Friday feature: How is Kamala?

Where is Kamala Harris right now and what is she doing?

Kamala Harris in Michigan: Action needed on gun violence, economic hurdles

Craig Mauger Jennifer Chambers The Detroit News

Farmington Hills — Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris told a crowd in suburban Detroit Thursday that people are finding the American dream “far more elusive than it’s been” and the country needs to “deal with that.”

Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, laid out her stances on boosting the economy and talked about combating gun violence — and what would happen if someone broke into her home — during a 90-minute campaign event moderated by talk show host Oprah Winfrey.

There was an audience of about 400 people inside the film studio in Farmington Hills and many thousands more watching the discussion virtually. The title of the event, occurring 47 days before the election, was “Unite for America.” It was part town hall meeting, part campaign commercial, featuring actress Julia Roberts, actor Bryan Cranston and comedian Chris Rock.

Harris’ supporters acknowledged Thursday that her race with Republican nominee Donald Trump was close. Her campaign manager, Jennifer O’Malley Dillon, said it was “tied in all of the battleground states.” It’s a contest that has been increasingly focusing on economics in recent weeks, with Harris taking two questions from the crowd on the topic.

“My approach is about lifting you up,” Harris said at one point. “His would be about actually weakening our economy.”


There was a time 4 years ago when we were having a look at the candidates for the Democratic nomination when Kamala Harris absolutely destroyed everyone else. No one else could touch her. She had more fire, directing her attention on to something meant flooding it with light, certainly none of the males could even consider competing with her and the females wilted like flowers in the first frost. This was the alpha bitch. This was the truth coming home.

And she was black. So blah blah blah, they start talking shit. What did she do to get ahead in California? You know how much of a political player is she as opposed to how much of a worker is she? It’s a real discussion. And then of course the Democratic party have the terrible habit of leaving a bad taste in everyone’s mouth for believing that they might actually be the hope for the future. They are absolutely the same and they are completely connected to the Christian demographic. There is no way they are going to take their current inept bleeding-heartedness into any sustainable ideas. They would never put their fist down and simply stop the polluting parts of the economy for the purposes of public health, safety and happiness. There would no possible way that they would remove pain from daily life.

There is another post here about sadism. There is something about Harris that makes her a bit sadistic. It is a characteristic of all modern women these days. It is something that they have to do. I’ve noticed this because I got divorced from a wife and I’ve broken up from whatever other relationships have happened since then. And all the breakups, absolutely each and every one of them, came when it became masochistic to be a part of it anymore. I don’t care what you think about family values. I’m talking about the math on marriages or relationships. Ask 25-year-olds how many relationships they have had. Throw in online based dating and hookup apps, people selling themselves on social media and being online with thousands of sexually based images every single day. There is no such thing as the one and the current system beats that idea so deeply into the ground, it’s odd that anyone should even think about it. Unless you like showing off.

That was a lot of words that say women can be pretty mean. Would you agree with this? Would you agree that the difference between a girl and a woman is her ability to be mean? It’s not hard to understand where the word son of a bitch comes from. The son of a bitch is one who enjoys giving pain to others. The wording is rather clear.

In the case of Christian popularity, Harris is good to go. She is the punisher. She is the one who finds the bad guys and makes them suffer. She’s doing it to Donald Trump right now. They had a debate. They stood together. They spoke together. Millions of people saw them together. And now all Donald Trump has is what Harris will give him. All of his initiative and energy is gone. She took it from him and she’s never going to give it back and he knows it. He knows he probably has prison in his future. He knows his life is over. He went toe to toe with Kamala Harris. Now look at him. He’s already dead.

And I don’t even want to get into the fact that maybe this is what happened to Joe. I mean, You think you’re creating a better team by bringing the woman in but you better be prepared. I have been in such situations. I have been a salesman in a room full of other salesman and I have been in that same room when we’ve added a woman. Especially a woman with some power because she was good looking. Buddy, there is life number one and there is life number two. You are never going to see life number one again.

And I say on a visceral level that maybe this is a good thing. My parents were pretty brutal people. They were car people and they were power people and they were money people. They were pyramid climbers and they didn’t really have very much calm aesthetic to their lives. They were, especially my mom, a complete physical and emotional wreck. As a guy who’s been playing music for 40 years, I did not get any sense of musical appreciation from my parents. They did not have a single clue what listening was about. You couldn’t share music with them with a gun to your head and neither of them supported music in any way.

How did I get into music? Kiss. That’s right. That was loud enough, crazy enough and flamboyant enough to get my attention. No sensitivity whatsoever. That was my first musical encounter.

So maybe Harris is what we need for a wake up call. Is she the perfect female politician? No. I understand that she has some legitimate credibility and that she has done her homework. Nobody’s doubting that she has fire. I only comment negatively that we are not going far enough in the direction necessary to become better world citizens. We are not taking any genuine steps to break the situations that create this unbelievable cloud of pollution we make everyday, 24/7/365.

She won’t go far enough because she is tethered to the party and the party is tethered to the popularity contest known as Christian America. We are not talking about a religion that leads to greater sensitivity or awareness. We’re talking about just the opposite. We are not talking about a fundamental way of living that allows a human being the possibility of a very satisfying existence. We are talking about creating every opportunity possible to play with power and position instead of doing the physical work necessary of maintaining life. It’s about playing games with public games instead of functioning on the function of maintaining the world. I guess it’s also about the illusion that comes along with having some power that you actually have power. It is one thing to have the ability to make people move for you. It’s quite another thing when you can be trusted with this power not to be sadistic. Or corrupt and self-serving which is inevitable.

I do not believe Kamala Harris is in this for the money. I think she has enough money to last the rest of her days and I think her children have an upper level set of opportunities automatically. I don’t think her family will fall to poverty unless they just start throwing bombs left and right and there’s nothing left of anyone anywhere. So I don’t believe she’s in it to get rich like Donald Trump is. I don’t think we will have any of that noise. And I think she will purposely and purposefully attempt to give a few percentage points to workers and families and people who wish to participate in the great wonderful tapestry that is the American melting pot. If you wish to economically move yourself to higher levels, this administration will be your friend. It’s bullshit. It’s just more slavery options. But this is what is being offered.

I would however say that the United States will change the whole world if Kamala Harris starts reading me. If she were to tell people that she’s been reading me and likes my idea of a Utopian future, I’m not talking about getting my vote, I’m talking about the Genesis of a new way of life.

Luckily, there is absolutely no one else to vote for. There was no need for any game shows on either side. Biden politely step aside to let the lady take center stage. Trump got his ass kicked internationally and is now biting time and waiting for the brain aneurysm to finally take him out. I give Trump less of a chance battling against incontinence than I do battling against China. I’m just saying that they’re probably is a way to solve every problem we have even within moments. I don’t think we will ever allow ourselves to do it because of Christian popularity contests putting pressure on the whole world everyday because they believe it’s the way to be. I don’t really believe in Christian presidents. But, I’ll take this woman. Let her do what she’s going to do and I think we will be better off for it.

But if she were to read me and have a thought that maybe I’m right, this might be even better. I understand I’m not going to live to see it. But it might be nice to see the wheels rolling in that direction while I’m still here.


But then again, how far into game of thrones are we really willing to go? Because if we are talking about royalty here, Wood Harris be the fabled queen of the seven kingdoms? So it would appear.

My only question, and I’m speaking here with a mildly Northern or even Irish accent, as if we truly want a warrior to come save our ass. I can’t ever see that war doesn’t beget war. If it worked once, of course it’ll work again. You just pretend that you’re a great person and that you truly can run the entire infrastructure because your decision making is so optimized and perfected and your heart never leaves its center or even mildly allows a doubt. If you are that incorruptible and your way of putting together truth so indelible, I say we use you up. Let’s hear what you have to say. In fact, I would read her blog without question. If she was actually putting words to paper and thinking about things everyday, I would read what she had to say. Maybe she does. Does she?

I went to her official campaign website. It is there to collect money. I wish mine was here to collect money. Mine should be here to collect money. I should work on that too. But no. No daily wisdom to read. Maybe there’s an Instagram or a Facebook everyday. Let’s ask that. Does Kamala Harris do social media? Of course she does. Her thoughts are limited to Twitter and her images go to Instagram. I’m sure she’s on Facebook and whatever other media things there are. I know there’s plenty of nonsense on YouTube if I want to look. And of course she has the regular press, The Democratic propaganda machine and begrudgingly, the truly Christian right propaganda machine as well. They can hate her, but she is unilaterally the target much like Trump has been put in our face. If you’re a boxer, it might not be the real punch. It’s just a jab showing you something but that job will drive you crazy. That seems to be exactly but America wants.

But there was some genuinely unnecessary brutality practiced on innocent people at the end of game of thrones. As if the entire concept was not brutal enough. Literally, the most popular show in the history of everything and it was nothing but a demonstration of British cruelty. This is hegemony. Or, this is human beings following the Torah as if it was a guide book of how to live well on planet Earth. Maybe for the guy at the top of the pyramid it is but for people, this is the worst possible choice that could possibly ever be made. And the entire system was invented by cruel, sadistic and power mad people who simply rose above the law and made us pay for their trip forever.

I personally have had enough of the grandeur of Northern Europe. I personally have had enough of the Empire building and using entire countries or continents as profit making machines. Short-term profits. The goal of one particular place over others. And for what? For power. To become the king of kings. To become the emperor of the planet. To truly control everyone and everything.

It’s a crock of shit. I agree that if I make a plan and I give the plan to people to do it and they listen to it and they don’t give their thoughts at the beginning, I say we follow that plan with alacrity until we find a mistake. And if there is a mistake, we go ahead and we fix it and we get back to business. Anything else is called corruption. Anything else that you talk about other than doing the job that needs to be done is a lie. Letting anyone have power because you think they will be a better leader than anyone else is agreement to another lifetime of slavery. I for one will never knowingly vote for slavery.

If this is the direction we really want to go, if the US is going to continue to be a military dominant country and at the same time be willing to do business with the Russians, I can’t see it. I can’t see having respect for any such entity. It’s just human misery at the cost of the ecology of the planet. It’s monstrous and it makes whoever calls the shots a complete monster as well. It’s easy to look at Trump and say he’s a monster because it’s obvious he is. He’s a demon. He’s an old worthless spent demon. But Harris? How bad does it have to be when we get to the end and we see what really happened with our money?

It doesn’t work. The game of thrones doesn’t work. You can dream of having influence for a thousand years but you’re only going to live one lifetime. Perhaps we shouldn’t allow such thinking. Perhaps we shouldn’t allow any endless generational thinking. Perhaps that’s just not fair to the generations to come. Maybe we should keep things exactly within the range of a human life so we can have a good look at it and even give it a reasonable beginning, middle and ending for everybody. That’s my kind of goal-making and problem solving. That’s the kind of world where we actually want our children to grow up in. Not the belief that it could exist under one flag or another but that it does because we all agree that we want it. That is flagless.

Are we talking about chief executive or Queen of America? Who shall be queen of America? How will it be to have a queen for a change instead of a king? How shall we deal with this new level of ruthlessness because truly, women are stronger than men. At least physically men have power but the moment they are not physically holding a woman down, she runs circles around him forever and ever and ever. And he can try and fight. He can fight as much as he wants.

Anyway, it’ll be interesting to watch, won’t it? I like to watch these things without listening to the pundits too much. Maybe I’ll watch this by asking questions of Google like I did here. What is she talking about? What deals is she making? How is she doing in Ukraine or in Israel? How are race relations in the USA? What are the current gun statistics for people losing their temper and using their weapons? And of course, how profit seeking will the United States be? Looking only at that one statistic pretty much tells you everything you need to know about the future of the world.

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