun violence and people who gather up in bunches to scream at other people during incredibly tender and difficult moments in their lives. We are talking about brutality and the right to determine other people’s choices. This is some pretty serious stuff. It’s usually interesting when you find the most aggressive and zealous religious people and you simply change the rules moderately on them and see how they like it once they’ve lost their power. Power being the thing everyone loves most. In a world where people piss on each other because of status, one learns to take the piss even at a young age.

So maybe we say that men and women are different. Certainly every religion seems to think that a separation of men and women is necessary. In most hyper conservative religions, women are meant to live in a house and men are meant to be outside. Certainly in some cultures, the men give themselves over to hunting and the women do the agricultural work. This would mean staying at home but not necessarily inside. One can imagine however a world where men and women do the agricultural work together and don’t worry about it too much. And as far as hysterical decisions about rape and abuse, we talk about that from the very beginning to children and we create a very safe environment for them to grow up in. I don’t know really but little details like allowing for sexuality in males and females with full understanding of males and females as to what’s going on. The answer of course is don’t make a baby and don’t do this with people you don’t know. It’s not a hard thing in a world where we teach people to be respectful, beautiful and helpful.

Maybe I have asked for two votes but I still think it’s really one. What if we created a vote where the women were allowed to make all decisions for women and men were only allowed to make decisions for men. This would be an interesting political debate. Certainly if the women were prone to moods, we would start establishing a routine that probably seems a lot like it does for people in prison. Men learn to get along well with men but, because it is a political split, good luck getting any appropriations for guns. Y’all might be frustrated but you can’t go to war to get out of it. Let’s get back to work on making sure those checks are on time and the roads don’t have too many cracks in them.

It’s interesting but maybe it’s fair. Maybe it’s fair to allow self-determination for females away from any laws previously created by males. This is not to say that males should not have a voice or that previous laws deemed good and solid should not be followed. I think they would probably get rid of a lot of corruption laws and laws obviously put in place to favor some business over life on Earth. But I think people always have their hearts in the right place and given the opportunity to excel in the world only by being good to it, I think we might even make some headway on adding some style to things.

Just remember, that line down the middle of the aisle is sacrosanct. No matter how much you want to, and I’m very serious about this, we make it plain to men that they never have any right to cross that line and physically touch in any way any female without her permission. Ironically but unbelievably necessary, it works both ways and a woman has absolutely no right to cross that line and put her hand on a man without his permission. What this means is unilateral physical freedom for all human beings. Again and again and again, add in reasonable education about sex and the ecological function of human life on planet Earth and I think you have some pretty interesting hobbyists trying happily to make people happy along the way. I think you’d have some really good looking easygoing people who know their job ridiculously well and are always happy to help. Maybe annoyingly so when you’re in a bad mood. But at least you know you can sleep at night really well and you never going to have to defend yourself against unexpected violence ever again.

That is eventually what we are speaking about. Could we have a vote about the necessity of violence on planet Earth during the current year? Could we take a vote on whether we wish violence to solve or create our problems? Could we vote on this unilaterally? Could we just allow people the right to vote at least once in our lives for peace? Or for a clean environment? Or for body autonomy? Or even if it’s really necessary to have a job if you don’t come from a rich family. We could vote on that. And then we could vote as to whether or not men have any right to vote in a woman’s life without permission. Does a man have the right to touch a woman without permission? And of course, does a woman have the right to touch a man without his permission? Do we have the right to touch each other without permission?

The answer is politeness. Politeness without violence and maybe the children can play without any lingering feelings of anxiety surrounding them. Perhaps the children could play without any fear of violence because there’s a good solid fence around the compound to keep any animals away. And certainly, humans are quite different from animals and we all know that this is what makes us special.

At any rate, the action of feminization simply requires people to have their freedom of movement removed. Of course, we have packaged deals of travel where you spend money to be fed and shuffled along so you can stare at castles and other interesting points of interest that other people have built during their time on the planet before coming back to your own mundane life. There is a place for use of a year’s worth of money for 2 weeks of pleasure. But other than this, there is the commute between home and work but the isolation of you in your home or at work. Yes, in your free time you can run on pre-built running tracks. You can attend pre-stocked gyms. You can engage in public walking and purchasing. You can take pictures of yourselves. You can even spend money to go on extreme adventures and travel to vast land and spend your money to see exotic pre-packaged things. And then you can return home having spent two years money for 2 weeks fun.

The point is being stuck in your home. What if you really didn’t want to live there anymore and had lots of friends to visit with? What if you had your home but mostly it was just a place and you sort of shared it with your friends and life sort of rotated from place to place? What if as you got older, you got to stay in one place for a while and build it up for yourself so that it was very comfortable for your own needs? And what if once you started losing control of yourself, there was no problem whatsoever having people come and make sure that you’re comfortable and have everything you need. And of course the right to check out and things are not going to get better.

This is what the conservatives want. The conservatives want us stuck as slaves but physically isolated by our homes. If we are there, their voice is louder than any other humans and they can put so much information in there that nothing is possible but to serve one’s function. And of course when people step out of line or start looking for relief from the ridiculousness, they have plenty of police to pick them off to keep things nice for the rest of the slaves. It’s wonderful if it wasn’t ecologically catastrophic.

So let’s vote on it. Do the women need to be in the house? Do we need to protect the women? Do we need to automatically have a place in female life? I’m talking about men. I am a man. I am male. No gender arguments whatsoever. I’m voting as to whether or not I have any right to do anything with a woman without her permission. In my experience, women are touchy sometimes about their territories and they tend to be unpleasant when you make them unhappy. I think we need less violent world to live in with perhaps a little bit more love and a little bit less ice queen viciousness from our females but still, perhaps if we created an environment more conductive to love then hate or drama, we might be on to something for our women. And ironically, I think the first step is simply to let them out of the house. Female freedom unilaterally. We can’t touch them anymore without their permission.

And like, let’s keep things exactly as they now in worst case scenarios. She screams, people will come. I personally say if she screams and people come and it’s a lie that we have a trespasser on our hands. Remember, the men cannot touch the women without their permission but the women have absolutely no right to touch the men without their permission equally. What a world to live in. And I bet you we go a long way towards knocking the population down significantly while we spend the next 50 or 100 years calming down and gardening together.

As a person who suffered the violent mood swings of an unbalanced human as a child, I vote for unilateral body safety. I have many friends of all situations of life and I have seen the results and pain of those subjected to violence. I vote for unilateral body safety and I say we should vote on this unilaterally immediately.

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