What is a rainforest

I asked this question of Google. The first dictionary definition I got was this. A luxuriant, dense forest rich in biodiversity, found typically in tropical areas with consistently heavy rainfall. The word luxurious means very rich which is also an adjective that is used. It means uninhibited really. When we think of luxury, we think of freedom and space and perhaps everything we need being available to us quickly. The idea that it’s typically in tropical regions does not mean exclusivity. A rainforest does not have to be in South America to be important.

A bigger idea has to do with the idea of biodiversity. Biodiversity specifically means that the situation is conductive to life. Many living things can thrive in such a place. It is beautiful because it feeds everybody.

Perhaps we have been misled by the term rainforest. This is not to say that I am in any way against any ecological movement to save the rainforests of South America or to stop any well-meaning white people from going down there and making use of experimental frog drugs and such to enlighten themselves. Or to at least find some aesthetic not completely corrupted by civilization. I think this is really more to the point. I am not saying we should quit stopping deforestation in South America. I’m saying we should stop deforestation generally and not lionize brown people just because they have really good drugs available.

I happen to live next to a rainforest. I believe this is a reasonable way to refer to the place that I live because it should be raining here all the time. The water level is low. I have measured that myself many times. And even now, we are well, well, well ahead of normal seasonal scheduling. It is way too hot and the sun hurts. Again, we can be challenging my competence as many people love to do these days. You can say that I have no particular qualification except my own eyes and my own ability to discern the truth. But I have been to the southern part of the United States and I have worked outside in the lowest jobs during the hottest time of the summer and I can tell you what painful sunlight feels like. For anyone who has ever been out to the desert on a particularly hot day you would know this. I’ve been in Phoenix Arizona when the temperature was something like 120 Fahrenheit. I don’t know this but I’m thinking that’s probably close to 45 or 50 Celsius. That’s bloody hot. If you step inside a place that has air conditioning, your pores open up and you might lose as much as half a liter of water in the first 2 minutes.

The problem here is pollution. We have so many different forms of pollution going on now and so many people actively participating in the work of polluting the atmosphere that the world really has no chance. Nature is a very fragile thing. Perhaps it doesn’t seem so if you are not particularly sensitive. If you are not particularly sensitive or particularly insensitive, you might not see anything at all. In fact, if you were Wagner level insensitive, which means the lowest form of biotrash known to man being inflicted upon and unsuspecting population, you might have responses like I got from my computer friend. He explained to me that COVID is not really such a big deal. This is pretty much the same line of thought I ever get when people fixate on me instead of the business at hand. He is also starving, of course. The difference is that he has learned his local rhetoric about how to explain his group to an outsider by watching television in Russian language.

Nobody is supposed to be in English here. There are many good reasons politically why I am the most blocked person in the world. Nobody is supposed to be allowed to hear any alternative views of how to see the world.

This of course is information pollution. Information pollution is the same as air or land or water pollution. And of course, the results of pollution are everywhere. People practice insensitivity. They stress each other. They challenge each other. The thing of it is that when you are sick, you don’t really feel like doing anything. When you are sick, the last thing you want to do is be active or be bothered by anyone else. When you’re sick, all you really want to do is take care of your illness. I think this manifests itself with people basically telling each other to fuck off. And of course, the forests are dying and along with it comes the established media rhetoric saying that it’s okay, we can just use these as new resources now to stave off our starving for just a few minutes longer.

The problem with corrupting a forest however is almost the same as corrupting people. If you break a forest, it breaks a cycle of life. This is the same for breaking people to the point where they are incompetent to help. Just as not having enough oxygen destroys our ability to breathe, destroying people means that a society can’t breathe. The results of both are plainly visible to the eye. Illness, breakdown and eventually death. This is where I am going, whether or not you want to argue my competence to understand that I understand that I’m sick. I also understand why I’m sick which is I guess what makes me unique. Most people here just want to talk to me so they can tell me that I’m not supposed to worry about being sick. My illness is of no importance and I should know this.

I have never fully understood people who smoke. I have always found smokers to be the most disgusting and offensive people. I have never been able to establish even a modest relationship with anyone who smokes cigarettes. People who smoke cigarettes incessantly for example are obviously looking to medicate themselves against something. The obvious answer is discomfort. But the vicious cycle comes because the thing that they use to limit their discomfort is one of the main things that causes their discomfort. If we were talking about alcoholism, we would call this a sugar cycle. All addictions follow the same thing. We have starving people trying to eat something that makes sense but yet eating garbage again and again even though all it does is lead to more starvation. For smokers, incessant use of cigarettes limits lung capacity. Every few minutes they become starved for breath of fresh air but instead of going for fresh air, they smoke a cigarette for the medication.

Today I am very sick. I am very sick because my neighbors specifically went about the task of making me sick. I have become a hobby to fat, self-medicating, unwanted and unloved women who have already eaten the life out of their unloving husbands and now are searching hope against hope to have the opportunity to get their teeth into something fresh. And if I say no to them, they have no restrictions limiting them from attacking further. I am food and they have nothing anywhere that tells them that they are not allowed to eat anything and everything they can get their hands on. They live by the same rules as the hunters who go into the forest to shoot the innocent animals. They lived by the same rules as the people who can buy sections of the forest just to defoliate the place for money. There is no difference between them and the people who keep the car business going just to keep the economy moving so that starving people can wake up and continue to starve.

What I want, what is most important to me, is clean air to breathe. You can blame me for this on some religious level. I am somewhat of an observant Jew in my own way and when I read the Torah, I see that the point of the children of Israel exiting Egypt is to get a breath of fresh air. Maybe it is to go out in the desert and worship God. But if God equals nature, worship means the ability to be with God. I think that means getting a breath of fresh air.

You could also blame me for this because I really did like sports quite a bit when I was young and I do really like having a physical life as I’m getting older. I have never really enjoyed sitting in a chair. It’s not that I can’t do it, I just never really adapted myself to a chair or was ever very happy when I had jobs that had me in a chair. I believe I sold light bulbs for money one time. This was a horrific job but after a couple of weeks I could not even sit down and had to stand up. This work that I’ve been doing over the last 4 years started out as having a desk but that was at a time that I was free to jump on my track bike for 20 or 30 km if I couldn’t stand it anymore. I honestly thought that moving next to a forest and building a garden would satisfy quite a few necessities of my own. I just hadn’t planned on the level of corruption and pollution.

We are now engaged in another pandemic. It is possible that they have invented some kind of vaccine but as someone who has not been vaccinated, I can assure you that it is very much here. But what this pandemic is about is meat. All pandemics stem from diseased meat. All forms of hysteria and war and pollution come from meat. The meat business has been destroying everyone and everything since they wrote the Torah which means it’s been destroying things since the invented society. From the moment where you could actually farm animals, the world has been completely fucked. 

I have more readers locally than I’ve ever had. This manifests itself in many ways. Unfortunately, what happens here is that there is always someone talking in someone’s ear and telling them what they can and cannot do. Everyone is immediately told to take sides and to choose sides wisely. It’s kind of like racism in a way. If you have someone with dark skin living in a place where there are a lot of people with different colored skin, it is incredibly easy to say us versus you. In my case this is kind of strange because I am lighter-skinned than my neighbor lady. But that she feels such power and acceptance probably is the greatest drug of all time. You take starving women and feed them something clean. They just go crazy and keep hitting the pleasure button again and again and again. This explains why both of these ladies in my town have broken husbands and broken children unbroken houses and that the land around them is completely broken. If you give a brainless beast access to drugs, they will hit the pleasure button until they die without caring how many people they take with them.

Someone needs to explain to me how this is not Russia or the United States or Europe exactly. Someone needs to explain to me how practicing slavery via starvation leads in any possible way to societal happiness or even the happiness of a single individual.

I spent a lot of my life being very fat. When I was fat, I really didn’t think about not being fat. I used to think about everything else but not being fat. I understood that I was not really loved for being fat. This was especially true when I first came to Belarus, a very impoverished place that for the longest time held that amazing reputation for being incredibly clean. To be Belarusian meant to knock apricots off trees with sticks as snacks because God was there to provide. Now of course they’ve done away with all of that and you have to go to a supermarket. And yes, they didn’t even used to have supermarkets. They had to make television shows to teach people how to go there. I wish I was joking.

When I was fat, I made some choices that perhaps were good or perhaps were bad. I took a very young girlfriend because I couldn’t see any reason not to do it. If I look at the whole thing right now, I can’t really say that it was a great relationship. I’m not talking about anybody’s opinion outside of the relationship, I’m talking about what it was like on the inside. It had nothing really to do with her level of speaking, it was that we shared physical intimacy without any actual intimacy in it. It was a purely physical relationship and it remained so because this was the way she perceived it. Don’t think for a minute that I took an innocent girl off the street. I’m not going to list the activities of my young friend but she did make me well aware, as did quite a few girls who told me what was available to them in order to make some money, that she was well aware of sex, the body, genitalia and of course,  how a woman goes about pleasing a man. This was all from the internet. I was not an instructor per se, I was a model for her to play with. A perfect one actually. She did mention to her friends how smart she was to get intimate with her English teacher because it would probably be cheaper that way to get your English squared away.

But then I broke up and I stopped being fat. This happens to a lot of people when they break up. You have a lot of extra energy because you no longer have anyone to validate you. If you don’t have a partner telling you that you’re okay each and every day, you end up building up yourself reliance. When Lena died, I lost my friend. When I consider this murder, it comes because I have people chasing me down for my attention. This is corrupt people trying to get validation from an incredibly clean piece of meat who probably has enough money to bring them even more comfort. The problem is, I stopped being fat a long time ago. It came step by step. Passing by morbid obesity and then going to decent heart health through exercise and bicycling. And then finally I found my validation amongst a very small group of friends who at least had some aesthetic sensibilities about what it means to live a healthy mode of living. Basically, I climbed out of the shit and I don’t really want to go back.

So I’m thinking about this today because my skin is crawling. Yesterday, one of my neighbors, now a devoted reader, chose to drive their car back and forth in front of my house six times. Why did they do this, I believe it’s called inoculation. If I point out that the disease gets spread through human movement and especially so from people traveling from town, you have a bit more than a simple crime. You have people weaponizing themselves. And in my case, if you take fat, unsatisfied, unloved and unwanted women who believe they can play with clean meat, like mine for example, you have bloodlust. And if you take a group of fat, repulsive, unloved and unwanted women who self-medicate 24 hours a day to escape their own problems and then arm them with the most vicious meat pandemic disease ever created by man, what kind of bomb do you think we are talking about?

What I’m saying is that we live in a very, very sick society but we seem to do nothing but make it more sick with everything we do. We are following some voice from a million years ago telling us that our leaders know better than we do. And if we add gasoline and industry to the people sitting on top of the pyramids, how do we not see the results? We’re not just talking about biblical desertification, we’re talking about the complete destruction of the planet Earth and all life on it. I guess I just don’t understand why I get to take so much shit just because I see it and the Russians and the Americans and the Europeans don’t wish me to tell it to anyone else.

Nevertheless, I have some recommendations that I think people should listen to. First of all, I think we should address hunger no matter how much it might hurt the economy. The mathematics say that if we quit the meat business generally, there’s a lot more land and a lot more room for forests. If we quit the meat business generally, it is extremely easy to stay local because you can grow abundant vegetables without going very far. You can grow food in an apartment in a city. You can’t really raise animals in town because it is obviously a health risk. But if it’s a health risk in one place, isn’t it obvious that it is simply a health risk?

I also think we should address illness once and for all. This is a combination of venereal diseases or airborne diseases such as Wagner omicron COVID. I think if we actually collectively worked towards putting an end to perpetual discomfort and created some genuine rules to limit the movement and interaction of people who are effected, we might actually come up with a much healthier society despite that there are too many of us.

Demanding that people have a job like they do here is simply abuse of power. If I get followed for being lazy or for simply not paying enough attention to the fat, unloved and unwanted women around me and all of their economic, social and sexual problems, what does this tell us about the world I live in? And in case you want to point fingers at Belarus specifically, how is this not true in Europe or the United States or anywhere on the planet Earth where Europe, the United States and Russia have managed to situate themselves?

And finally I think we should address our economic problems and stop asking people to compete for peanuts. I don’t really think we should be chasing money anymore because the obviousness of how sick we have become, how degenerate the society is and how little value is actually placed on the human life is not just noticeable, it’s cancerous. I don’t know why we cultivate cancer for its potential profit making. Why would any living thing vote for cancer? How do we not end up dead from overpopulation under economic system that demands everyone to own a car in order to compete? How are we not the dumbest people in the history of history?

My recommendation is that we lock down. My more important recommendation is that we stay the hell away from the forest. If it’s a matter of wood, I believe that you can specifically grow trees for lumber. I believe you can plan tree farms and even make them extensively. I also think that if we worked collectively in a specifically agricultural direction for at least everybody who would otherwise be working in sales of useless products that no one needs and do nothing but create more garbage in the world, we would definitely be going in a healthier and more sustainable direction. Add in clean electricity and I think we might just be okay in a couple of years. At least we wouldn’t get any worse.

It just seems that I am surrounded by people screaming at me about how much they hate me simply because I am unavailable to them or because my philosophy and voice are counterproductive to their economic needs. In my experience, when you have people that complain really loudly it’s because they’re starving for something. Locally, you can hear the cows screaming and crying because they don’t have the correct food to eat. They don’t have enough fresh grass or they don’t have enough nutrition because of their prison situation and they scream day and night in complaint. I’m sorry. I come from a family of fat people who liked to scream at me because they were outraged by information that came to them. Now the whole world, thanks to Facebook and social media and an extremely influencing media run by the oil business, likes to cancel each other and throw each other away like garbage because it’s just too difficult to have to deal with each other. And of course I have these two local women, fat, unloved and unwanted looking for even the slightest morsel of fresh meat.

So I think to sum this all up, we are talking about starvation due to deprivation. When Stalin went to Ukraine in the 1930s, he deprived them of their own food so Moscow could eat. Now, we are depriving the world of fresh air, arable land, usable water and somehow we believe that the things we can put in the media to convince people otherwise somehow changes the fact that everyone is starving. Maybe people think they are starving for money but the truth is they are just starving. As a former meat eater, let me tell you one thing that is honestly true: When you stop eating meat, not only does your head clear but you’re hunger goes away. Some people think this means the fire stops. I say it’s just the opposite. The difference is that we don’t need to build a giant blaze, big as an atomic explosion, that goes off like a firecracker and leaves you empty. We just put fuel in there that burns a little longer and feeds us a little better. Take away the starvation and everything starts to live. True for people, true for forests.

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