Who is leading in the presidential race?

Lately I’ve been asking this question of Google. It doesn’t seem to be much of a question anymore. I’ve been sitting on this one site because it is the most direct and I think they use a really complete spectrum of information sources. This is good old 538.

The current line of thinking is that Harris crushes the electoral college and it isn’t even close. It might be possible that the popular vote is again closer than the way we count the votes. But in terms of chances of winning, this is a runaway. Donald Trump is not going to be president again. And he’s doing a very good job of letting everybody know it.

The thing is that he’s done too many shows. He’s punch drunk. He was punch drunk a while ago but whatever interesting ever was in this issue has long ago past its honeymoon phase. I have never been a fan and in fact my opposition to this orange monstrosity is the thing that woke me up politically 5 years ago. Or was it 8 years ago? It changed my life. How could human beings possibly allow this fellow to represent the United States.

That was so many years ago and now we are 5 years into a writing project that theoretically is based on what the genuine social circumstances of the planet Earth are these days. I want to say that it’s hard for me to root for the USA. It is extremely important if you are American that you root for the team. This is nationalism. Nationalism is where you have the sovereign right to do anything you want with your land and nobody can say anything about it. You can make whatever laws you want, fair or unfair and it’s nobody else’s business. Unless you can defeat them in a war. That’s how the world works. We don’t talk about anything. We just make mistakes and then cover them up with bloodshed.

Even starting from that point of view makes anything that comes out of Don Trump’s mouth antagonistic to my ears. I don’t want to hear America first because that is not the solution to any problem. That is the solution to a problem that comes along with a big standing army that says nobody can talk to them. You can’t talk to Americans individually. I’ve come to understand that over the last 5 years perhaps more than anything else. It isn’t that I have gone crazy trying to figure out the complexity of how the world works, it’s just that the world is out of its mind and the United States seems hell-bent to keep it that way.

And here is where Donald Trump loses me. We know he is a bloody liar. He’s a carpet bagger. He’s a confidence man. He is just making it up as he goes along and playing a game called catch me If You can. This is the entire business of the oil business and the military industrial complex right now on the planet Earth. They understand that the consciousness of the human race because of its association with constant stimulus from mobile phones and computers is not as stupid as they used to be.

Oh yes, you can keep them as screwed up as possible and you can use so much of the media bandwidth to show people to that they should continue on their path. Of course you can ruin all possibilities of positive results of global communication just so you can stay in power and making money. Of course they can because this is all they do. There is no other governmental business for the US, for Russia, for Great Britain or any of the powers of Northern Europe. Not for China, not for India, not for anyone in the Middle East. Instead of thinking in terms of managing resources and living a clean life, we do this.

So what do we get from the candidates? From Harris, you’re going to get a dedicated government person who genuinely wishes for life to be better for women and for those less fortunate. I don’t personally think her idea of handing out money to small businesses is going to mean anything because if you don’t have a reasonable place to live, you’re not going to be able to set down a foundation for a business. And we have way too much garbage in the landfill just to have more people get together in a partnership with Amazon to sell shit that nobody needs.

On the opposite side of the aisle though, what does Trump have to offer? Innuendo. He talks like he has been talking for years and for some reason people do not seem to understand that he is a lunatic. He is crazy. He is not attached to any reality that any logic can explain. He is obviously not bound to his words. Listen to what I’m telling you. If you’re going to have someone stand up and ask you to vote for them because you trust them to do a good job, how can you vote for someone who does not put any weight on the words he says?

His connection with totalitarian Russia is absolute. He has been in the pocket of Russia for so long that every single concept of how to run a country seems to be from Vladimir Putin’s personal playbook. The way the Americans talk to their people is extremely similar to how the Russians talk to their people. I’m talking about Donald Trump. I’m talking about just screaming and aggravation how he is personally unhappy with things yet without any intrinsic executive ability to make the problems go away.

Harris on the other hand will work hard. I do not believe she is above making a deal to put herself in power. I think she is a power person in her core and I think this thing that is happening right now is a really good thing. You can say all kinds of nonsense about how the party took control of her and that she is fully in the pocket after 4 years in the co-pilot seat. If there was ever an indoctrination to Washington with softer gloves, I haven’t seen it. I believe she can still bring it. The debate told us that. Trump still hasn’t regained his wits from that knockout. Trump knows he’s dead. Trump is walking dead. He knows he has nothing to fight with next to Kamala Harris.

But the one thing we are not going to get is it true understanding of where the problems come from. If you want to grab a spectrum of ideas of what America might be thinking of as important to vote on, you could go straight to public health, gun violence, prison and prison reform, how much money it takes to live in America and the medical profession and how much the corporations and the military have a say in what happens to our public funds. And the holdings are wide. The wealth of America is not endless but it is beyond the reach of anyone else. They have everything and yet truly they live in the least safe place It is possible to live in. How can you be the richest and the most paranoid?

If I had a real voice in things and I wanted to offer my opinion to the people of the United States of America, I would say that it’s time to go green. I would say to the people of America that we have a fundamental problem with pollution and the pollution is directly connected to our socioeconomic and military systems of government and control. We ask people to move around too much in order to make money. We have to make a fundamental change to humanity to ask people to move around less. We need people to be less ambitious but more perfect in what they do. And, we need to take everybody off the economic system or at least provide a genuine income for people who do not wish to compete.

I’m quite serious about this. If we can play a game called two party politics and make people believe that this is a sensible way to argue about things, with the help of the Russians and our inability to understand Donald Trump, we have a big hot polluted mess with more genuine problems than the world can handle. Why can’t we simply establish and agrarian non-competitive class? Why can’t we have homebody be a profession? Why can’t we have communities come alive where everyone has a vested interest and all of the people who have to scurry to make money in a world that has no place for them now as a general income and an obligation to keep the food growing. I see no problem with this and what I really see is that having an alternative voice will change things.

I have a long memory. When I was a kid, and this was in America, I was afraid of the Americans because we might have a nuclear war with them. And then the Soviet Union stopped existing and we got to stop worrying about nuclear weapons. Now we get to worry about nuclear weapons and Russia all over again. They are the big bad horrible people. Exactly the ones I was afraid of when I was a kid, they are right there as US adversaries. And they can talk to us all day and all night because they can go and do anything they want on the internet. And we have nonsense instead of public discourse. We have personalities and nationalism and every reason to continue being violent with each other instead of putting down our weapons, putting our differences aside and solving the problems of global warming, environmental damages and how to deal with more than eight billion human beings all trying to have some kind of reasonable existence.

So let’s be really clear. Donald Trump is non-competitive. Read his books, watch his TV shows and listen to his speeches. He wins because he believes himself above the law and if he has the power of America behind him, he is unopposable. This is his wrap. Power is also what Harris wants. She says that if she has the power of the government behind her, she can make life better for underprivileged people and women and that maybe this will become a global change. We should respect women more. The only thing neither of them are offering is the genuine alternative voice that says We don’t have to be killers in order to live and we don’t have to give up our vested interest or our rights to have a say in our lives. We need an alternative to the modern industrial slave that is the human population. We need to call it down and we need to stop playing games with ourselves like with these elections.

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