Torah Thursday with vegan edits from Hillel

From Chabad.Org, Bechukotai in a Nutshell (Leviticus 26:3–27:34)
The name of the Parshah, “Bechukotai,” means “in My statutes”.

G‑d promises that if the people of Israel will keep (Their) commandments, (The good people) will enjoy xxxxxxxx prosperity and dwell securely in their homeland. But (G-d) also delivers a harsh “rebuke,” warning of the exile, persecution and other evils that will befall them if they abandon their covenant with (Nature).

Nevertheless, “Even when they are in the land of (really unpleasent people), I will not cast them away; nor will I ever abhor them, destroy them or break (Our) covenant with them; for I am the L‑rd their G‑d.”

The Parshah concludes with the rules on how to calculate the values of different types of pledges (social contributions) made to G‑d/nature, and the mitzvah of (sharing) produce (such as pumpkins and zuccini, to other good people).

Commentary: Seven steps in a good direction


Vayikra (Leviticus) Chapter 26
3If you follow My statutes and observe My commandments and perform them,
4I will give your rains in their time, the Land will yield its produce, and the tree of the field will give forth its fruit.
5Your threshing will last until the vintage, and the vintage will last until the sowing; you will eat your food to satiety, and you will live in security in your land.

Yeah, rain. That’s what we need. We need regular rain. We need clean rain. We don’t need rain that brings down the garbage that gets thrown up in the air everyday. We don’t need undrinkable rain water. Undrinkable rainwater is unthinkable. Who could ever make decisions that would lead to undrinkable rain? The answer is people who make money off designing rainwater treatment plants. The people who create filters for our water. The people who help us live with a completely destroyed nature in an economically fortuitous fashion. The garbage makers. The pyramid people. The slavery folks. The Christians and the white folks and all the other misery lovers. They love destroying nature and people because it’s the most profitable thing that has ever been and ever will be. 

I’m not running a church. I’m not asking for followers. I like a little physical labor now and again if I need the help but I don’t want anybody on the payroll. I don’t want to have a payroll and I don’t want anyone to need to be on anyone’s payroll. I just like to be able to call my friends and ask if they can help me out when there’s something I can’t do that needs to get done. I also think I’m a good person if I have at least some skills to help people when they might need it. We can argue about the skills we acquire but I’m just saying that I think we should all work on ecological skill sets rather than playing up and doing serious practice in the harm business, the control business, the security business and the outright killing business. I can’t really think that I would very much like to live in a world where I have to call a friend to kill somebody for me. Sorry, just can’t do it myself this week. No, that’s not the world I wish to live in and people who believe otherwise are not the people I wish to live with. 

I’m only pointing out that the entire first portion talks about agriculture. Just be good to the land and let the land be good to you and be thankful for what you get and for how you feel living in such a clean world where all you have to do is worry about having enough food for you and your friends. 


6And I will grant peace in the Land, and you will lie down with no one to frighten [you]

Everything after this is bloodlust and the hate and violence. The Bible is pretty good about telling us in great detail about all the violence in the world. In the Hebrew Bible, there are obvious bad guys. They are the slave drivers. We whip them pretty good in the beginning and then we get ready to do battle with a violent world. In the Christian Bible, well, it shows you what happens to activists and other intelligent people trying to do good things to help downtrodden people ruined by those at the top of the pyramid. You’re not supposed to be good to the help. People get angry and like to hang guys like Jesus up on crosses to teach everyone else a lesson. Don’t mess with the slaves unless you want to get crucified by the state. 

How do you want to play this? Christianity is the most popular language in the world, they love to say. Christians love saying that popularity contests are democracies. That’s not quite right. Democracy is where every individual has a vote that is used as a means of dealing with publicly held resources. If people are going to live communally, you have to work for the community a little as well as for yourself. There needs to be a good symbiosis all around. That’s democracy. Everything else just makes us all meat and devalues our lives into commodities. Everything else is without a soul. Everything else is 1984 dystopia. Everything else is slavery. Everything else is Europe, China, America and Russia. Everything else is death.


Vayikra (Leviticus) Chapter 26
10You will eat very old [produce], and you will clear out the old from before the new.
11And I will place My dwelling in your midst, and My Spirit will not reject you;
12I will walk among you and be your God, and you will be My people.
13I am the Lord, your God, Who took you out of the land of Egypt from being slaves to them; and I broke the pegs of your yoke and led you upright.

After this, it starts getting into the bipolar stuff again. I think it’s about frugality really. But maybe it’s about more than that. Eat what you have before you start looking around for new. I get really tired of people being nice to me and giving me gifts of food that I don’t ask for. I’ve even taken to being really rude just because I really don’t want people giving me food I don’t ask for. The reason I do this is because I run my life based upon the resources I have and I try to be very unwasteful. I really don’t like making a lot of garbage. I don’t mind recycling organic material. I have to do better at that actually. I’m just talking about not always looking for something new rather than simply enjoying something you have. 

I was so sick at the beginning of this week that I realized anything with salt, sugar or oil was going to bring back the inflammation. Normally your body can handle it but somebody had doused me with the deepest form of COVID they could find, and continually inflicted this. They had me on the canvas, unable to move and unable to sit still. So bad. 

What a humbling experience to find that simple food is okay. I couldn’t eat a big bowl of oatmeal but I could eat two tiny cups of it and be okay. I didn’t need so many additions to the food. Just something simple with a lot of beans in it and some good carbs with greens. It is all you need. Porridge. Porridge with fresh picked greens. Did it help? The day I went to brown rice and greens, I was up again. It was like my body just righted itself. It was the thing I needed. It was correct food. 

So I think that getting your actual number together, knowing how many calories you personally require, either takes a lot of effort or you accept some publicly held ideas about 2000 to 3500 calories a day. You can investigate the statistics from different cultures. I genuinely have no idea how many calories I’m ingesting. I can only count how many bowls of food and how large the bowls are. I can eat some pretty big bowls and be happy about it. Sometimes I like eating too much. It helps me go to sleep.

You don’t need to be anal retentive about this. There’s no such thing as too much food. And you never can tell when you actually have friends come by who need a meal. Maybe you just want to hang out and making a meal is what you do to keep yourselves kosher in the conversation. Nobody likes to sit around with alcoholics and other such belligerent people. They spoil the atmosphere. Better if everybody helps. That’s usually the case. At least table games, right?


And then we start getting into the persnickety nature of taxes and assigning value to things. As a Utopian thinker, I can’t help wonder why it’s necessary. They have that communist phrase that says from those who have to those who need or something like that. The idea is that everybody does the best they can and if we are all honest with each other, everything’s going to work out. What does this mean? Well, if you got a guy who is really good at math but absolutely sucks at heavy lifting, give him the math problems. But also, give him a little heavy lifting just like we need to give a little math to the heavy lifters. We want to be fair and everybody’s got to pull their load. I think this means everybody does all the jobs and this is not an original thought for community life. But it also means understanding that there are those who are more adept at certain things than others. If we don’t use this to create situations of dominance, we probably remain sustainable for a long time.

If there is a however to this, I think it’s just the microcosmic/macrocosmic idea that this idea of producing for your community and for yourself also applies to communities who might be in need to assist other nearby communities. I’m not actually sure of the mathematics that say how big a community should be. Having countries like China, the collective misery of Europe, America and especially Russia seem to say that if you start grouping together people at too large a number, you get pyramid people with nuclear weapons who just don’t mind destroying everything they feel like destroying when they’re in a bad mood. You get to really hate Jews when you’re not Jewish and you’re old and your heart is dead and the hope is gone. It’s really bad when you know the depth of your flaws and believe there are perfect people out there. That’s just shameful really.


A friend of mine told me he was a chess player. I asked him if he had ever seen the movie Looking for Bobby Fisher. He didn’t understand the question and only heard the name Fisher and then immediately pointed out that he was also an anti-semite. My quip was that this was only later in life when the bitterness had set in. Am I speaking against having old leaders? Yes.

I’m actually speaking against global leaders unless they are the collective understanding of the entire United Nations. I would take decisions made by a democratic vote by the planet. They just need to get rid of the security council and then everybody gets to keep their money and the men get to stay at home and help out with the agriculture for a change. More kindness and veggie growing, less killing practice with too much free time. Less useless people who think of death all the time. That sounds like a healthy thought to me.


About donating a portion of your field, I don’t know about this. I am in favor of everybody having some land to work with. Of course there is some land that is better than others but if we are trying to be civil and keep the peace, all things are negotiable. You can always move around from place to place. Maybe this adds a collective field identity to all individual properties. My neighbors love this but they believe that only killing is the way to be. I’m tired of discussing them so let’s stay with good ideas instead of bad. Let’s talk about keeping it going in a clean working state before we have to spend all of our money and time trying to come up with cures for the diseases we have caused.

But if you’re going to work in partnerships, I think this is a good idea. I don’t know if there is a right way or a wrong way to do anything but on my little piece of property, I have places that are for God. Let’s not overstate this because I’m not looking to be a religious leader. I just leave some places alone. There are some places that are mine and I try to grow food there but there are places that I just leave alone and let happen what will happen. God is the greatest landscape artist of all time. And it’s always different. You never can tell what you’re going to get. All you know is that it’s supposed to be there. That’s the thing about gardening with God. You can’t argue so you might as well just learn.


Part 6 is about priests. Am I a priest? No. I mean, I think we all have sacred duties. I know that when my dad got really old, I really wanted to be there for him. I felt this deeply. It was a part of my DNA. I think if you notice how deeply you feel something and it correlates somehow to the Torah, okay, this is priest level stuff. If you find something is in the Torah and it is actually sacred to you, okay, you are religious.

My problem is in living in a slave society where you have people who are professional priests. I can’t get into any negative thoughts about people I know but I do know some priests who are not particularly religious people. Or maybe better said, they are very religious people but they are in no way priests. I had an interesting discussion with a very priestly religious person about another religious person and, being the nice guy that he is, he told me that it’s just something that we all have to live with. The guy is not a holy man so don’t pretend that he is. He dresses like it, he’s supposed to play the part of it, but it’s not really the real thing. It’s like those Catholic priests who allow their sexual urges to take over while having power over young boys. It’s not the kind of thing you really want to allow in the world. I think this says something about the priest class in general.

I also want to reiterate that the essence of vegan Torah reading has something to do with the difference between being general and being specific. I have a dice baseball game that can be played with infinite anal retentive specifics or you can eyeball it. I find eyeballing it is better. I’m saying this because when you read Torah, the book is written in a very bipolar fashion. There is the moment of benevolence and then there is ton after ton after ton of misery. I think all I’m trying to say is that you can actually study each and every line as if it was, pardon the pun, gospel. Or you can take a bit of an overview and say here’s the good stuff and now here’s all the misery. Truthfully, I don’t really see that misery stuff in nature. Nature is pretty good about having an overview. Nature takes its time. Getting too bogged down in the numbers is really not good for anybody. It takes too much energy. Just be fair with each other, be good to each other. I think that’s enough for everybody.

And if you really need a priest, find a friend, explain to them the concept of a priest as it pertains to your mind in this moment and ask them to wing it for you. I’m thinking the percentage of good versus the percentage of bad that comes from a good honest effort is all you need really. Everything else ends up with the lawyers and bookkeepers, doesn’t it?


Now we’re back with real estate.

Food, clothing and shelter, reasonable education and available medicine. How about these things are free? How about we base these as the essence of future ideas of community. How about we work together to make sure our people have what they need. From those who have to those who need, from those who can to those who can do other things. To nurture and not quantify. To aid life, to participate in life and not to give one’s soul to death seems to be the way to live. Not being a killer is much, much nicer than actually being a killer.

Right from the beginning I imagine that there would be a really severe change in the public budget of most countries if all the rules about military participation were the same except that the soldiers were taught to use mops and brooms and scrapers and shovels instead of weapons. If military service was about major public agricultural projects and land restoration, getting rid of the weapons alone would make us all rich. And hey, I don’t know if sending our young people out and about is a bad idea. This is especially true when you don’t want to be a child anymore but can’t not be a child because you’re surrounded by parents who knew you when you were growing up. I think it’s a good idea having people disappear for a little while. I like this kind of public service better. And besides, co-ed non-violence is not a bad way to find one’s life partner.

I’m not a religious leader. I’m a writer. But then again, so was the guy who wrote the Torah. So was the guy who came up with the concept of writing things down. So was everybody who learned to read the written word and understood that once something made its way onto a page, it had significance.

Am I a religious leader? No. I’m a writer. If you’re not a writer and only a reader, well, please don’t come to me to solve too many of your problems that can’t be solved by just reading my words. If you don’t get the gist of all I’ve put in writing already, find a friend, explain to them what in your mind the concept of priest means and then ask them to help you out. This can be a person or if you really want to be just like me, you can go and listen to your garden. Your garden will tell you everything it needs and all you have to do is listen and be a good person and everything usually comes out okay. Maybe this is a case of God explaining to us what the concept of a priest is supposed to be and then giving us the job hoping that we will at least make a decent effort at it. If you don’t mind this point of view, that’s good because I don’t mind it either.


Just a last Shabbat Shalom. If you know the prayers, you know what this means.

The Belarusians, those who were the best people during the time of human unity, they used to be so sensitive that even thinking about someone who was bad would make you sick. That’s how people would talk about others. They were never so insensitive as to use all of the words. Like me for example. But still the inference was so clean that no one could not understand it. They are visual people. This is visual confirmation. They acted out. They spit. Don’t put that thing in my mouth. You didn’t have to say that the bitch next door did this and this and this and the baby is going to die etc etc etc. You say that one, the dark one, and then you spit on the ground because it’s the evil.

That’s what shehakol is about. It’s not about the grains and the fruit. It’s not the bread. It’s all the other stuff that you don’t need but that you just like. The party stuff. Or, if you’re doing the vegan thing, it means all the unclean stuff. You have to keep that in mind because meat is clearly mentioned in shehakol. I understand in Israel it’s just a drinking toast for non-group drinking. Thank you for giving me some alcohol basically. Meet is included in this.

Again, we have a version conflict. The alcoholics think I’m saying yeah! It’s time to party. It’s time to hit nukes. But if you’re one of those Zen monk vegan writer philosophers, and playwright, you are thinking that it’s just the opportunity to roll around in the shit. Again, we can talk about eating pork as being kosher or not kosher and of course, all of the heart cases, the mental cases, the deranged, the constantly harassed and easily inflamed, the absolute most worthless, energy and resource squandering lunatic assholes the world has ever known, shooting guns at anything that moves and clearly poisoning the atmosphere with such abandon it becomes clear that they have never seen the sun a day in their life.

It isn’t just that they die a little earlier or a little later according to the statistics. It means the heart is going to say today is not your day and then you’re a hospital, I can’t say the word but it’s the people who just can’t do anything anymore because they’re too fucked up. Stroke. You want to ask me about diabetes? Do you want to talk about how difficult it is to be Mr sensitive when you can’t even feel your fingertips? Do you want to talk about what you get when you start eating dead citizens?

They tell you that it’s cancer. They tell you it’s heart disease. They tell you that smoking is not really good for you. They tell you that leading an inactive and self-medicative life is literally suicide. Throw in this romance with being a contagion, you have to explain this shit to me.

I’m reading Charles buskowski and I’m laughing my ass off. He’s such a funny alcoholic. He is a great alcoholic storyteller and he does tell some of the greatest alcoholic stories. I laughed. I really did. It’s just his way of talking when you clearly are so disconnected from life and unbelievably connected to the distribution of words explaining what you’re looking at, you really can turn a phrase so interestingly and beautifully that it drives you crazy. I know, if you are illiterate your person you probably think that I am reading pornography. If this is pornography, I like it. Give me more. And you’re not hurting me because as far as I understand it’s literature that makes you laugh and if you have that, who the fuck are you to tell me I’m wrong?

And I always go back to the day of Lena’s funeral. That was a bit of pornography. The death of Lena. Maybe I should have told that story in a different light. Maybe I should have not stylized it and tried to fit it into content necessary to fulfill a newspaper. If I had not been working but writing as a writer, there’s a difference, how would I have framed out that story?

But that day it was just the crutches helping me get back to my piece of land from the cemetery. And then from the top of the hill, quite cinematically with the sun shining behind her, came a bicyclist. I could see she was a bicyclist and I could feel that she was smiling at me with the love of something. I knew what this was. I knew it as small town stuff so I didn’t really take it personally. Don’t people have any pity? Did anybody ever understand that that woman was not my bloody nurse. She would show up give me an unbelievably necessary shoulder rub and she’d clean the shit off my floor that I was putting there from my abscessed foot. Very nice of her but there were no rings exchanged and visits really never lasted more than about a half hour. I never sat down and drank with her in my life. I don’t remember any deep conversations. I just remember listening to women babble at me about all the stuff that was going on in town. Mighty nice of her but we’re not talking about intimacy, we’re talking about I really nice local woman who ended up dead. Not my girlfriend but just as dead.

But then there was this bicycle woman. I waited. I waited next to Vanya’s house. Vanya is fucked up in the legs. And the back. He’ll be the first one to tell you about it. Vanya is a Ukrainian by the way. If that means anything to you, let it mean something to you but he lived right there where I was stopped waiting for the bicyclist to make her pitch. Vanya has the same ESP I do and popped his head out the door just in time to watch the show.

In a nutshell, the church had told her that I needed a woman to help and that she was ready to do the job. I looked her up and down and decided I could do my own fucking laundry. She was really upset to be rejected. There was absolutely no possible way that I could refuse this gift. She was just showing up and helping a friend out. Just doing a job that needed to be done. Well, she had come by for those neck rubs because I needed neck rubs and the only question in my mind is whether or not this follower of Christ would start digging in with workers hands into my bloody shoulders taking every tension you could have away. She was is zatoyichi. She was the blind Ronan masseuse. Was she a swordsman? I’m not even going to go there.

I told her no thank you. I didn’t really need a replacement girl. I liked the girl I had but if she wasn’t going to be alive anymore, I think I’d have a look at my situation without a woman in my life. Especially one that I’ve never met. And especially one that is so enthusiastic about giving her love away. Maybe she should try Vanya. She did not like that idea. She didn’t like any of my rejection. She didn’t really like being made to work. She didn’t like being told no. She was turning uglier by the moment.

I did call her though. There was a time where I thought that getting my house cleaned might be pretty cool and if I had a Christian willing to kick it up for 10 bucks or so, let’s go. I don’t feel any desecration to have a good cleaning woman. Hey, let’s mop the floors and get the spider webs out of here, make the kitchen shine and thank you for your service. God bless you.

But we never got that far in the conversation. The moment I asked her to talk, I got the Christian double talk back. Why was I even asking her to talk? Oh boy, God forbid I should actually like the cleaning woman. We are not talking about anything and not even shoulder rubs. God forbid I should actually like the human being I’m inviting into my house. So we’re not going to talk? Oh, she could talk. She wanted to talk about religion. Yeah, I figured that might be part of it. You know I’m Jewish right? That didn’t mean anything. But then she did ask me if it hurt me to know I was going to hell. I could have quipped that I already knew would hell felt like because I live here but, I’m not sure they allow private gardens that are so lovely it makes you smile in hell. We keep getting house dusted inhale juice but no, they demand that I am a part of the city that doesn’t exist here. They are the only city dwellers and yet they live like they should be in an apartment in town. They go through all of this misery and money instead of just renting a flat in town and living exactly like they live now amongst other people doing the same thing. Why do city people need to live in the country except to kill me? And who am I?

I told her, the cleaning lady, that there is no hell in Judaism and there is no devil. The earth kind of opens up and you fall into a hole. You can illustrate that picture in any color red you wish but at the end of the day, there was no talk of burning oil or pitchforks. Just into the hole motherfucker and that’s it. But then she asked me a curious thing about being afraid of the devil. I really wanted to quit here, purely bukowski style, that she was physically and acting the work of the devil at this moment. I wanted to question her about that? Why, in a country so sensitive that people would rather spit then talk about something terrible are you bringing up your own personal idea of the worst thing possible and just hand it to me as a part of my we would like to welcome you to the neighborhood package? The verb is called deviling. You develed me, you little devil you. What the fuck are you selling me with this Christianity bullshit? What kind of Satan worshiping cults are you a part of?

The thing is or has something to do with being a Christian married lady. I really can’t speak with great authority here. But as a person who has been a part of the lives of many many many teenagers, I get to watch people grow up and do the same sorts of things. Social media allows this more than personal connection so we drift apart but still, there they were. But what seemed to happen every time is something about sexual freedom happening. And then suddenly there was this strange combination of people who were supposed to enter into a contract to alleviate each other’s tensions by sharing everything with the world. And I’m not talking about Facebook. I’m talking about we get to be tramps, we get to be tramps. We don’t have to be good children anymore. We are free to be whores now. We’re married! It’s our time to be whores.

God damn. I say God damn that’s a hard life. I kept thinking of it the other way. I kept thinking of it that being single was purely fucked up and that if I met someone I liked and could handle my sexual needs, and I was good enough at handling hers, throw in a conversation and I say I’ve got my new partner and I’m good to go. You’re telling me this was the concept of marriage? I was like the on button to a contraption that had no off button and that was my role in life? No wonder everybody is an alcoholic. And really, what came first, the alcoholic or the alcoholics wife?

So maybe the word means all of the gentiles shit. All of the stupid shit. All of the unnecessary shit. I think that is the exact meaning of what the prayer is about. It’s the prayer for all the things that God creates. The inference is it’s all the stuff that is antagonistic to life and stinks to high hell and ruins everyone’s life just because when you smoke cigarettes and get drunk you feel free. May you all enjoy the devils world because you shall never have a day of rest again. There ain’t no way you could get there because you don’t even know you need it. You just keep waiting for the heart attack that will come. You want to laugh at everyday when it doesn’t get you and you get to be all free to be belligerent and not give a fuck? Try giving a fuck.

I’m not a holy man. My dad had a heart attack at an age I was passing through a few years ago. I decided I did not have to take it passively and studied enough about heart disease and mental illness and social developments and the infrastructure and the oil business and the war business etc etc, Nazi politics, that I was sure that a vegan diet would kind of minimize the plaque in my arteries and take quite a bit of the stress out of my life and allow me to take it easy. I liked the sound of that. My living depended on being kind to people so I don’t ever remember this shit that I take now. People always kind of respected me as being someone who really had to work very hard to be nice. Students and their parents. You can’t just beat them. You have to physically do something to get them to be better students. You got to dig in deep. People respect what it’s like to be someone who is really sick of people at the end of the day. Minimum tolerance and all of that. Teachers are breed. I did my 20,000 hours.

So I think literature is a pretty interesting thing to play with. They have audio books now. I can listen to an audiobook and water my field, a task that I’m really starting to like. This new watering system is turning out to be all that and a bag of chips and I even get a pair of showers out of the deal. I like dealing with words. I like the effort of making things come out just the way you like them. I like actually making people laugh or I believe I used to. Now my words are only hateful. I don’t want to say anything but I have to give my comment. I’m a teacher. I keep teaching the same lesson over and over and over. I keep teaching the lesson that we need food and we cannot poison the land. And they keep telling me that resources are endless. And I keep telling them that the world is already fucked. And they tell me that they are alcoholics. What did I expect? Really, they are just alcoholics. What did I expect?

Well that’s cigarettes and alcohol for you. That’s what happens to Russian wives. They are free which means they are free to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol. They are married. They can fuck, they can smoke and they can drink. And if they’re a man they can work. And if they’re a woman, well they can find a job. And then they get to smoke cigarettes when they don’t feel good and drink alcohol at the end of the day and they can spend all of their lives trying to hold it together. Just hold it together. Don’t worry about it. You go to work first thing in the morning just like every day. When you wake up from this, you’ll be fine and for the next while, while we can keep this party going, let’s just let it flow. There’s a party going on. It’s time to let it go.

So I think that’s what shehakol is about. I don’t drink alcohol anymore. I quit about 5 years ago because truthfully, I never liked it. My dad never liked it either. My dad was a health nut. I think that’s what happens when you don’t drink. When the clarity becomes something you like, you know, you have different tastes. I was never my dad. He didn’t smoke and he didn’t drink but he did eat a lot of restaurant food and drive a car a lot. You spent a lot of time moving his body to be available to decision makers. My pop was a salesman with a Japanese background. He wasn’t just a whore. He was a geisha.

It’s time for me to finish this little ceremony. I’ve made a decent effort at making bread. It’s got a ton of stuff in it and so many ideas but it tasted a little good and I cooked it dry with an oatmeal coating. Such good bread. There is also a hummus to live for. The last plan is to cook some greens in some oil. Can’t stop, won’t stop, just a little oil for the pot on Friday night and to grease the wheel. Probably that’s going to mean inflammation but what can I say, I like the taste of fried veggies. Everyone does. Some noodles? No no no no no.

And that’s it. Tonight you’re a part of the ceremony. Thanks for listening to me make this little speech. I hope it was informative. And I also hope that whatever your routine is to greet the Shabbos, I hope you are enjoying your senses and the sensual experience of life in this most beautiful of times. When the breeze is so soft and the sun is warming but not killing and there’s always a little water in the air. We have to feed the trees because the groundwater is bad and they never stop killing. But what they are killing is so beautiful. It’s such a shame that they’re too dirty to see it. They can’t stop licking themselves. They can’t rest. They are afraid of the whole they will fall into and how much it will burn. To even contemplate what they have done would pretty much be the end of it.

That’s why I go another way. Shabbat shalom. Peace to all of us everywhere. Let us have a nice rest. Don’t worry about a thing. Every little thing is going to be all right. Have a rest. No cry.

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