Eco Activism Roundup

Here is a collection of stories from this last week.


In Germany, ecoactivists stopped the work of the largest airports for two days in a row

To me one of the greatest public choices that need to be made is to what length we agree that people can vote. What these people are doing is voting. They are voting because they have no other voting options available to have their voice heard. There is no genuine voice other than commerce but it is obviously and unilaterally commerce that is causing all of the ecological problems in the world and you genuinely need to be a complete nincompoop not to see it.




Monkeywrenching, nonviolent disobedience and sabotage carried out by environmental activists against those whom they perceive to be ecological exploiters. The term came into use after the publication of author Edward Abbey’s novel The Monkey Wrench Gang (1975), which described the activities of a group of “environmental warriors” in Utah and Arizona. Beginning in the early 21st century, the term was used occasionally to indicate other forms of anticapitalist global activism. An equivalent term is ecotage (a portmanteau of the prefix eco- and the word sabotage). Monkeywrenching is distinct from activities termed ecoterrorism, which is often a misnomer and is properly applicable to rogue examples or individuals. In contrast, monkeywrenching is typically motivated by a regard for preservation of life and is ordinarily restricted to two forms: either to nonviolent disobedience or to sabotage that does not directly endanger others.


Climate Week: How Kazakh Students Foster Eco-Activism

It’s classroom stuff. But what else do we have? I think the problem is that we live in a hypocritical society. We can be as open and honest and world-changing as we want in educational situations. But when the students go off into the world, what percentage of them will turn down money when the difference is obviously created especially to foster their choices. Literally, you either choose money or you are the lowest trash in the world. To be noble is to be at work. Millionaires are to be lionized for their work habits even though they never actually leave their chairs. No. This is a world gone completely wrong because nobody in these suits and fancy clothes does a lick of the work necessary to make the world run. And you can show me robot farm versus robot farm but the parts are going to break down and become garbage. Taking away people’s vested interest in the world for profit does not work and the results are endlessly clear everywhere except in the profit margin.

Tire slashings

Using direct action to speak against private automobiles

I wanted to find out how much of a thing this is. Of the most important findings to this query, interestingly enough, people are slashing the tires of self-driving cars. It’s an interesting thought. People believe that they should have the right to drive the car. The cars are the greatest drug they’ve ever found in their life and they will invest almost all the money in their lives and build their lives around the possibility that they have access to everyday drugs.

A very good way to voice your opinion about pollution and people that spread pollution would be to disable a vehicle. There are many ways to attack an automobile but unless they design something to stop this, it seems that they are very vulnerable to a decent blade and a well-meaning push. You probably could use a box cutter but I think you need just a bit of substance in your steel and then you’re good to go. Nice and sharp. 123 go. Capoosh. Darn thing has a broken leg that needs to be fixed physically and financially. Do that two or three times and a person starts rethinking how wonderful that car actually is.

Just stop oil

You have to appreciate the pathos in arguments like this at the least. People will go to extremes trying to communicate with deaf, dumb and blind people.

I checked in with our favorite group of British protesters, the company in Orange, just stop oil. They are as always facing hard times. They just keep saying no to oil and oil just keeps arresting them. It seems a bit redundant and masochistic. If you have people consistently doing something and saying something, their needs to be a way for it to be a part of public consciousness once and for all. Noam Chomsky famously defended even the Nazis right to protest. Theoretically in an open society, people should have their voices. It also behooves a society to teach critical thinking and to have basic standards for what they do and do not allow. Hate does not need to be on the ballot in human existence. And if you ask me, the hate is not on the side of the oil protesters here. They are walking bald-faced directly into the heat inferno that is currently humanity. Give credit for bravery.

How far do we have to go to be heard? At what level do we pitch our voices? How naked do we have to be? How much free stuff do we have to give away? How much of our souls do we need to offer? Our time? And this is all above and beyond the call of duty and obviously something we’re not really getting paid for. How much do we have to give to be heard? We know we are not on the profit side of the equation unless you consider a livable habitat for all of the natural things in the world valuable. Not valuable for your ability to stay in a really plush automobile and get blowjobs from professional women at your whim, but valuable for all living things. Not only you. Not only your ability to acquire drugs. For all living things.

I think this is the clarifying point. There is more to this. It’s not that I’m the only one who thinks this way. It’s that everybody who is thinking thinks this way.

We have to get real. That means each and every one of us needs to understand that there comes a time to turn off the party. That’s you and that’s me. Sometimes we just have to turn off the tap because we are better off without it. We might enjoy life better when we can jump in the car and pick up a pizza and be back in 20 minutes no sweat no effort and no problems with the old heart. But we might be better off in a lifestyle where that just doesn’t exist. Go ahead and bake some bread with some tomato sauce on it. Knock yourself out.

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